Chapter 28: Peace and War

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Tough, adjective.
Describing considerable difficulty or hardship, requiring great strength of character and determination to overcome.

Chapter twenty eight: Peace and War
We reached the sidemen house, and Vik parked the car. We headed inside to join the other guys, who were trying to sort out all their merch before Insomnia.
"You know things are getting serious when Josh's got the clipboard out," chuckled Vik.
"If you wanna be a hater, you can go to your room and stay there," complained Josh moodily. I coughed, taking a seat by Simon, who was sitting cross legged on the floor, ticking off boxes of armbands on a list.
"Yes dad," I murmured, causing Simon to snort with laughter.
"Nah, I'll help," smiled Vik. "Give me a list, Josh." Simon leaned over, and kissed my forehead sweetly.
"Lachlan get in okay?" He asked.
"Yep, he was fine, tired as hell though. Left him at his hotel to sleep until he's functional again." Simon was silent. "No Simon, he didn't say anything about that, and he doesn't seem mad at all." Simon shook his head, and smiled grudgingly.
"How'd you know that's what I was thinking?"
"I notice everything," I smiled. I watched as realisation dawned on his face, and he comprehended the reference I was making. Our endless long conversations had given way to a whole number of innuendos that only we understood, and I honestly thought it was a beautiful thing that a phrase that meant comparatively nothing to Josh and Vik had incredible depth of meaning to Simon. It was almost a way of saying 'I love you' without using those very words. Simon smiled like an idiot, and turned back to his lists. I rested my head on his shoulder, and watched him. He was concentrating on what he was doing, making cute frown lines appear on his forehead every now and again, and his dimple came and went when he laughed with Josh and Vik. Normally, I'd be joining in the banter with the other guys, but this was one of those times when I was content to sit and listen to their talk, and laugh with them every now and again. It was a peaceful moment, and I felt contented with everything that was right there, right then.

Lachlan caught up with the rest of the Sidemen two days later, when he came to the house to record videos with Vik. The meeting was incredibly awkward, and I was glad it only lasted a few minutes before the two went upstairs. Myself, Freya, Em, Tobi, Manny, Simon, Josh and Jide were all in the living room together, brainstorming video ideas, when Vik and Lachlan came in. Lachlan was starchily civil with them, and whilst most of the others tried to show cordiality to him, Simon either couldn't, or wouldn't be nice. As soon as the two left the room, they all looked at me to see my reaction to the situation. I sighed.
"Thanks for trying to be nice, anyway," I said. "Most of you." I gave Simon a look, and he dropped my gaze, looking at the floor. I stood up from the lounge where I was sitting.
"Simon, can I talk to you?" His blue eyes shot back up to look at me.
"Okay," he nodded, "Outside?"

I followed him out through the kitchen door, and closed it behind us. Simon turned to look at me again.
"Alright, what the hell was that?" I asked.
"Jordy, I'm sorry," he stated. "I had every intention of being nice until he walked in, and then I just got the feeling he was gonna be hostile anyway, which you can't deny he was, and I just went with my instincts. He'd think I was mocking him if I tried being nice." I sighed, knowing he was right.
"Anyone would think he was thirteen, the way he's acting," I said. "Just please, don't antagonise him."
"I'll try not to," he said. "This is purely in your interests though, I wouldn't be making any effort if it wasn't for you, you need to know that." I smiled at him.
"I do know that, idiot." Simon took my hand, and pulled me back inside again, where we rejoined the others in the living room. This was really going to be a tough few weeks.

I joined Summer, Ellie, and the rest of my teammates in the change rooms at the stadium where we were playing the final for our soccer season. Simon, Josh, and JJ had all come to watch, and they were sitting up in the stadium somewhere. Vik wasn't a big fan of he game, as everybody knew, but he'd come to keep Lachlan company. The stadium was pretty full, which made everything just a little more nerve racking, but I knew we'd all be fine as soon as we began to play. As we ran out onto the pitch, the crowd began to cheer. We shook hands with the other team, and the starting eleven took their positions. Summer, our captain, took the toss, and the other team won, opting to start with the ball. I bounced up and down on the spot, trying to rid my head of the nerves. However, as soon as the ball was in play, I forgot everything but my team, the ball, and the opposite goal.

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