Chapter 1

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   'My name is (Y/N) and I am the last Dragonrider that isn't under the controll of Gallbatorix', I thought, imagening that it would sound heroic, but even in my head I heard that it sounded pathetic. I had always wanted to be a dragonrider, since the first time I heard about the stories when I was two years old. But unfortionatley, it doesn't exist any more dragons and even if it would, I wouldn't be worthy to be a rider. I'm a nobody.

   My whole life, I have lived with my aunt and cousin that both hates me. I didn't complain though, because I got food and a roof over my head, but I didn't like it either. Every day I had to work my ass off only to get a little piece of bread. If I wanted meat, I had to hunt it myself and to travel by foot were the deers and moose lived, it was a dangerous road even for the men.
   I lived in the small vilage Un'desi. All of the villagers would always be for themselves and not put their noses in what someone else did. I never had any friends because the villagers don't like me and the children's parents told them to stay away from me.
   "(Y/N)!!", I suddenly hear my aunt scream and awoke me from my deep sleep. I got out of my bed, with the in the little room that belonged to me. When I came downstairs I was met by a pair of angry hazel eyes that belonged to my aunt Adelina. "Yes aunt?", I answerd as glad as usual. "Go and get some bread and take your bow, you're going out for some hunting." I felt a little panick attack begin to crawl on my back. I didn't say anything back, instead I changed my clothes from a simple pair of brown leather pants and top, to some brown leather boots, a black tank top and a pair of beige pants.
After I eat my bread, I went to my room and took my sword that was in it's shelter and put it in my belt, took my bow made out of book tree out of it's cover made out of leather and then put my arrow quiger on my right shoulder, then i went out from the door made of oak.
On the way that led to the middle of the village, I saw Minka, my hatefull cousin. She had the same hazel eyes as her mother, but Minka had black hair instead of Adelina, who once had blonde, but it now is beginning to become a little more like white-grey.
"Look what the cat got", Minka said with her mean and sarcastic voice, as usual. When she saw what I was wearing, she continued to talk. "So where are you going?" Wait, did I hear a little of friendliness in her voice? "I'm just going out to hunt", I said a little carefully. "Well, be safe." Did she actually say that?! "U-um okey?" Before I had the chance to ask her why she were so nice, she left.
I were just at the outside of Un'desi and I turned around one last time to look at the village. All of the wooden house's with their straw roof's and the smoke comming out from their chimney stack, but then I reached the woods.
I have been walking for almost fifty meters and the whole time, my (H/C) hair was in the way of my eyes. Just when i thought my day couldn't get any worse, I fell to the ground with the face first. I glared at the thing that made me fall and then crawled over to it. Under the burnt roots of the trees, I spotted the thing that made me fall. I saw a rock that were blank and polished and when I looked closer, I could see some deep blue, almost silver veins on it. I picked the rock up and put it in my bag. 'Maybe I can sell it when I get back?' I desided to first go and hunt, not paying attention to the slightly burnt trees around me
(Time skip 2 days)

I were still traveling and for the moment I had put up my camp and were resting. The only thing I had got untill now was some small birds and I had to eat some of them. My aunt knew that it could take months to get meat, so I had to keep traveling untill I got some.
I took out the rock from my bag, and it was as beautiful as ever. Suddenly, I heard a pip and saw a crack on the rock. I jumped back in horror that I had done something. The rock suddenly began to move from side to side. The piping sound kept getting louder and louder while the cracks became more and more. Suddenly, the rock stopped to move and making sounds. I crawled over to the rock and I was going to pick it up, but then a little head full of scales popped up from it. The little head soon became to a body when it made it's way out from the rock, that I now realised that it was an egg.

(A/U: This is about the same time when Saphira hatches)

The little body had scales all over it, four legs with four toes with claws on them on the front, and one toe on the back of the feets. It had also a tail and two wings on each side of it. It's scales looked like it was made out of rock, while it's grey eyes was so smooth that they looked more like silver. I soon relised that it wasn't a normal animal, but a dragon! I had always wanted to be a dragonrider, but was this a wild dragon? I reached out my hand to the little dragon, that wasn't bigger than my underarm, and even so it looked dangerous. When my hand were just an inch away from the dragons nose, I stopped. The dragon then reached out it's head and tuched my palm whit it's nose. I felt a pain that was worse than all I have ever felt before. I jumped away from the dragon and rolled up into a ball untill the pain was over. I looked at my palm and saw a silver-like mark on it. It was the mark of the Riders, Gedwëy ignisia.

^I hope you liked this chapter! If you may like this I will keep the story going! 1109 words were used for this chapter^

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