Chapter 15: Little Victories

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Little victories, abstract noun.
Those moments when you mentally fist bump yourself, and go hell yeah, I did it. Turn around, and take a mental picture of that, because one day when you're gloomy, remember how happy you were to be alive right then, and hold out for another one of those moments.

Chapter fifteen: Little Victories

It was a few weeks later, and Tobi was throwing a 'Squad' party at his flat. Between us, we had a decent amount of little victories to celebrate too. For myself, I'd made it into the soccer (or football) team, and had begun training. We had our first game this Saturday, which I was pretty excited about. Josh and Freya had started dating only yesterday, and to be honest, they looked really good together. Simon and myself had been discussing them, and although it was a little annoying that two of our best friends were so consumed by each other that we hardly got time with them, we were happy for them.

In other news, Simon had hit 3 million subs on his main channel, and Jide had reached 10 million on his. We'd all been in the house together watching it clock over, and trying to comprehend such big numbers. It never ceased to amaze me how humble the two of them were. I knew a lot of Jide's viewers perceived him as quite a lazy person, and that all the fame had gone to his head, but he was really nothing like that. He was a hard worker, even he wasn't always working on videos for his channel.

And finally, Tobi had finished his Uni degree, and he was excited to be spending more time on his channel, and more time with us, his friends. Then there was also the fact that Ethan had finally been Twitter verified, but that was more of a joke than anything else.

Today was the first time the squad had all been together since Gamescom and Insomnia a few years ago. All seven sidemen were there, plus myself, Freya, Emily, both the Cals, and Manny. We were playing overly loud music, and singing along when a good song came on, although it was debatable wether anyone but myself, Freya, Em, and occasionally JJ were actually in tune. JJ, Josh, and Simon were versing each other at pool, and I was watching their game. They pretended to ask me for advice, and I pretended to give it, but in reality I couldn't play pool to save my life. Tobi and Ethan were sitting on the couch nearby watching the game too, but the two were mostly talking amongst themselves. Frey, Em and the Cals were playing the new CoD, (Black Ops 3) and Harry, Vik, and Manny were messing around on the swegways and waiting their turn for a controller for the game.

"You know, I was thinking recently," began JJ.

"Alright, calm down mate," grinned Josh.

"Wow Jide, don't do that too often, you'll sprain a brain cell or something," I laughed.

"Nah, shut up," complained JJ. "Anyway, " he continued, "Maybe we could go swimming later, there's an indoor pool downstairs in Tobi's block."

"And here's me waiting for some grand revelation as a result of JJ actually thinking," I laughed.

"He has a point though," grinned Simon. "A swim would be great."

Freya joined us at this point. She put her arm around Josh, and he turned, and smiled when he saw her. He kissed her lips, making her smile too.

"How was CoD?" He asked.

"Not too bad," she laughed. "I'm so bad at video games, but it was fun playing it together."

"Feel like swimming, Frey?" I asked her. "I think some of us are going."

"Don't mind watching," she shrugged. "But isn't it too cold for swimming?"

"It's never too cold to swim Frey," I laughed. "My first job was teaching swimming, and it goes the whole year round." (A/N: true story, I did lol you get sick pay for it too!)

"That's in Australia, where it's actually warm enough," pointed out Simon, smiling.

"Yeah, I guess that's true," I laughed.

"Well, I'm gonna go check with Tobi if it's cool if we use the pool, and see if any of the others want to come," said JJ.

Tobi and Ethan were up for swimming, as well as Simon, Jide, and myself. Josh and Freya decided to go for a walk, and the rest wanted to keep playing CoD. Since our houses weren't too far away, we decided to drive home quickly, and get changed. I found my bikini, a pair of boardies (A/N: not sure if anyone else calls them this but they're basically shorts that you swim in) and a towel, and threw an old hoodie on over the top for until we got to the indoor pool. The night air was pretty cold outside, as Freya had said. The air inside the pool room was, however, nice and warm. Simon, Jide, and I got back before Ethan and Tobi, since the two had gone together to Ethan's place which was a little further away.

"The water looks cold now," said JJ, shivering. "I don't want to get in anymore."

"Shouldn't have said that mate," I laughed. "We'll just have to push you in now."

"No!" He yelled, retreating to the other side of the pool.

"You go one way, I'll go the other," grinned Simon.

I nodded. We closed in on JJ, until he was trapped between the two of us. We eventually managed to shove him in the pool, yelling like he was being murdered. I watched him surface again, laughing. Then I felt Simon pick me up from behind.

A/N: sorry it's a bit shorter than normal but it was the only logical place for a chapter break haha.
K thnx Bai <3

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