Chapter 50: Record Sleep Sport Repeat

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Time skip, verb.
Something we all wish we could do.

Chapter fifty: Record Sleep Sport Repeat
At the end of tryouts, they had cut the group down to twenty three, with only three boys, and four extra girls. Of course, there was still the video entries to be considered as well, and I hoped they'd be able to find a fourth boy from them who was strong enough to join the team. In the meantime, I was happy and grateful that both Meah and I were still here - we'd made it through the tryouts so far. Both the coaches for our team were really nice - their names were Eddie and Orby, and they played the typical good cop, bad cop roles. Eddie was a bit of a dragon, but his sense of humour was dry and sarcastic, and he had a heart of gold. Orby also had a 'heart of gold', but he was more inclined to show it, and he only got really mad when there was a good reason to. The two of them stood chatting with all the new team members who were not returners from last year, so they could get to know us, as we waited for our lifts to arrive.
"So what do you do on your YouTube channel, Jordyn?" Asked Orby.
"Mostly gaming," I replied. "I do a few vlog type videos, and music videos as well, but that's only every now and then."
"Oh wow, I hope this isn't too much of a shock to the system then," laughed Eddie. "You're going from sitting on your butt gaming all day, to hardcore cheerleader, do you think you can manage it?"
"I've done it before, so I'm sure I'll be fine," I grinned. "But YouTube takes a back seat for the next six months, and my viewers know that, so that's why this ATV thing came at a good time. My viewers seemed to love my soccer vlogs whilst I played in England, so hopefully they'll like my ATV series, and not all leave me."
"I'm sure it'll be fine," smiled Orby. "You did really well today anyway, so keep it up."
"Can you can you..." whispered Meah. I pretended to glare at her, and she giggled innocently. Eddie and Orby looked totally confused, and I smiled at them, playing it off. At that moment, I noticed the car we'd hired pulling into the parking lot, so we said goodbye to everyone, and headed over to meet JJ and Simon.


It was two months after Simon and JJ had gone home again, and I guess you could say everything was going fairly well, with my stay in America. Although, I did miss Simon every day. We'd gotten so used to spending every minute together, being able to kiss and hug whenever we liked, and falling asleep side by side, that being suddenly without him felt like a piece of my heart had been ripped out and sent on the plane back to England with him. However, I had been super busy with everything going on, and Meah even mocked me these days for the fact that I could now go for more than an hour without texting Simon. Was it pathetic? Maybe. I think if Simon didn't reciprocate my feelings it would have been. But I knew he loved me with all of his beautiful heart, and we reminded each other that we should make the most of the time we had to do the things we loved without getting distracted.

I was certainly enjoying my sports. Our first cheerleading showcase of the season was in less than a week, and we were so ready for it. I'd learnt so much about cheerleading, and the coaches were probably the best I'd ever had. I was also one of the fliers on the team, which was super exciting for me, as I'd not been a flier since I was fourteen. At first, it had been strange getting back into the swing of things, and the conditioning we did was some of the hardest I'd done in a long time, but I'd made it through, and Meah as well, and we were still both going strong.

Lachlan, Preston, and I, as well as a youtuber called Kenny, who was close with Preston, joined a mixed basketball team, (both guys and girls on the team), and that was a lot of fun. It was a much more relaxed environment, compared with cheer training - we didn't condition as hard, and we certainly weren't at worlds level, but we had a game every Saturday, and trained on two other days during the week. On one of these days, I also had cheer practice, and that meant no videos on my channel for that day. On most other days, I could put two videos out - one with the sidemen, which I edited properly, and one on the Mianite server, which I didn't edit at all. I streamed it live onto YouTube, which meant once it was done, it was done. My viewers complained, because I didn't use twitch for live streaming, like the other Mianite players, but that couldn't be helped. I was very much addicted to the Mianite world, and I'd joined team Dianite, which meant there was barely ever nothing happening. If I wasn't pranking someone, someone was generally getting back at me for something I'd done previously. I'd managed to spend a bit of time with Jordan, Tucker and Sonja in real life, and we were very good friends now. There was always the choice between doing extra hours of Mianite, or recording with Lachlan and Preston, or sleep. Sleep generally prevailed, and occasionally, I'd do an extra hour or two of Mianite. It bothered me that most of the others could put out episodes between two and four hours long, whereas mine were forty five minutes to an hour. Again, it was the same story. YouTube was not my priority right then. But I think everybody seemed to understand that.

A/N: Sorry this is a definite filler. Stuff happens in the next chapter which will be up before tomorrow, but this was information that I couldn't just skip out xD (hence the definition for this story lol)

My record is 64 chapters on my Battle Scars story, so I've gotta beat that one haha

K thnx Bai :)

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