Chapter 71: If You're Watching This

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Power couple, noun.
As a direct result of their relationship, they've caused so many amazing things to happen, and inspired others as well.

Chapter seventy one: If You're Watching This
After practice, the Awesomeness TV crew wanted to interview me, so Meah waited for me outside, whilst I spoke with them.
"Just tell us briefly what happened," said Hayley, one of the crew. "Whatever you're comfortable with."
"I think Eddie just said on an earlier episode that you were just going through a rough patch, and needed to go home," said Janayah. "He didn't specify anything, so it's up to you if you want to let them know what was actually going on."
"Okay," I nodded. Simon and I had made a decision about this earlier. "I can share a bit of it, we have been fairly open about the whole deal, so I might as well. Let's film it."
Janayah switched on the camera, and nodded to me to begin.

"So basically, I was going through a pretty rough patch in my relationship a few weeks ago, and decided I needed to be in England with Simon for a while, although I knew I couldn't really expect to keep my place on team Reckless. But Eddie called me recently, and asked me to come back, so here I am, I guess. Everything is fine with me and Simon now. If you're watching this Simon, I love you, I'm so grateful to have you in my life, and I'll do my best to make us last forever."

I nodded to indicate I was finished, and Janayah turned off the camera. Hayley squealed immediately.
"That was so CUTE!" She yelled.
"Was it okay, do you think?" I asked, smiling at Hayley.
"It was perfect," exclaimed Janayah. "Like literally, they're gonna think we scripted you." We laughed at this suggestion, since it was so accurate a description of the ATV comments sections these days.
"Well thanks Jordyn, that's all done for now," Hayley smiled.
"Awesome," I grinned. "Well, I'll see you guys next time!"
"Oh, you won't see us till worlds, today's the last practice we're recording before then," Jenayah explained.
"Oh okay! Well I guess I'll see you at worlds then. Wow, it's so close, I can barely believe it."
"The season went fast, hey," Hayley smiled. "See you later, Jordyn!"
"Bye!" I called, as I picked up my bag, and headed out of the gym.

Meah was outside, patiently waiting.
"That was quick," she smiled. "Ready to roll?"
"Let's go," I nodded, and we headed towards the car, Meah taking the drivers seat, and myself in the passenger.
"Practice was insane today," said Meah, as she pulled out of the car park.
"No kidding," I smiled ruefully. "My stunting is just a nightmare, and if it keeps coming down Eddie's gonna move our group to the side, and there's just something special about being centre flier."
"You're getting there, though," she replied, encouragingly. "And I don't think he'll move you, you're pulling your scorpion leg up by your ear, and your bases and back spot are all really solid. You'll get there, I know you will!"
"Thanks Meah," I smiled at her. "You know, we have four more practices before we fly out to Florida for worlds. I just hope we get it in time."
"JJ will be here in a week," smiled Meah happily.
"Hey, yeah, did he ask you about moving in with us?" I asked her.
"Yeah, he sent me pictures of the house and everything, I'm just so scared to move again, y'know?"
"Aw," I smiled, sympathetically. "Why's that?"
"Just worried about finding work," she admitted, shrugging her shoulders.
"Josh wants you to plan a big YouTube and gaming event that some of us have been dreaming up," I told her. "And he said something about a football game to raise money for charity?"
"Excuse me?" Meah snorted. "That's soccer, thank you very much."
"Sorry," I giggled. "I'm just so used to it now. But... thoughts on the eventing?"
"That does sound good," she nodded slowly. "I've got no doubt those boys are capable of anything when it comes to getting their fans together to do something. They could sell out a soccer stadium no trouble at all."
"I know right," I smiled. "They're getting pretty famous these days."
"Says you," Meah snorted. "Yourself and Simon are like the power couple of YouTube."
"We literally just had a massive argument that basically the whole community worked out was going on, because we can't keep emotions off our faces," I retorted.
"One serious argument in the whole of your acquaintance is pretty good, if you ask me," Meah chuckled. "JJ's trying to get me into YouTube as well."
"You have got a bit of a fan base from the ATV series," I smiled. "And the rest of us will send people to check out your content, if you decide to give it a go. I'd seriously think about it, because if you ask me you have a good chance of being successful."
"Okay," she nodded, smiling at me. "Maybe I will."

A/N: sorry it's short and bad. Coming up is worlds, Hawaii, and the end. Idk how many chapters but I'm not far off finishing this book now. It's been quite a journey if I do say so myself!



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