Chapter 75: Perform with your Heart

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Completion, verb.
When there's no more you can do, after giving it your all, and doing your best. You can only sit and wait to find out if your best was good enough.

Chapter seventy five: Perform with your Heart
Day two of worlds arrived, and with it came a whole new set of nerves. Eddie and Orby sat us down in the courtyard of the hotel we were staying at, and we went over the scoresheet from the day before.
"We're currently sitting in second place," said Eddie. "Yesterday was amazing, we just need to keep it up for today and we're in a very good position. We lost points for a couple of touches in tumbling, and a minor bobble in the pyramid, so if you touched out on your pass you'll be going over that on the warm up mats in a few hours. I don't think I could ask for more in the rest of the stunting, just don't loose your fight to win that you had yesterday. Keep up the great work guys, we're almost there!"

The next few hours flew by, and soon we were back in the warm up room. Quite frankly, we were having a terrible warm up. So many of the elite stunts were coming down, our timing was off in the jumps section, and our entire pyramid fell to pieces.
"Guys, don't let it get to you!" Yelled Orby. "You're bigger than this, come on!"
Once we moved on to tumbling, things started looking better. Everyone was throwing their best skills, with barely any mistakes. Although tumbling was my personal strength, as a team it was our weak point, so I think the fact that we picked up here gave everybody a bit of a boost. Once we went back to do a bit more work on the rest of the routine, it was quite a bit better. Then, our time was up, and Eddie called us all together for one last team talk.
"Hey guys, I am so proud of you all," he stated. "Look how far we've come this season. We've pushed through so many injuries, and set backs, think of all the countless full outs we've done. Well, this will be the last. This is the last time you will ever get to perform this routine, with this group of people. Make the most of it, love every second."
"Don't just perform with your hands and feet, perform with your heart, and I promise you, you will hit!" Said Orby. "Wether you win, loose, or draw, I love you guys so much, and I said it before, you're already champions in my eyes. Good luck out there!"

The familiar flicker of the bright lights and the roar of the crowd accompanied our entry to the floor to perform for the last time. I spotted Simon and the others amongst the spectators almost immediately, and gave them a wave, as I bounced up and down on the floor. I gave Meah a hug, and we both yelled "You got this girl!" Which had been our little tradition over the competition season. Then I got into position, ready for the music to kick in and the routine to begin.

Hours later, the top six teams were all sitting on the stage floor for the awards ceremony. We had hit our routine, although I think our first day performance had been better. However, we were barely able to sit still with excitement. We actually had a good chance of taking home the gold. The level five team from our gym, SMOED, had taken first place, putting them back on top after a few bad years, which was amazing for them. If we could take home first place too, it would be the first time ever that both of Eddie and Orby's teams had won in the same season.

As the announcements began, the noise of the crowd began to die down, and we sat on the stage with our arms around each other, waiting and hoping for the best.
"I love you guys!" Squealed Meah. "Whatever happens now, I've had the best year with you all, and it's been a perfect way to finish it!"
"Love you too Meah!" Yelled Lexi, and the rest of us responded in our own way, before falling quiet as the announcer began to announce sixth place. As the team name was announced, they stood to collect their award, and left the stage, amidst the cheering and applause of everybody else. Each place that was announced was a wave of relief when it wasn't us, and soon, there was only two teams left - us, and Top Gun Allstars IOC-6. (Their IOC-6 stands for international open Coed Level 6, which was the division we competed in.) they were a really strong team as well, and it was enough to make us nervous. All of us knew that at this point, it could go either way. I held my breath, waiting for the verdict.

A/N: sorry for short chapter. Longer one will be up in a few minutes :)

The video in the media is SMOED from 2013, they're level 5 so not as hardcore as Reckless but still pretty cool, they got the gold for that routine :) Also, the girl who makes a heart with her hands at the start and is the centre flier who almost falls (what a save, by the way!) is Gabi Butler, I point her out because I based Meah's character loosely on her.

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