Chapter 52: Nothing but Time

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Time, abstract noun.
The great healer. Pity he couldn't do his job faster! (A/N: if only I could update faster, sorry guys! Haha)

Chapter fifty two: Nothing But Time
The sidemen were all on Skype when I got home to our apartment, so I messaged Simon, and asked him to add me to their chat, if they weren't recording. They were all surprised to hear from me - usually, around this time, cheer practice would still be going.
"What are you doing home?" Smiled Simon, after they'd all said hello. "Did practice get cancelled?"
"No," I sighed. "I, uh... I broke something, a bone, I'm not sure which one yet."
"What?!" He responded immediately, looking alarmed. "Whereabouts?"
"In my leg, I was doing tumbling, and landed funny, I guess."
"Oh, Jordy," stated Vik. The others were silent for a while.
"That sucks, girl, are you feeling okay?" Asked JJ.
"I'm on pain killers, so it's not too bad," I said.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Asked Simon. "Do you want me to come over there?"
"No, it's okay, you don't need to do that," I said, although secretly wishing he could. I didn't want to bother him.
"Are you 100% sure? There's a flight that leaves in like a few hours..." he broke off, focussing on his screen.
"He's literally looking up flights," chuckled Josh.
"I promise I'm fine, Simon. Preston and Lachlan are here, I'll be okay." Simon sighed, and nodded reluctantly. We continued to chat about what would happen from here, but it all hinged on how badly broken my leg was, for how long I'd be out of everything for. Eventually, the guys decided to record a G-Mod, and I declined joining the recording, deciding to go bed. I was exhausted, and sleep was the only option I'd be happy with.

Injuring myself was the type of problem I had the most trouble in dealing with it. I couldn't get up and do something about it to make it better - I had to sit and wait for it to heal in it's own good time. This was incredibly frustrating to me. I dropped out of basketball, obviously, but since I hoped to get back into cheer once my leg had healed up, I had to go to all the practices they had, and condition my upper body. Getting out of shape was my biggest fear - it felt like no matter what I did, I was gaining weight from having to sit out of practice. To make everything worse, being out of basketball, and having to sit on the sidelines at cheer practice gave me a lot more time to think, and the next few weeks proved to be the worst I could remember in a long time. I wished, more than anything, that I could be home.

The X-rays came back a few days later, and thankfully, the break wasn't as bad as it could have been. I'd be out for six weeks, meaning I'd miss a few of the earlier competitions, but hopefully I'd be back for super six, NCA, and worlds. There was an alternate filling in for me on my team at the moment, and she was doing really well. So well, in fact, that Eddie had warned me that I may be stuck with being the alternate by the time I got back, depending on how fit I was to jump straight back into things.
"I just need to be honest with you, Jordyn," he said. "I know it sucks injuring yourself, and it's not 100% your fault, but I have to do what's best for the team."
"I know," I sighed, "It's okay."
In the meantime, he said he only expected me at practice once or twice a week, until I was almost ready to come back, provided I kept up my conditioning at home. This wasn't too hard, as the apartment block we lived in had it's own gym, s I joined Preston and Lachlan there on the days I didn't go in to practice.

Not having to attend practice obviously gave me a lot more time to play video games and record them, which I always enjoyed, and for a while, the novelty of being practically an invalid kept my spirits relatively high. Mianite recordings were the thing I looked forward to the most during the time my leg was healing. I was able to spend many hours on the server, and got really into the blood magic mod, although it honestly did my head in sometimes. Wag, (or Waglington/James, as you may know him) was teaching me and Tom a lot about the wizard spells, and Sonja and I got into the witchery mod a little as well. However, I left Sonja to it when I got really into my blood magic, which was more complicated, and a bit more OP. I built my base over the mountain behind Tom's base walls, in Dianeria, so I could be with the other Dianitees - Tom, and Farmer Steve, who was a character on the server. The storyline was so much fun, and super intense, although my stream chat lost no time in informing me that last season had been way better. Having seen some of season 1, I did agree with them, to an extent. I did wish that Dianite played a bigger part in the storyline - Lady Ianite seemed to take all the limelight, and now that Dianite had finally spoken to us, he was only in a spirit form, armed with nothing but his sarcasm, and we never actually saw him. Tom and I were still trying to work out how to revive him so he could join us in the overworld, like Mianite and Ianite, but it was taking a long time. Dealing with problems in this virtual world we'd created was almost like therapy for me - I solved these problems, since nothing but time could solve my own. When I was playing, I forgot my leg hurt me, or that my cast was itchy. The other people on the server were so much fun as well, and we grew to be close friends during this time.

A/N: again, sorry if you're not a Mianite fan :/ and sorry for not updating I've been away to Melbourne and stuff for a while.



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K thnx Bai!

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