Chapter 32: Pretty Faces

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Lit, adjective.
When it's just so mentally badass and cool you can't even deal.

Chapter thirty two: Pretty Faces
Josh drove me home again the next morning, as he planned to record some videos with Freya, and was going to my house anyway.
"Are you okay after yesterday?" He asked, as he drove. "Are those two cool with each other now, or still fighting? I didn't see any of you after that." Mention of yesterday inevitably brought a smile to my face, and Josh noticed this, of course. "I'll take that as a yes?" He smiled. "Did they make up?"
"No, they didn't," I shook my head, deciding to tell him the truth of the matter. "Simon kissed me, is all."
"Really?!" Exclaimed Josh. "Finally! When?"
"Last night," I smiled. "Josh, I've decided to ignore Lachlan, if he wants to be a hater, that's his problem, innit."
"I think that was probably the best thing to do," said Josh, nodding. He took one hand off the wheel, and gave me a sideways hug. "I feel almost proud of you, Jordy, I know it can't be an easy situation to deal with."
"Thanks Josh," I grinned, returning his hug. "But please don't crash the car." He chuckled, and returned his hand to the steering wheel.
"How are you and Freya going?" I asked him. He sighed.
"Good, I guess, we just argue a lot, a result of us both being very opinionated I suppose."
"Do you love her?" I asked him.
"Yes," he said, without hesitation. "And I know she loves me. It just seems like every little thing that happens causes a fight between us."
"I guess it's about knowing the difference between being angry at what someone says or does, and being angry at the person themselves."
"I just wish our relationship was like yours and Simon's is," sighed Josh.
"Josh, we're not even official yet," I pointed out. "You guys are cute together, what are you talking about?"
"Well, I know you two are going through a lot at the moment," he explained, "but it seems like it hardly affects you, or your relationship."
"We just get each other," I said slowly, thinking about his words. "If you know Freya loves you, then don't take things to heart if she gets worked up or upset about something, just try to work through it together." Josh smiled.
"You got a whole lot'a wisdom in there, for a nineteen year old," he said.
"Oh shut up, grandpa," I laughed.
"Hey, I'm the same age as your boyfriend," he pointed out.
"He's not my boyfriend," I stated.
"Yet," laughed Josh. "Well, we're here."
"Cool, thanks for the lift bruv," I smiled. "It was nice to talk by the way, I feel like we never get to these days."
"Welcome," he replied, returning my smile. "Thanks for your advice too."
"No worries," I nodded. The two of us headed into the house.

"Insomnia's gonna be lit," commented Simon. "I can't wait, you have no idea." The two of us were lying outside on the trampoline, gazing up at the sky, which was, for England, pretty clear. I chuckled at his excitement.
"So many people going, too," I nodded in agreement. "Me, you, sidemen, Em, Frey, Summer, Ellie, Manny, and the Cal's. Oh, and Lachlan of course."
"Are you vlogging?" He asked.
"I'll do bits and pieces," I said. "Mainly for the people who can't go, so they can see everything that happens. Just a quick ten minutes, I guess. How about you?"
"I think you summed it up there pretty well," he smiled.
"I'm gonna try and get my real camera out more, I've been neglecting my Instagram recently," I said.
"Your 'real' camera," he repeated, laughing. "As opposed to your fake one?"
"You know what I mean," I giggled. "The one I take nice photos with, not my vlogging camera."
"Oi, serious question," he said, sitting up, and looking at me, with a happy smile on his face. "Be my girlfriend, yeah?" This took me completely by surprise, which I think he intended to do, judging by the look on his face. Two could play at that game, Simon.
"Yeah, okay, whatever," I shrugged, pretending to be casual about it.
"Alright, cool," he nodded, and lay down beside me again. There was a few moments silence, before we both burst out laughing. I rolled over, and pressed my lips onto his. He responded immediately, sitting up, and pulling me into his lap without breaking us apart. It was just as sweet and beautiful as the first time, but with more passion than I'd ever felt before.
"You are beautiful," he murmured against my lips. "I could kiss you all day."
"You are just perfect," I smiled, looking up at him. He returned my smile, and pulled me close to him, resting my head against his chest. I wrapped my arms around him, and he held me tightly. We sat in peaceful silence, enjoying the warmth that emanated from both the sun, and each other.
"Simon, come on," I said, finally, sitting up straight, and looking at him. "You still have to pack, remember?"
"Okay," he nodded, sighing. "I was comfortable, dammit."
"You'll be even more comfortable at Insomnia if you don't have any clothes," I said sarcastically. We both paused, as realisation dawned upon both our faces. "That came out so wrong!" I exclaimed.
"Mad!" Chuckled Simon. "Maybe I shouldn't go pack."
"I think you definitely should," I laughed. I stood up, and jumped down from the trampoline.
"Okay, pull me up?" He whined, giving me the cutest puppy dog face possible. I sighed, and did as he requested. He smirked, and I elbowed him playfully as we headed inside.
"Wipe that grin of your features, one day I'll learn to ignore your pretty face, what are you gonna do then?"
"I'll resort to more drastic methods," he chuckled, wrapping his arm around me, and kissing my forehead sweetly. "Your face is prettier than mine, anyway."
"Whatever," I laughed, smiling at him.

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