Chapter 8

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We finally made it to Therinsford. It was a village without any order of the houses, everything was just a big mess. We made it to the river where there was a bridgewatch. He didn't look that impressive with a too little shirt and clearly arrogant. "You can stop right there. This is my bridge. You gotta pay to get over." My eyes expanded to what Brom answered. "How much?" He pulled out his purse with money and the bridgewatch's mood went up. "Five crowns", he said with a smile. I saw that Eragon got mad and started to say something I protest, but Brom made him stay quiet with just a glance. The coins were handed over without a word. The man put it in his purse that he had by his waist and said "Well thank you" and then moved to the side. When Brom went forward, he stumbled and grabbed the bridgewatchers arm to stay steady. "Watch out", the man growled towards him. This man was so rude that I actually wanted to slap him. "I'm sorry." They continued over the bridge together. Me and Eragon began to protest about it of course when we were out of earshot. "Why didn't you bargain? That price was way to high!" "Three crowns is way too high to just get over a bridge that probably wasn't even his Brom!" "It's probably not even his bridge. We could have just pushed him aside and made our way over." I nodded in agreement to Eragon's statement. "Probably", Brom agreed as well. "Then why did you pay him?" "Because you can't discuss with all of the world's fools. It is easier to just let them get what they want, and then trick them when their attention is somewhere else." Brom opened his fist. It was full of coins that sparkled in the sunlight. "You emptied his purse!" Eragon said incredulous. Brom put the money away with a playful wink. "And it was surprisingly stocked. He should know better than keeping all of this money in one and the same place." From the other side of the river a loud scream hit our ears. Me and Eragon let out big laughs at the fun situation. "I think that our friend just realised his loss. Tell me if you see any guards." With that comment, me and Eragon started to laugh so hard that we were almost laying on the ground, stomachs in pain and tears running down our faces.

I was sitting behind Eragon on the horseback of our horse. I know that it is weird that we are sharing horse but money can't buy everything you want, right? We only bought two horses and then decided that it was best for Eragon and I to share horse and I must say that even if I had to sit behind the saddle I had it pretty good, except all of the bumping that I had to endure from it. "Uh, Brom", Eragon said while pointing, rudely interrupting my lonely thoughts, "what is that?" I looked up to see what he was pointing at and to my surprise there was a tower at the top of of the mountain. Without even looking up, Brom started to speak in a sad tone; "That up there is one of the outposts that were built by the Riders, one that has lasted ever since their founding. It was there Vrael escaped to and it was there Galbatorix found him and defeated him. And then the area got tainted when Vrael fell. This bastion is called Edoc'sil, Unconquerable, because you cannot reach the top unless you are able to fly. After the death of Vrael commoners started to call it Utgard but it also has an another name - Ristvak'baen, the Place of Sorrow. It was called so by the last riders before Galbatorix killed them." Both me and Eragon looked up to it in awe. It is wonderful to look at the legacy that we have received from the former Riders and I am proud to be one of them. It is terrible how it have come to be now, an abandoned tower at a top of a mountain that you can only reach by flying in the most unimportant part of the kingdom. It is really surprising that the Riders have existed for so long, and they still do thanks to us.


'Yes, (Y/N)?'

'Do you think it is wrong of me if I don't think of Galbatorix as a Rider?'

'Well, Human, why don't you see him as a Rider?'

'It's because if what he did. He killed all of those good Riders just because he didn't get a new dragon and he also twisted the minds of other Riders to follow him. He spilled too much unnecessary blood and then took the throne to himself and then somehow lived long enough for most of humanity to lose hope about having a good ruler."

'That is honestly something that I haven't really thought about in that way. It only makes my blood boil in anger even more and my desperation for his death even greater.'

'Well, our only option for this to end is to defeat him, which we will.'

'I have been wondering this for a while now, what are you going to do if we would defeat Galbatorix?'

'I have never even considered thinking that thought.'

'Well, I think that you would fit as the next in line to sit on the throne.' Before I had gotten any time to answer to him, I felt his mind withdraw from mine.

Later on that night, me and Brom trained "sword" fighting while Eragon had already gotten beaten red and blue. I knew that I trained probably a little more than I had to, but I wanted to be able to defeat my enemies and not just trust on Vladmir or Brom or even Eragon to do everything.
I was almost as beaten up as Eragon when we finished but Brom was defenetley more beaten up than when he trained with Eragon. I never said it out loud, but I was a little jealous that Eragon had a sword of a Rider while I didn't. As soon as we had eaten and put everything away I layed down on my sleeping bag and when I put my head onto it I fell asleep immediately.

^Hello guys!! Isn't summer break nice? How is everyone? I hope that you like this part even tho the story is going really slow! See you guys next time!!^

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