Chapter 14: Housemates Challenge

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Girlfriends, plural noun.
Every girl needs them. I don't care if you get on better with guys. Trust me, I speak from experience.

Chapter fourteen: Housemates Tag

I didn't get back to my own house until later the next day. Freya and Em both wanted me for videos on their channels, so that was the first item on the day's agenda. Later on I had a Minecraft UHC to record (basically a youtuber hunger games within Minecraft if you didn't know.) Those recordings usually went for about two hours, and then I planned to grind edit the entire thing to get it out of the way. After that I figured I'd hit up the squad group chat and see who wanted to record.

"Hey guys, it's Emily, and I'm here with Freya and Jordyn, and today we're doing the housemates tag!"

"Yeah, I moved in with these two, it's a disaster, honestly," I giggled.

"Pretty sure we concluded you were the disaster Jord," laughed Em. "Anyway, yeah, as Jordyn said we've all moved in together, and although we're pretty close friends, sometimes we fight like sisters, so we're gonna be deciding who is the best housemate by answering your Twitter questions. So let's get right into it."

"Sick intro bruv," I stated.

"I'm cutting that," Em giggled. "Okay, first question! Who is the messiest?"

"Jordyn!" Laughed Freya.

"Hey!" I complained.

"It's so true though," said Em.

"No, it's not," I said.

"Well, can you give us a valid argument, or do we need to do a bedroom inspection?" Grinned Freya.

"What is this, Primary school?" I said. Then I laughed. "Ha, there's this one area behind my face cam that's always spotless, but the rest is a pigsty if I'm honest."

"See?" Said Em triumphantly.

"Whatever, I'll take the L on that one."

"Thank you!" She grinned. "Alright, next question! Who leaves the doors open when they're supposed to be left shut? Ah, that's me isn't it."

"She has no concept of heat circulation," I stated.

"Hey, just because I wasn't a physics nerd in school," smiled Em.

"It's actually pretty basic knowledge," I laughed. "And you call me a nerd, but I barely passed that subject on like 56%."

"Still a nerd," smiled Freya. "Okay, next?"

"Who eats the most?" Said Em, reading the next question off her phone.

"It's gotta be Jordyn again, innit?" Said Freya.

"It just is," I sighed. "But hey, I also get the most exercise out of us."

"That's a good point," laughed Em. "Frey and I are pretty lazy."

"But we eat healthier than you do," pointed out Freya. "I think we're pretty even on that one."

"Yeah, it evens out," I nodded.

"Next question!" Said Em. "Who brings home the most guys? Oh, we're getting personal now, hey."

"They're missing out a key factor that we don't really go out that much to find any guys to bring home," laughed Freya.

"I would say Freya," I stated. She scoffed at me.

"Says the one who spends 85% of their time at the sidemen house," she grinned.

"But that's there, not here," I stated. "Anyway, Josh was here with you the other night, I don't think I've ever had a guy over since we've been here."

"Yes you have," said Emily. "I'm sure Simon's been here!"

"Ah, maybe like once," I conceded.

"Anyway," said Freya, "You were out when Josh came over, how did you know about that?"

"We were talking about the heating in our house, and he was like yeah it's terrible I know coz I crashed in Freya's room once," I explained. "Aw look, she's gone all red!"

"Ah, shut up Jordyn," she laughed, covering her face with her hand.

I smiled. Maybe there was something between those two.

"Want me to cut this bit?" Asked Em, laughing at the two of us.

"Yeah, I reckon cut if after I said 'that's there not here'," I suggested.

"Okay, well it is Freya guys," Em laughed at the camera. "And now we've got one more question! In a Hunger Games, who would die first, second, and last out of us three?"

"Frey would go first," I giggled. "She'd trip over her shoes and face plant into a rock."

"And you," countered Freya, "Would die second because you'd try to apply your video game knowledge and get confused because there's no controller."

"Oh, snap," I laughed. "Well I guess Em would just camouflage into a tree or something and eat the leaves and never be found."

"If I didn't die first, that is," giggled Em. "You're probably right, I think you've both summed it up just about right there!"

"Oh you're so welcome," grinned Freya. "Any time."

"Okay, well, that was the housemates tag! Be sure to follow me on Twitter so you can take part in the next challenge we do. Check out Freya and Jordyn's channels, I'll put their links in the description, we're also doing a video on both their channels, so check them out as well. Be sure to drop a like rating, and subscribe if you're new, and I'll see you all next time!"

"Bye!" I yelled. Em got up, and turned the camera off.

"That was pretty good, I think," she smiled. "Thanks you two. Next video straight away?"

"Sure," nodded Freya. "I'll just grab my camera and tripod, and we're good to go."

A/N: sorry it kinda sucks but I needed to develop Jordyn's relationship with the girls more, so there ya go :) by the way, the entire story is from Jordyn's point of view, including the definitions at the start of each chapter. Sorry if that wasn't clear haha :) thanks for reading <3
K thnx bai

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