Chapter 69: Moving and Packing

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Moving, verb.
I mean moving house. Moving dwelling place. It's kind of emotional, and sad, but also exciting and new. For us, we weren't moving far, but it would be a change of scenery from the houses that each of us grew and changed into who we are today.

Chapter sixty nine: Moving and Packing
Simon and I spoke to the others about the Hawaii trip idea, and this time it seemed like everyone was down for it. Even Anya was happy to go back there, and we decided she'd make a good tour guide for us, since she knew the place very well, whereas most of us had never been there.
"We can take a week just to relax," I said. "I think we all deserve a break after everything that's been going on lately."
"Sounds awesome," grinned Josh. "Sign me up for that!"
"We have been busy lately, hey," agreed JJ. "You know what, I say we go ahead with the house we were looking at, pack up all our stuff, and then go to Hawaii. Then when we come back we can just move straight in."
"That gives us two weeks to get everything sorted," said Josh. "Think we can do it in that time?"
"Yeah, I'd say we'll be able to manage," JJ shrugged.
"I'm really gonna miss this house," sighed Simon, looking around the place. "Everywhere you look there's memories from when we did some video or another..."
"What, like the carpet stain from where Ethan broke the plastic mat during the patience tests?" I giggled.
"I wouldn't worry," laughed Josh. "Won't be long before we cause death and destruction in the new house too! But we'll have to check that everyone's ready to go ahead with buying the house. Jord does it sound okay to you?"
"Yeah, of course," I nodded. "I'd like to see the house first though, but I leave tomorrow!"
"Well we could go today," said Josh. "Let's grab everyone who wants to check it out, and go now."

The papers were signed later that day, and the new and improved 'Sidemen House' was officially ours. Although it was really the squad house, since it would no longer be just a few of the sidemen living together. Josh, Vik, JJ and Simon would all be there, of course, as well as myself, Freya and Emily - we were planning on selling our house at the same time. Then there was Tobi, Ethan, and Anya, who were moving from the tower. On top of all that, we potentially had Meah, Kay and Summer, who hadn't officially made up their minds yet, and Chris, who had been keen to move over from Jersey for a while now, but would take a little longer to do so, since there was a plane flight between his home and our new one, not just a car trip. The rest - Ellie, Summer, Harry, and the Cals were happy enough living in the tower, which was just as well, as there really wasn't room enough for them in the house we'd decided on!

In total, there was fourteen of us moving in together. There was only ten bedrooms, but that wouldn't be a problem, since there would be quite a few couples moving in to the same bedroom as each other, and there were smaller rooms, that had been set up as offices when we went to the home open, that would do very nicely for recording rooms for those of us who ended up sharing a room.

In other news, and speaking of couples, Vik had finally asked Kay out, Ethan and Emily had been out on their first date together, and Tobi and Summer were now dating as well, bringing our squad couple counter up to six.
"Any time now, Chris and Anya," Simon joked with me, as I helped him to load all of his shoes into a big cardboard box ready for the move. Later on, we were going over to my house so he could help me take down and pack up my furniture. I planned to stay at Simon's house that evening, so he could drop me at the airport early the next morning for my flight back out to America.
"You act like they're your kids," I giggled at him.
"Well Chris is basically a shorter version of me," he said.
"Anya has good taste in guys then, doesn't she," I winked at him.
"Did you just wink at me?" He chuckled, grabbing me by the neck, and pulling me in for a kiss. I just went with it, laughing against his lips.
"Deal with it, bruh."
"You are so weird," he muttered. "Wait... what have you done with my other converse! Dammit Jordyn why can't you just put the pairs of shoes in together, rather than jumbling them all in a big heap?"
"I did, shoes just don't stack very nicely," I laughed at him. "Relax, gees. Anyone would think you were JJ the way you carry on about your shoes."
"Hey, I'm not as bad as him," he stated, finally closing the box, and looking around for the masking tape. I passed to him, and he taped the box shut. "Right. Let's pack up these little tables."
"They're from IKEA, yeah?" I asked him.
"Yes. Theoretically, they should be easy to flatten and pack into a box."
"Theoretically," I laughed. "Good luck with that."
"Good luck to you too, you're helping me," he chuckled. "I can't do this by myself you know."
"Let's do it then," I said, picking up a screwdriver, and spinning it around my fingers. "Oh wait, imma play some music. Can I put my phone in the dock?"
"Go for it," Simon smiled at me. "As long it's not Taylor Swift, and you hurry up about it, you can play what you like." I laughed at him, and put on my playlist of my current favourite songs, clicking shuffle. Macklemore's 'Glorious' filled the room, as we fell to attack the small table with the screwdrivers.

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