Chapter 18

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   Today, I sat on Vladmir's back. We decided that since Eragon felt like he could ride on his own now I could go on Vladmir. He didn't say it but I felt that he was extremely happy about it. All of the days travelling and training soon turned into weeks. Since Eragon had broken his his right arm Brom forced us both to learn to fight with a sword with our left hands. We had soon once again crossed the Spine and were left out with flatland everywhere. The spring was finally here. The flowers had started to grow and you could actually see the grass. After we saw the river we rode besides growing bigger and bigger, after a while Brom pointed towards the distance and then started to talk. "We are now close to the Leona Lake", he said. "It's just a few miles away." "Do you think we can get there before the night?" Eragon asked. "We can try", was Broms answer. The sun set pretty quickly and the only thing that made us know that we were on the right way was the sound of the river. When we got to the lake, we made camp and then fell asleep. In the dawn I saw Eragon rushing away from camp towards the river to look at it. I stood up and ran after him. When we got closer to the lake, he stopped and looked at it. He made a sound which made me laugh and then he rushed towards the lake. We called on our dragons, and they broke through the water and their scales glittered like diamonds in the sunlight combined with water. We jumped up and we were soon high up from the lake. We dived into the water and I could see fishes swim away from is in fear.
   When we got ashore, we were drenched from head to bottom. We tried to dry our hairs as good as we could but it didn't really get dry. We didn't saddle the horses until we were completely dry, which took a while. I sat now forward on Cadoc and I actually liked it.
   Before dinner, we trained with swords. I looked at Eragon and Brom's training while I waited for my turn. Eragon actually hit the sword away from Brom's hand. We were both impressed. I felt mostly happy but a little sad as well. Eragon was evolving so fast and did everything well while I came in second place.  "Does that mean that we don't have to train every night?" Eragon asked. "Oh no, neither of you are getting away from that", Brom laughed. "But we can now take it easier. It isn't as important if we miss a night here or there." He dried of his forehead that was full of sweat from the fighting. "Just remember one thing. If the two of you get unlucky to fight against an elf - trained or Not, woman or man - the be prepared to loose. Just like dragons and other magical creatures are they many times stronger than the nature ment. Even the weakest of elf could easily overpower you. It's the same with the ra'zacs - they're not human and they don't get tired as fast as us." "Is there any way to become their equal?" Eragon asked. I saw Eragon smile, probably because Saphira said something. "There are some methods, but none that you can use now. With magic you can defeat all but your strongest enemies. Against them you need the help of Saphira, and also a big portion of luck. And you should also have (Y/N) and Vladmir with you. With the four of you as a team you will be almost unstoppable to anyone." Me and Eragon smiled towards each other. I hope that we will be a team until the end. I don't really want to split for him, since it's just him and Galbatorix alive to know how it is to be a Rider. And I'd rather not be open and share my emotions with the king. Bleh. "Remember than when these creatures uses magic, they can do the things that could kill a human if they tried to do the same thing." I thought about it for a few seconds. "But, Brom, how can you fight someone with magic?" was my question. "What do you mean?" I saw Eragon understand what I meant, and answered for me. "Well", he said while leaning back. "Suppose that I get attack by a Shadow. How can I deflect it's magic? Most spells are immediate, which makes it impossible to react in time. And even if I can, how can I defeat the enemy's magic? It seems like I need to know my enemy's intention before they act." He took a pause to breathe, but then started to talk again. "I don't under how that would work. The one who attacks first wins." Brom let out a sigh at his words. "What you are talking about - a wizard duel, if you want to call it that - is extremely dangerous. Have the two of you never wondered how  Galbatorix could defeat most Riders without help from anyone but a dozen traitors?" "I have never thought about that", was Eragon's answer. "There are many reasons. Some the two of you will hear later, but the main thing is that Galbatorix was and is a master on taking himself into people's minds. You need to understand, a wizard duel has severe rules that needs go be uphold on every side to not make both opponents die. First of all none of the wizards can use magic until one of the participants have won access to the other ones mind."  After a little while Eragon asked a question, probably because Saphira asked. "But why wait? When the enemy realised that you have attacked, it's too late for them to do something." Brom shoke his head at the question. "No, it wouldn't be too late. If I would all of a sudden use my power on you, Eragon, you would probably die, but during that short moment before you were annihilated, you could be able to do a counter attack. Therefore unless one of the fighters wants to due, both sides waits to attack before you have broken through the others defense." "And what happens then?" Eragon wondered. With a shrug of his shoulders, Brom said: "When you have gotten in to the enemy's mind it's really easy to predict what they are planning to do and stop it. But you can still loose, even with the headway, if you don't know how to counteract spells." He put his pipe in his mouth and then lit it. "And you need to be unusually quick-witted. Before you can defend yourself, you need to know exactly what kind of powers is directed towards you. If you are attacked with heat, you need to know if it's goes through air, fire, light or something else. First when you know how to oppose the magic through an example book down the material that is being heated." I thought about what he said for a second. "It sounds pretty hard to do", was my answer. "Extremely", Brom confirmed. A cloud of smoke arose from his pipe. "People often never survives such a duel for more than a few seconds. Without the right training you are doomed to a quick death, because it needs power and ability beyond the usual. As soon as the two of you will get more experienced, I will teach you the methods that you need to know. Until then I recommend that you run as fast as you can if you are ever faced with a wizard duel." We sat there and let his words sink through. Brom started chuckling. Eragon and I first looked with a confused expression at each other, and then at Brom. "You should know how like the two of you actually are. It seems like you can read each other's thoughts without needing to enter each other's minds. It is really hard to find friends like that." We smiled towards each other. I put my hand on my heart while looking to Eragon and then started to speak. "Friends? Us? With a puny human like that? Pha! Never!" Eragon started to laugh at my over dramatic act, which ended in me laughing as well. We ate our dinner and then fell asleep with a majestic sky full of starts.

^Hello guys!! I'm back! It was supposed to be updated the day before but it took a few minutes more and the day changed XD. How are you? What do you think of the story? Dras-Leonais comic up soon and maybe Arya? (Don't remember if it was Dras-Leona or Gil'ead😂😅)
See you guys next time!!^

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