Chapter 5: Squad Goals

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Squad, noun.
The name given to the ones who are always there for each other, and who don't let circumstances change their love for their friends. You know... When you're just goals af.

Chapter five: Squad Goals

"FREY! EM!" I yelled, as I caught sight of their car pulling into the driveway through the kitchen window.

I bolted through the door and round to the front door, and pulled it open.

"JORDYN NEXUS! AND ABOUT TIME TOO!" Yelled Freya, laughing.

"Do not quote G-Mod at me," I laughed, hugging her tightly.

"Hey Jord," laughed Em, climbing out of the car after Freya.

We hugged as well, and then looked at each other.

"Oh my gosh I'm so excited!" Burst out Freya, and the three of us started laughing again.

"Girls," said Josh, shaking his head.

We turned to see he and Simon were standing in the doorway, watching our happy reunion.

"Do not mock me, Joshua," I giggled.

"Oh my gosh, you guys," grinned Emily, going over to greet the two boys. "I've not seen you in ages!"

"How's it going, Em," grinned Simon.

After everyone had finished their 'reunion rituals', as Freya had aptly put it, we loaded my stuff into Freya's car.

"There's no room for Jordy now," laughed Josh, looking in through the window.

"It's cool, we can take her," said Simon. "We were gonna come help you guys unload anyways, since Jordyn thinks we never leave our rooms, we had to prove her wrong."

He looked at me with a completely serious face, but I somehow knew he was joking around, and rolled my eyes, laughing.

"You just can't deal with me leaving already since I've only just come," I said, pretending to pummel him in the stomach.

He caught my wrists, and stopped me, smirking.

"That's closer to the truth than he'd like to admit I think," commented Josh, with a smile.

"Hey, it's not everyday your Australian friend from the other side of the globe turns up in your own country, is it," grinned Simon.

Josh shook his head, and looked at Frey and Em.

"What are we gonna do with these two," he stated.

"Stick 'em in a big jar of water and screw the top on," replied Freya.

Emily rolled her eyes, laughing.

"I have the weirdest friends on record," she complained. "You guys come out with the strangest things, it's like a gift."

"Baby, I was born this way," I said, in a weird voice, and they all laughed.

"Come on, idiot, get in the car," said Josh, giving me a friendly shove in the direction of the garage. "We'll meet you guys at the house, yeah?"

"Sounds like a plan," nodded Freya. "We'll see you there."


"How's it going Jord?"

"It's great, thanks," I grinned, happy to hear my brother's voice, even if it was only through a phone. "I'm in the car at the moment, going to the new house. Man, feels like it's been years since I talked to you but it's been, what, two days?"

"Too long," replied Lachlan, and I could hear the smile in his voice. "Have you caught up with the sidemen yet?"

"Ha, about that," I laughed. "Freya didn't end up getting me from the airport, she had to go and pick up Em from somewhere else so Simon and Josh got me from the airport and I just kinda crashed at their house last night."

"Jordyn!" He exclaimed. "You hardly know them!"

"Oh shut up," I hushed him. "Simon is like my closest friend apart from Preston and the girls. Just don't tell mum, okay? She'll freak out."

"That's an understatement," he muttered. "Just be careful, okay. I worry about you."

Simon was driving in the seat next to me, and so heard some of this. He smirked, and I nudged him to be quiet before he could make a comment. Lachlan was way too overprotective of me, because of things that had happened in the past, but the past was the past, after all. I wasn't that young anymore.

"Lachlan," I sighed. "There's nothing for you to worry about."

"Okay," he sighed. "But if one of them makes a move on you, I swear..."

"If they do you can rest assured that I will do all the ass kicking necessary," I replied, smirking. "Anyway, Vik is here, and he's basically your pack brother or whatever the hell you guys call yourselves, so you can trust him to tell you anything important."

This made both Simon and Josh laugh.

"Okay," said Lachlan, finally relaxing. "Anyway, I need to go because I'm supposed to be at basketball in ten, so I'll talk to you later."

"Alright, have fun, say hi to the squad for me, bye Lachy!"

"Later Jord." I lowered my phone, and hung up the call. I looked at the two boys. "Damn, I was thinking I missed my brother a lot, but then he said he was off to basketball, so now I'm not sure if it's my basketball team that I'm missing more. We were squad goals."

They both smiled.

"It's always hard to leave a team that's like a family," agreed Simon.

"But hey, we can be squad goals here," added Josh. "You know, with the Sidemen."

"If Lachlan doesn't murder you all for looking at me sideways," I retorted. "And it may have slipped your notice but I'm a girl, not a man."

"You can be our sidegirl," laughed Simon. "You're more of a gamer than Jide anyway."

"Wow, shots fired," smirked Josh. "Well, we're here anyway. We better get to the unpacking."

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