Chapter 6

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Eragon (POV)

   I kept having these wierd and frightening dreams. It affected me and my behavior probably, because I started to notice (Y/N) giving me worried glances when we didn't talk.

   This night, I dreamed about something different. It wasn't the same dream over and over again like it has been these last few nights, because this just made me feel bad, uncomfortable and very much more feelings. What I saw in front of me, was a dragon graveyard. The bones were bloody and it smelled of rotten flesh. The sight of everything terrified me. I could hear nothing but the wind. I wanted to run, I wanted to scream. Nothing happend. It seemed that no predator wanted to eat from the dead dragon meat and it felt like the reason they didn't want to was because of what killed it.


   I woke up to a small glow in the middle of the night. I looked over to the fire and saw that it was almost dead, so I silently went out of my sleeping bag and picked up some branches that we had put there earlier so that if someone woke up and the fire was gone, we could light it up again. I picked up some nearby dry grass and put it on as well and then started to blow on the fire, and soon enough it came back to life and pushed the darkness away a bit.
   I looked around our camp a d saw that everybody else was sleeping, but Brom and Eragon had their swords close to them just in case. Eragon started to move a little in his sleep and I continued to watch him. I saw him open his eyes and letting out a gasp and I felt heat rise to my cheeks while looking away. I mean, I did get caught looking at my not so close friend while he was sleeping. And then I heard his "morning" voice which made him sound like he was sick. "What are you doing up (Y/N)?" He looked at me while squinting his eyes due to the fire that was between us. "I just woke up and decided to give life to the fire again." His answer that came after that didn't really catch me off guard. "Were you looking at me when I woke up?" "Well, yes? Ididn'tmeantoIswearbutyoustartedtomoveinyoursleepandIamsorryifIinwadedyourprivacy!" I didn't know that I rambled until I had finished and I looked down in embarrassment. "I will pretend that I understood all of that and go back to sleep now."
   I let out a sigh of relief when I heard Eragon's heavy breathing. I didn't have some hidden reason to look at him but wouldn't you be embarrassed as well if a person you had just met caught you staring at them when they woke up? I heard a small chuckle in my head coming from Vladmir but he didn't say anything so I fell asleep while watching the flames dance in the darkness of the night.

^Hello guys! I am terribly sorry that this part took such a long time but I actually deleted a part of the story and then wrote it done today, but do you guys like the story so far? See you guys next time!^

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