Chapter 17: Divergent and Inception

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Sleep, verb.
1.) You are not truly at your full potential until sleep is merely a restoration of lost energy so you can keep living your life that you were having so much fun with the day before.

2.) When you are so at peace with your little world that you fall asleep by accident. That's when you know you're doing it right.

Full marks for either definition.

Chapter seventeen: Divergent and Inception

"Josh was right," stated Simon, smiling, as we entered my shared house with Freya and Emily. "It is cold in here."

"Only coz the heater's not been on, idiot," I laughed, opening the control panel in the wall and turning it on. "We got it fixed a few days ago, remember?"

"Oh right," he nodded. "Yeah, I do remember you saying that now that I think about it."

"You hungry?" I asked him, heading into the kitchen. "I might warn you by the way, today is one of my odd healthy days, so I've literally been snacking on celery sticks while I was editing."

"I'm just a bit hungry," he stated. "We can be healthy together. Got to make the most of it when you're in the mood, right?"

"Right," I laughed, grabbing my celery from the box in the fridge.

"Oh, grapes," grinned Simon, taking out a plastic bag. "Can we eat these?"

"Sure," I nodded. "Okay, well you can use my shower first if you want, and I'll go find Divergent and Inception on Netflix. We are watching Divergent first, by the way."

"Don't suppose it's any point arguing over that one," he laughed.

"No. Now go, coz I want to have a shower too after you."

After Simon reappeared, wearing his clothes he'd grabbed from his house on our way back to mine, I took my own shower. After I'd dried off, I put on a big jumper, (A/N: I think that's a sweater in some countries idk which lol) and some comfy leggings, and went over and jumped on my bed next to Simon. I crawled under the blanket, and leaned against him. His arm came naturally around my waist, I rested my head on his shoulder as the movie began to play. We both were quickly absorbed into the world of 'Divergent', and it made me smile when Simon got as mad and frustrated with the characters as I did. Every so often, he'd take a grape from the bunch he'd gotten from the fridge, throw it up in the air, and catch it in his mouth.

"How do you get that every single time?" I asked.

He laughed.

"It's not as hard as it looks," he admitted.

"Well you're a brave man for not examining every grape in detail before you eat it," I stated.

"I am examining them," he laughed. "I just only pick the decent ones off the stem. Here, see if you can catch this one."

He picked out a grape, and went to throw it up.

"Wait wait, let me check it first," I said.

"Oh my gosh Jord," he chuckled, handing me the grape. "I know I'm a picky eater, but you're actually terrible."

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" I complained.

Simon took the grape off me again, and threw it up for me. It bounced off my nose, and fell onto the blanket that covered our legs. We both laughed. I picked it up again, and had a try myself. This time I caught it.

"There ya go," grinned Simon.

We turned back to our movie, and once Divergent had finished, we started Inception.

"Both of these movies have amazing plot ideas," I said. "I wish there was a Divergent World where we could go and try out the factions system for a day or something."

"That would be sick, actually," smiled Simon. Then he laughed. "Maybe not an Inception world though."

"That would just get very confusing very quickly," I said. "Didn't you do that for one of your Q&A's?"

"Yeah, I remember that," he nodded.

"That was pretty cool, but so much editing!"

I laughed.

"You lead such a hard life Simon, it's tragic."

"Oh whatever," he chuckled. "You're just as lazy as me and you know it."

"You're lazier," I smirked.

"I just can't be bothered to argue," he sighed, smiling at me.

"I win," I said quietly.

"Because I let you."

"I'll just let you think that," I giggled.

Once the movie had finished, I closed my laptop, and got up to put it on my desk. I yawned tiredly.

"You know, I think I have two moods," I said. "Sleep is for the weak, or sleep for a week."

"I'm guessing you're in the second one right now?" Smiled Simon.

I nodded, lying down next to him again. He cuddled me close to him, and I buried my face into his neck.

"What time's your football training tomorrow?" He asked.

"4pm," I replied.

"Let's sleep in tomorrow then."

"I'd be down," I nodded, looking up at him.

His bright eyes were tired, but he was happy. I smiled slightly, and buried my face into his neck again. He chuckled, and I felt him gently running his fingers though my hair that fell down my back. I could feel Simon's chest rise and fall, as he breathed, and as he fell asleep his breathing slowed, and he began to breathe more deeply. And I began to fall slowly and peacefully asleep too.

A/N: I JUST CHANGED THE NAME OF THIS STORY used to be I love you Idiot, now it's 'Definitions' because yeah a few years ago I wrote part of a story and I decided to merge it with the one I'm writing now and it had a really good idea so yeah :)

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