Chapter 23: Rollercoaster

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Temper, noun.
I mean... I knew I had one, but it never really showed itself. I was pretty content to just bob along the top of all my problems, and laugh at them as necessary evils. But then something would hit me particularly hard, and knock me off the boat into the waves, and all hell breaks loose until someone pulls me back up again. That's what my temper looks like.

Chapter 23: Rollercoaster
Our double date was, overall, and enjoyable one. The four of us were already best friends, so spending time together was completely natural. The others spent a while trying to explain 'tipping' to me, as I never really understood it.
"Why don't Australians tip their waiters?" Asked Josh.
"Because they don't need it, they get paid enough in the first place," I explained. "That's what I don't get - like why not just charge more for the meal if you're gonna expect the money in tips anyway?"
"It's a weird system," agreed Simon. "In Italy, apparently, everything just closes down in the afternoon for a siesta, and then re-opens again in the evening."
"Yeah, we're not as weird as Italy," giggled Freya, and we all laughed.
"Oh, and another thing," I said. "Why doesn't Europe know what iced coffee is?"
"Iced coffee?" Frowned Simon.
"Yeah, like when Lachlan and I were in Europe, we couldn't get it anywhere, and we literally took to ordering a shot of coffee, and a glass of milk, and they looked at us weirdly when we poured them in together."
"You're actually insane," chuckled Simon, smiling at me. "But if we're gonna compare weird levels, I think Australia would win hands down."
"Definitely," nodded Josh. I felt Simon gently playing with my fingers as he held my hand under the table. I knew Josh would probably guess what was going on, but we didn't really care at this point. We were just enjoying each other's company.

Simon was still holding my hand when we left the restaurant much later that night. The restaurant was a waterfront one, and we decided to walk along the pier there before heading home. For a while, we all walked along together, but eventually Simon and I lagged behind. The moon glistened over the gently lapping water, and reflected in Simon's eyes, which today, were as dark as the sea.
"I love your eyes," I said randomly, looking up at him.
"Thank you," he chuckled quietly. "How so?"
"They're always shining," I said. "Even when it's dark, like now."
"They only look like that when I look at you," he replied. "You're always smiling, and laughing, like you haven't got a problem in the world, and you have no idea how happy that makes me feel."
"I have been pretty happy recently," I said, smiling at his words. "Since I've been here in England. You make me happy, Simon."

Freya and I ended up sleeping at the sidemen house again that night. Simon and I lay talking for ages again, and as a result didn't wake up until the afternoon. When we finally got up, we decided to make use of Josh's waffle maker, which he'd decided to get recently, and make ourselves a decent breakfast for once. The smell brought Josh into the kitchen, and we ended up making him a plateful as well.
"Where's Freya, Josh?" I asked him.
"Gone home already," he stated. "It's half twelve you know, how can you guys sleep for so long?"
"Not that long," I objected. "We didn't sleep until like 3am."
"The hell were you guys doing?" Chuckled Josh. "Or don't I want to know?"
"We were talking, Josh," said Simon, rolling his eyes. He glanced at me, and we both smiled. Oh Josh, keep trying, mate.

We finished making our waffles, and sat at the island bench to eat them. There was a silence as the three of us set to work to take the edge off our hunger. Then my phone, which was sitting in the middle of the table, began to vibrate. We all looked at it automatically. The caller ID was 'Lachlan'. I ignored it, and eventually it rang out. Josh and Simon both looked at me.
"What?" I mumbled.
"Just don't leave it too long, okay?" Said Josh. "Don't let it ruin your relationship with him."
"I think it already has," I said quietly. My phone began to ring again, but this time I grabbed it, and answered it.
"What can you possibly have to say to me?" I asked.
"Jord, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't think you'd take it like that."
"Well hello, those guys are your best friends, not mine! I know you might be close with them, we don't always have the same opinion, we're two different people!"
"I was really hoping one of them would talk sense into you," he stated. "Since I haven't been able to."
"What do you mean, sense?"
"You're an idiot if you think those guys care about you," he said. "Otherwise, how could they just let that happen? Plus, they're still friends with the guy who hurt you!"
"You're digging your hole deeper, Lachlan," I said. "Leave me alone. I'm happier here than I've ever been, and you're destroying that by bringing up the past that I've been trying to bury. Please don't call me again unless you're going to say something worth hearing." I ended the call, and dropped my phone on the table. The screen cracked right across the middle
"YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" I yelled. "Why right now?!" I stood up, grabbing the offending piece of technology. "I need to break something." I opened the side door in the kitchen which went to the back yard, and went outside. I smashed my phone on the ground, and then picked it up again, and threw it at the fence. By this time, the screen was totally destroyed, and bits of glass were coming out of it. I sighed, and turned to see Simon had followed me outside. I felt the anger flow out of me as suddenly as it had come, as if I was a bathtub, and someone had pulled the plug. I walked towards him defeatedly, ashamed of allowing my anger to get the better of me. Simon pulled me to him, and I rested my head on his chest, sighing. He took my hands, and gently pulled my clenched fists apart, and intwined my fingers with his.
"It'll be okay, Jordy," he said quietly. "Don't worry about Lachlan. It might take time, but eventually he'll understand." He released one hand, and used it to tilt my chin up so I was looking at him. "You know, when you told me that story the other day, I couldn't help thinking you were pretty strong minded not to let Joe bully you into anything, even if it meant he beat you up." I began to relax a little, and gave him a small smile.
"Thanks Simon," I said.
"Now, I don't know about you," he said, "but I feel just like recording video games and eating junk food all day, sounds good?" I smiled.
"You're amazing, that would be perfect." He returned my smile, and kissed the top of my nose gently.
"I'll go grab your phone, or what's left of it," he stated. "You go and find the food." I nodded. He released me from his grasp, and I walked back inside, still smiling.

A/N: sorry for not updating in a million years :) I've been kinda focussing on my other stories.

But srsly Simon... Just kiss her already you idiot.

Heh that reminds me... "I kissed her and she didn't cry! Should I propose?" -Simon 2k16 from the latest youtubers life video hahaha


Okay I'll stop now baiiiiiii :D

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