Chapter 63: Permanent

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Permanent, adjective.
Lasting or intending to last or remain. Unchanging for an indefinite period of time.

Chapter sixty three: Permanent
The ding of my phone was what woke me up the following morning. I almost couldn't believe that I was finally home again, with my favourite person in the whole world. But here he was, with his arm draped over my waist, still breathing deeply, indicating he was dead to the world, and would be for some time. I reached out to grab my phone off the table, and twisted onto my back to see the screen more easily. The notification that had woken me up was from Instagram - Josh had tagged me in a post. I couldn't help smiling when I saw the photo. That sneaky boy must have been in here earlier taking photos of us sleeping. He'd captioned it 'My work here is done', and tagged Simon and myself. I took a screenshot of it, and reposted it, putting the caption as 'We're good now, I think.'
"I guess we are," said Simon, and I turned to see him smiling lazily at me.
"Morning," said sleepily, returning his smile. "Didn't hear you wake up." He shook his head.
"Good 'Ol Josh, huh? He can get away with posting that, but only coz we owe him."
"We do," I nodded.
"Did you get a chance to call your cheer coach yesterday?" He asked me. The question caught me off guard, and I dropped his gaze, sadly. "Oh," he said quietly. "It's like that, is it?"
"It's okay, I knew this would happen," I said, shaking my head, and trying to be bright about it, for his sake. He sighed, a look of guilt creeping onto his face.
"This is my fault," he said, bitterly. "If I hadn't broken up with you, like an idiot..."
"Hey, that's not true at all," I stated. "I made the decision between you and cheerleading, and I chose you because I see our relationship as a permanent thing. I value our relationship more than anything else in the world, and you needed to know that." This finally produced the smile I was hoping for on Simon's face, and I felt myself relax.
"I see us as permanent too," he nodded, seriously. "One day, in the distant future, we're gonna get married, and have the cutest kids you could ever imagine." I laughed at him.
"That'd be nice," I said, with a smile. "If they have any of your looks they'd have to be. Add it to the to-do list."
"The to-do list? We have a list?" Asked Simon, smiling at me.
"Yeah, well we're gonna be pretty busy, you and I," I giggled. "The day Pokémon Go comes out in this forsaken country, we're going hunting."
"Yo, I'm actually excited for that," grinned Simon. "Lachlan's already got it, yeah?"
"Yeah, he flew over to Australia the other day to get it early," I said. "He says it's amazing."
"It's like my childhood is back again," he nodded.
"Also," I continued, "We're going to worlds to see Meah and the rest of my cheer team compete, and then we're going to Hawaii with all the teams from my gym to celebrate the end of an insane six months."
"Hawaii?" Simon raised his eyebrows. "Sounds like your best plan yet, Jord. Although I do think you've watched too much Moana." I pretended to glare at him.
"We've been over this, Simon!" I exclaimed. "It's Polynesian!"
"Which includes Hawaii!" He retorted.
"But it's New Zealand culture!"
"Ah, whatever," he chuckled. "Wait, so who is we? Whole squad?"
"Whole squad? I don't know, whoever wants to come, really," I shrugged my shoulders. I sat up in bed, and stretched my arms out in an attempt to wake myself up a bit. "Right now, I feel Ultimate Chicken Horse is calling my name, and it's about time we played that again. Let's go see which of the guys are up to record." Simon sat up as well, and he dipped his head towards mine, and kissed me quickly.
"A random game, to fit with the random conversation," he chuckled. "Sounds good. Let's do it then."

"Alright, hello guys, and welcome to Ultimate Ch-" Vik began the video, of attempted to, before JJ cut him off, as he'd been doing lately.
"NO VIK. Stop. Shut up!" He stated loudly. The rest of us - me, Josh, and Simon, chuckled at the two of them.
"Oi, allow it JJ, I am the ultimate chicken," said Vik, bouncing his character around, which was in fact, the chicken.
"And I'm the ultimate horse!" I grinned, directing my horse up to where Vik's chicken was joining a map. The others - JJ the raccoon, Josh the cow, and Simon the squirrel followed, and we started a new game. If you've never played Ultimate Chicken Horse before, basically each player picks an item out of the party box at the start of each round, and they get to place it on the map. Then, you have to try and make it from one side of the map to the other without dying. The aim is to make the map hard enough so that you can do it, but no one else can. I was convinced it caused more sidemen arguments than Monopoly did, which only made it more funny, and we loved every minute of it.
"JJ, why are you a raccoon," smirked Josh, as he placed down his arrow trap on the map.
"Is he not allowed to be a raccoon, Josh?" Asked Simon, faking offence on JJ's behalf.
"Yeah," added JJ, in righteous indignation. "Is it just because I'm black?"
"Did you know that the end of raccoon is a brand of cheese in Australia?" Vik asked us.
"Wait, are you serious?" Asked Simon.
"Is that true, Jord?" Josh wondered, looking at me through our Skype call.
"It is," I chuckled. "Don't know why they thought it was a good idea to call it that, but it's true."
"I had heard that," said JJ. "Ya racist lot."
"You're not far off the truth there, Jide," I smiled. "We generally aim to offend, take no one seriously in Australia, we're as sarcastic as they come."
"Yeah—Hey! Dammit, Josh!" Complained Simon. "I got killed by one of your stupid arrows."
"Yeah, me too," Josh smiled, ruefully. "Don't worry, it was bad placement on my part."
"Yes, Jide!" I grinned, as he finished the round. The two of us were the only ones to do so, Simon and Josh dying to the arrow trap, and Vik misjudging his parkour and falling out of the map.
"We're storming away," Jide smiled. "Leave these peasants in the dust!"
"Hey, it's only the first round, though," said Vik. "We're coming for you!"

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