Chapter 55: Pokemon and Cast Off

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Gamer, noun.
I went outside once. The graphics were okay, I guess.

Chapter fifty five: Pokemon and Cast Off
"Jord, you gotta get up, girl. There is so much shopping to be done, you have no idea!"
"I have every idea of what you're capable of, actually," I responded to Freya's demands, rolling over in bed, as best as the cast on my leg would allow me, and faced away from her. She sighed dramatically.
"Well, I was gonna tell you about new Pokemon game they're bringing out, but..."
"Wait, what?" I rolled over again, and sat up. "What is it? I thought Sun and Moon didn't come out until later in the year."
"Get up and get dressed, and I'll tell ya." She stalked out of the room. I reached over and grabbed my phone from the dresser, and texted my brother.

Jord - "Is there a new Pokemon game coming out or is Frey lying?"

Lachy - "Its called Pokemon Go and it's the best thing ever invented"



Jord - "fly in to Sydney download and fly back?"

Lachy - "I'll be over in 15 we can book tickets"

Jord - "K but let me shower first."

"You two are insane," laughed Summer. "I can't believe you're flying all the way to Australia just for a Pokemon game!"
"Pokémon is our childhood," said Lachlan.
"And adulthood, by the looks of it," grinned Em. "Well, whatever floats your boat, I guess. Are we going now?"
"Yeah, come on Jord, we've been waiting for you for ages!" Complained Freya.
"Okay, okay, but if we go now, we need to stop on the way for food, coz I haven't had breakfast yet."
"Sounds like a good idea," said Ellie, "I'd love to try some American take out. Let's go."

"Your leg is gonna be totally gross under that thing," said Kay, screwing up her nose, as she looked at my cast. I was finally getting off today - in a few minutes actually, when the doctor came back into the examination room we were in.
"I'm so ready to itch it," I grinned.
"I know how you feel," nodded Summer. "I remember when I broke my leg, it was super itchy, and my leg was all yellow."
"You're Asian, of course it was yellow, idiot," giggled Ellie.
"Was that a racist joke, El?" Asked Kay, grinning.
"Nope, nor was it a fat joke, just for the record," Ellie replied.
"Hey, but when they cut your cast, they're gonna ruin my drawing of you," Protested Freya.
"Good!" I laughed. "It's a hideous drawing anyway, it's been creeping me out ever since you drew it on there!"
"Well, aren't we all full of compliments today!" Laughed Emily.
"Well, you try having that thing looking at you all day," I complained.
"It is pretty bad, to be fair," Emily had to admit. At that moment, the doctor returned to the room.
"Okay," he smiled, "let's get that cast off, and you'll be ready to go home! Are you excited?" I smiled at him.
"Oh, you have no idea."

On the way home from the doctors, we picked up Meah from cheer practice, and she was happy to see my cast was off.
"I told Eddie and Orby you were getting it off today, they were really excited," she smiled. "It's gonna be great having you back at practice."
"Yeah, they both texted me earlier to say they were happy for me," I replied.
"Are they your cheer coaches?" Asked Ellie.
"Yeah," I nodded. "They're both awesome, love 'em to bits."
"You know," said Meah, gesturing to my now cast-less leg. "I think this calls for a girls night in."
"Party!" Exclaimed Freya. "Woo! We can watch High school musical and Disney movies!"
"Kung Fu Panda!" I yelled.
"...which is neither HSM or Disney, but hey, we can add it to the list," giggled Kay.
"Yes!" I exclaimed. "I'm excited now. Let's stop at Walmart and pick up some junk to eat."
"Jordy you're back at practice next week, junk food is a terrible idea," giggled Meah.
"You know what, I don't care, this will be the last time, I promise," I smiled.
"Okay," said Freya, "Jordy you can get the crisps..."
"They're called chips," I butted in.
"You're not in Australia now," stated Freya.
"No, but we're not in Britain, either!" Giggled Meah.
"Oh, shut up you two," Freya complained. "As I was saying, Jordy, get the...chips..., Em get the chocolate, Summer and El can get the sweets..."
"They're called lollies," I stated, with a smirk.
"Seriously!" Exclaimed Freya, whilst the others burst into laughter.
"Come on, continue," giggled Kay. "What am I getting?"
"You and Meah get the drinks," said Freya. "And I'll... hmm, what should I get?"
"You can be our moral support?" I suggested. She sighed, and gave me an affectionate grin.
"Jordy, I love you girl, but you're honestly a trial sometimes. Shopping in any form is a serious matter!"
"Aw, love you too bb!" I smiled.
"You can get the cookies, Frey!" Suggested Summer.
"Oh yeah," she agreed, and just in time, as Em, who was driving, pulled the car into the car park. "Let's go everybody!"

A/N: Character contest :)
So I picked my new OG character, it was created by @xfandomdiaryx so thank you to her for that :)
The character's name is Anya Duncan, but she won't appear for maybe four more chapters. But yeah, thanks to all you guys who entered <3 

-Jordyn x

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