Chapter 66: Of Simon's Matchmaking Skills

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Matchmaking, verb.
Martha! I've found him! You'll be a lucky bride. He's handsome. He's tall! (At least from side to side.)

Chapter sixty six: Of Simon's Matchmaking Skills
After spending considerable time in the photo booth with Ethan and JJ, Ethan left us to go and speak to Harry about something. Jide and I joined Simon, who was having an animated conversation with a short blonde guy I'd never met in person, but recognised from somewhere, probably YouTube. Simon's arm found it's way to my waist automatically, as I grinned at the semi stranger.
"I don't think we've met in person before," he smiled at me.
"Jordy this is Chris Dixon, Chris, meet Jord, she's my girlfriend," Simon introduced us.
"I knew I'd seen you before!" I exclaimed, with a laugh. "ChrisMD, yeah? Your football videos are sick!"
"Cheers," he grinned. "I watched your football season vlogs, you're not bad either! And I watched your basketball too, whilst you were doing it. Pity about your leg!"
"Thanks man," I smiled genuinely. I was prevented from saying more by Ethan. The music was suddenly switched off, and he yelled for quiet.
"Alright guys, Freezy's bringing Anya up now, we gotta be really quiet until she enters the room, and then yell surprise! Okay?"
"Yeah!" JJ whooped, and the rest of us all agreed, returning to our conversations in whispered undertones.
"I've never met Ethan's sister before, have you?" Asked Chris.
"I have," nodded Simon.
"I haven't," I said quietly. "But if she's anything like Ethan I know I'll love her."
"Shhh guys!" Said someone in a loud whisper. "They're here!" The room fell silent. Movements, and muffled talking could be heard on the other side of the door, and then the door was flung wide open.
"SURPRISE!" Screamed JJ, and everyone followed suit, yelling at the top of our lungs. In the doorway stood Calfridge, and a fawn brown haired girl of average height, with hazel eyes, who could only be Anya herself. She gazed around the room in shock, her eyes finally landing on Ethan, and she ran over and wrapped her arms around her brother in a warm embrace.
"As if you did all this?!" She exclaimed, although it was hardly audible above all the yelling.
"I did have help," he brother replied, grinning at Freezy, who followed her into the room, smiling happily. I watched him carefully, and it wasn't hard to tell from the way he looked at her that he fancied her. Anya herself was apparently heedless to this.
"C'mon," I said, taking Simon's hand in mine, and pulling him over. "I wanna meet her." Behz noticed we were heading his way, and waved us over.
"Anya, this is Jordyn, I think you know her from YouTube, so there you go, you've met in real life now. And you know Simon, of course." Simon smiled, and said hi.
"Hey Simon! And I do know you from YouTube, Jordyn," Anya grinned. "I watched your football season vlogs, they were great."
"You're the second person to say that tonight," I laughed. "And it's great to meet you, especially since I've been hearing quite a bit about you over the past week or so."
"That's cool," she nodded. "Who else was it that watched your vlogs?"
"Chris Dixon, he's ChrisMD on YouTube, we were talking to him just now," I explained. "He does football videos too."
"Oh, I watch him!" She exclaimed. Then in a quieter voice, "He's pretty cute, isn't he?"
"I know right," I giggled, knowing full well that Simon wouldn't take that sitting down.
"Hey!" He protested, but his smile gave him away, and I knew he was joking.
"You know I love you, idiot," I chuckled. He grinned back at me.
"Anya, you better come and meet Chris then, since you like him so much," Simon smirked.
"Oh wow, okay," she nodded. "Just don't embarrass me."
"I would never!" He grinned. I looked at Simon curiously, as we walked over to find Chris, wondering what he was up to. His eyes met mine, and I raised my eyebrows at him, silently questioning his motives. In answer, he flicked his eyes to Freezy, who had said nothing the whole time. I understood then - he wanted to see Freezy's reaction to Anya meeting Chris.
'They'd be cute,' he mouthed to me, referring to Anya and Chris. I chuckled. It was true, and I mentally gave him credit for it, although I wasn't sure how I felt about him doing that to Freezy, since they were close friends and all. But guys were like that, I guess.

I watched silently, as Simon introduced Anya to Chris, and I noticed Chris's eyes light up as he looked at her. They exchanged a bit of banter, and seemed to instantly get each other's humour, which was really great to watch.
"So which country is better, America or England?" Chris smiled.
"I can be happy in either," she shrugged. "But lowkey wanna visit Jersey, not gonna lie! You've sold it to me in your videos."
"Come for a tour then," He grinned. Simon looked at me with a smirk on his face, and I rolled my eyes at him playfully. But I couldn't tell him off for anything - he was responsible for beginning a mutual respect that I could see would easily develop into a strong friendship.

A/N: okay, two things.

1. I had to google ChrisMD to find out what his last name was... MD STANDS FOR MICHAEL DIXON HAHA why did nobody tell me this lol. (That's his middle and last name if you're wondering.)

2. I'm so sorry about that definition haha but if you know the fiddler on the roof you'll know the song matchmaker xD

3. I lied, there are 3 things. Welcome Anya to the story! Finally haha.

K thnx Bai <3

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