Chapter 65: Blessed

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Blessed, adjective.
Of or describing a person who's been given more than they could ever ask for.

Chapter sixty five: Blessed
By the time six thirty rolled around, Emily and I ready to go. I was wearing a black cocktail dress, that faded to red at the bottom, and sparkled in the light. I also had on a necklace Simon had given me for our six months. Freya, of course, was still finishing off her nails, which did look pretty cool, to her credit. The doorbell rang, as Emily and I walked downstairs, and I went to answer it. Simon was there, looking just about as gorgeous as a boy is capable of looking.
"Hey you," I smiled, standing on my tiptoes as he bent his head to kiss me.
"Hey you," he returned, with a smile. "Aren't you looking beautiful tonight! But then, you always do."
"You look amazing too," I responded honestly.
"You ready to go?" He asked.
"Hold on one sec," I said, "My phone's charging on the kitchen bench, I'll be back in a moment." I headed towards the kitchen, yelling "Bye girls!" Up the stairs as I passed the hallway.
"See you there Jordy!" Replied Freya. I grabbed my phone, and returned to Simon, who was waiting patiently at the door.
"Let's go," I said, and we walked out to his car, pulling the door shut behind us.

"Been a while since I went to a party," commented Simon, as we were on our way up in the lift to JJ's rooftop house, where the party was being held.
"Neither," I agreed. "I'm excited to meet Anya, Ethan's sister. Have you met her before?"
"Very briefly, years ago," he said, as the lift dinged, and the doors slid open. "I barely even remember what she looks like, but we did say hi once, I think. She's quite pretty if I remember correctly. I think you'll love her."
"I love all of our squad," I said, smiling happily to myself. "We're so blessed, you know that?"
"Blessed? Hashtag blessed! They ain't ready for me uh!" He smirked, pumping his fist. I laughed. Bruno Mars was a recent favourite of both of ours.
"I'm a dangerous woman who's broke as they come, keep up!"
"You ain't broke, you liar," he chuckled, as we walked down the corridor towards the doors of JJ's house. "How much did ATV pay you for your presence on their show?"
"I feel so bad about that," I laughed. "I broke my leg, and then basically just ditched them again, I'm so happy Meah's doing well out of it though."
"It's great for her," Simon nodded. "Every time JJ came back from visiting for a few days he had the biggest smile on his face. They're so in love, and it makes me happy too. It was all I could do not to get on the plane and go with him, but we had lessons to learn, I guess."
"We did," I nodded. "I'm glad it's over. We're here, let's go in."

JJ's house was already crowded, but I soon realised I did know quite a few people already. They'd decorated the rooms in a Greek mythology theme - there were glowing star signs on the roof, and pillars on the walls, and the photo booth had pictures of the Greek characters on it. Over to one side was a long table covered in food and drinks. The music was already playing, and people were dancing in the open area of the living room, which had been converted to a dance floor.
"Woah, they really went all out!" I exclaimed.
"This is lit," Simon nodded.
"Hey guys!" Yelled JJ, heading over towards us. "Good to see you here. Come in the photo booth with me!"
"You go," laughed Simon, looking at me. "I want food, and I've just seen someone I've not spoken to in a while is here. I'll come find you later."
"Okay," I laughed. "Of course it's the food."
"Food is life," he smirked. "See you later."
"Will do," I responded, and went off with Jide. "Jide, this is amazing, the decorations are unbelievable. Did the guys help you with all this?"
"Yeah, they did, isn't it great?" He grinned. "Anya's gonna love it. She's really into Greek stuff, apparently."
"Oh, so she's not here yet?" I asked him.
"Nah, Frozen's bringing her up in a bit," he explained. "You know, I think he really likes her, but it's a bit weird, because she obviously doesn't notice it. They've been close friends for a while though."
"Yeah, and didn't she meet up with Harry when he went to Hawaii that one time? Are they close too?"
"Yeah, but they're just best friends, honestly. Harry doesn't seem to like her like Cal does. She is a really pretty girl though. Hopefully you and the rest of the girls can make her feel welcome around here too, all Ethan wants is for his sister to stay around for a while, so if we can convince her to do that, he'd be so happy." I smiled at JJ. I loved catching him in his rare serious moments, because there was actually a compassionate and intelligent heart behind the show he gave to the world.
"I'm always open for new friends, and Anya sounds great," I grinned. "Hey, talk of the devil..."
"There's Behz," JJ smiled. "Ethan, come photo booth with us!"
"Okay!" He yelled back, and began making his way over. The three of us squished inside the booth, and began choosing which props to use.
"These are Greek themed too!" I exclaimed. "Ah, this is awesome. I want the trident."
"I'll take the lightning bolt," said JJ, picking it up. "Oh... look at this beard! Ha..." he put the beard on his face, and Ethan and I giggled at him.
"I think that's supposed to be Zeus's beard or something," I smiled.
"Hey, this isn't Greek!" Ethan held up a moustache to his face. He looked hilarious, and Jide and I burst out laughing.
"I moustache you a question," giggled Ethan. "But I'm shaving it for later!"
"Okay, let's take some pictures," I said.

A/N: I'd just like to say this is officially my longest story ever. Original longest was Battle Scars, which was 64 chapters (and hence 64 thousand words long.) can I have a medal now?
Also might be another chapter up in a few hours to celebrate.
Thanks for all the support on this story guys! It means a lot. :)

-Jordyn xx

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