Chapter 64: Advice and Preparations

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Party, noun.
There are many types of parties, but generally one thinks of beautiful dresses, loud music, outrageous decorations, and very late nights. You wouldn't be far wrong.

Chapter sixty four: Advice and Preparations
I was sitting at the kitchen bench in the Sidemen house, texting Freya, when Vik came in with an empty plate, and a can of Red Bull.
"Hey Jordy," he said, dumping his plate in the sink, and turning on the water.
"Oh, hey Vik," I said, looking up briefly, and shooting him a quick smile. "Bet that's the only thing keeping you awake right now," I nodded towards the drink in his hand.
"You're not far wrong," he chuckled, as he began to wash up his dirty dishes. "You going to the party tonight?"
"You mean for Ethan's sister? Yeah, course. You?"
"Yeah," he nodded. "But I blame Kay, she's practically dragging me."
"Is she now," I wiggled my eyebrows at him, and smiled as he blushed, as much as his tanned complexion would allow him. "You'll love it though, it sounds like they've gone to a lot of effort to plan this."
"It'll be okay, I guess," he shrugged. "Parties just aren't really my thing. It's strange seeing people so dressed up, and I feel awkward."
"Aw, I feel ya, to be honest. Me and Simon have literally been on one formal date, and that was before we were even official, arranged by Josh as a double date. We just can't take ourselves seriously, I guess. But it'll be nice to do it for once."
"Jord, can I ask you something," he said, tilting his head slightly. "About Kay, I mean."
"Well, if you want advice, I can barely hold my own relationship together, but I'll do my best."
"What are you talking about," he snorted. "That's rubbish."
"Treasure!" I exclaimed.
"Wait, what?" He asked, completely loosing his train of thought. "Treasure?"
"Sorry," I giggled. "We used to say it as kids. Carry on."
"Oh. Aussie kids are weird."
"Hey!" I protested. He laughed, and continued with his request.
"I just wanted to know if you think I should ask her out. I mean, I know you've only known her a short while, but I think you're pretty perceptive, and I just want your point of view."
"Hmm," I said, nodding, and trying to recall what Kay had said when we'd brought the subject up that one time over in America. "It is hard, because she's happy being friends at the moment, but I know she definitely likes you. I'm just not sure if she's ready for a relationship of that kind."
"Yeah, that's true," he nodded.
"If I were you," I continued, "I would keep the communication between the two of you open. I know it's hard, because you're worried about loosing the friendship you have, but I don't think that'll happen. Tell her you like her, and ask her if she's ready. If she's not, just wait."
"Okay," nodded Vik. "I get ya. Well, thanks Jord. Maybe I'll talk to her about it tonight."
"Do it," I smiled at him. "Tell me how it goes."
"I somehow think you'll be busy with your own relationship," he chuckled.
"Nah, I'm just excited to meet Behz's sister," I grinned. "Anyway, I gotta go back home. Me, Frey and Em are all getting ready together, apparently."
"Apparently?" He laughed.
"Yeah... Frey's idea, not mine!"
"I might have guessed," he nodded, smirking. "I'll catch you later then."
"Bye Vik," I replied, and stood up from my seat at the kitchen bench, to go tell Simon I was gonna head home.

"WELCOME HOME JORDYN!" Screamed Freya, the moment I laid foot in the door of our house.
"Oh my... Freya, Em, are you serious?!"
"You like?" Giggled Emily. "It's not much, but we missed you."
Are you kidding," I chuckled, looking around at all the banners, streamers and balloons they'd put up. "This is amazing, thanks guys." I pulled both of them in for a hug.
"You're on candid camera, by the way," said Freya, pulling away, and going over to pick up her camera from the kitchen bench. "Say hi!"
"Of course you videoed it," laughed, and waved to the camera. "Hi guys."

We talked to the camera for a while, but eventually Freya turned it off.
"Okay guys, we've got a party o prepare for," smiled Frey. "What are we going to do first?"
"Hair!" Said Em. "I really wanna curl Jordy's."
"And have me look like a doll?" I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "No thanks. I'll have my hair braided, and neither of you are talking me out of it."
"Fine..." sighed Em. "You're so boring, you know that? But at least let me braid it for you."
"Okay, whatever," I smiled at her. "And you guys would be impressed with me, I can do makeup now! Even if it is only cheer competition makeup. I finally learnt to do my own!"
"What does cheer makeup involve?" asked Frey, laughing.
"Just a whole bunch of sparkles and glitter in the team colours," I explained.
"Well," said Frey, "let's get on with it. Em, sit down, I want to do your hair."
"Okay, but don't go too crazy," she laughed. "Jordy, come here and let me do your braid."
"If I have to, I guess," I sighed dramatically.
"Yes you do!" They both exclaimed, and we all laughed.

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