Chapter 9

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   We made our way through all of the landscapes, always continuing forward towards Teirm. Me and Eragon had trained in magic ever since he made fire come loose in Yazuac. Eragon had done it pretty well but I was a huge failure. I couldn't even get my rock to move, let alone make it float. Eragon was better in everything and even if I admired him I was also jealous. Brom had said that it usually took years for a Rider to learn how to contact anything else with their minds other than their dragons and the first thing Eragon did when he met Cadoc was to touch his mind. It was also the same thing with magic, Eragon was better at it while I couldn't do anything. The only thing that I have the slightest thought of being better at is sword fighting. That and Vladmir was bigger than Saphira. I don't know why he is, since they were born at about the same time but out of what he had told me it was that he ate way much more than her and that he moved himself around more. Out of my knowledge he had once asked Brom about how dragons move in war and other manoeuvres that could be useful and he had mastered them all. I must say that I am really proud of him since he tries so hard just to be able to fly like that. He has showed me several times through our connected minds what he does and even if I don't understand when he is explaining it it looks really good.

   We got to Daret without any problems along the way except for Yazuac. We made our way into it, but it is no one around. Brom's voice cut through the silence if the town; "Let's make our way out of here. It doesn't feel good." I jumped a little surprised when Cadoc moved into gallop and we rode towards the way we came from but we barely got anywhere until carriages were pushed in our way and we made a stop before them. A tall stranger jumped up over the blockade. The stranger was well prepared for a fight with a sword by his side and a drawn bow in his hands. In front if me Eragon started to raise his own bow but I pulled at his arm which made him stop and put it down in his lap, but not take his arrow away. "Stop right there! Put away your weapons. There are sixty archers surrounding you and they will shoot if you move." I looked up towards the houses to see men standing there with their bows drawn.

'Human, do you want me to come down there?'

'Not for now, they could be friendly so let's see what they do before we make any bad decisions.'

'As you wish.'
But Brom only answered calmly; "What do you want?" "What is you purpose here?" "We have come only to get some food and news. Nothing else. We are in our way to my cousin in Dras-Leona." The man answered with; "You are heavily armed."

'And he is one to talk! Look at the people in the village!'

'I must say that you are right.'
"And so are you", was Broms answer. "It's worrisome times that has arrived." "True." The man looked close at all three of us. "I do not believe that you have any evil deeds here, but we have met way too many urgals and bandits to belive in your words."

   After we had bade it out of Daret we had got some food and a two pair of gloves for Eragon and I. Since it was pretty cold outside we had the gloves on to keep our hands warm, but I decided to do am adjustment to them. I didn't want the top of my fingers inside the gloves, but I didn't want to have to amputate them if they became too cold so I cut the fingers open at the side where the palm was so that I could pull them over my fingers if I needed to grip something, and then pull them over again if it became too cold outside. Eragon became confused by it but Brom seemed happy with the idea. I started to listen in on their conversation while trying to lift the rock with magic. "Can you do it even if you're not a rider?" was Eragon's question. "Like I said before, with the right training, anyone at all can speak with their minds. But if it is magic or not, it is hard to  determine. The ability to can be triggered by knowledge in magic - or if you make a bond with a dragon - but I have known people that have learned it on their own.  It is a good thing to think about: you can  associate with every known being, even if the connection isn't always clear. You can spend a whole day listening to a bird's thoughts or understand how a worm feel during the rain. But I have never found birds that interesting. I suggest that you two start off with a cat: they have unusual personalities." Me and Eragon sat their and thought about what Brom had just said. "What about a dog then?" Brom seemed surprised by my question. "What about it?" "Well, how is a mind if a dog?" "I would belive that you could have a conversation with feelings and make it trust you with it's life. Dogs are very trustable animals." I broke out in a smile to his words. "Great! Then that's what I'm going to do." Eragon turned around and gave me a strange look. "Do you not like cats (Y/N)?" "No, not at all actually. For one thing, I actually got scratched by a cat when I was younger and if you were in danger, would you trust a dog to help you, or a cat? Because I wouldn't trust a cat since they are just lazy and snobby creatures that does as they like." Eragon let out a laugh and shook is head at me but then turned around and continued where his conversation with Brom left off. "But if I am able to make my way into someone's mind, doesn't that mean they could do the same to us? How would we know if anyone were looking around in our heads? Can you stop that?" "Of course. Has Saphira ever shut you out of her mind?" To my surprise Eragon did answer positively. "It did once", and Eragon looked a little defeated about it. "When she flew away with me to The Spine I couldn't contact her at all. It wasn't that she ignored me; I don't think that she could hear me at all. It was like an impervious wall around her mind." I saw Brom adjust his bandage for a moment to a higher place on his arm. "Only a few people can notice if anyone is making their way into their minds and out of them only a handful can stop it. It is about training and the way of thinking. Thanks to your magic you two will always be able to tell if anyone is paying a visit into your minds. And when you do, the exclusion is only a simple question about concentrating on one single thing and forget everything else. If you as an example think of a brick wall, the enemy will not find anything else but a brick wall in your mind. But a lot of power and focus is necessary to hold out someone for a while. If you let yourself be disturbed only for a little while, the wall will fall and the intruder will come in immediately." And now it was my time to finally interrupt their conversation again. "But how can we learn to do that then?" Brom gave a smile and answered to the question. "There is only one way: training, training and even mire training. Make an inner picture of something, shut out everything else and uphold the picture for as long as you can. It is a very advanced ability, and only a handful can completely master it." Eragon sat there and looking forward until he answered. "I am not seeking a mastery, only to feel safe."
   When we made our way over to Saphira and Vladmir, she lunged towards us. Cadoc and Snowfire backed nervously away from her. She watched Eragon closely and gave away a low hiss. Her eyes were cold as ice as they looked at him. Both me and Eragon gave away a worried glance towards Brom since Saphira gave away a lot of anger. It was obvious that they talked through their minds as Eragon made his way off Cadoc and I took his place in the saddle. But as soon as his feet had reached the ground she sweeper his feet away with her tail and then nailed him down to the ground with her claws. "What are you doing?" He screamed at her. He tried to fight his way away from her to get up but he was obviously stuck. Me and Brom just sat there and watched as he struggled. Saphira turned her head so that her eye was probably right above his. We waited a little and after a while she started to growl and made a move towards Eragon's head with her sharp teeth. He turned his head away from her to avoid the icing gaze. "Well?", Brom encouraged him to speak. "She wants me to fly on her tomorrow." Brom thought through it before he gave his answer. "Well, you do have the saddle. I suppose there is no hurtful to it, just that you two keep out of eyesight." I saw Saphira looking first at Brom, and then back at Eragon. "But if you get get attacked or wind up in an accident? I can't make my way down here and-" Saphira's muscles tensed and I realised that she probably pushed Eragon with more force to the ground. "It's worth the risk. You have to learn to ride on her no matter what. Think like this: if you fly ahead of me and discover the land, you can notice possible traps, ambushes and other unpleasant surprises." After a while Saphira made her way up into the sky and Etagon rose to his feet. He made his way to me and Cadoc and sat behind me and we made our way after Brom.
   The sun had almost set when we made a stop to put up a camp. Eragon and Brom trained with the sticks until Eragon broke them off in the middle of the fight. They then made their way to proceed to train with sword with a spell surrounding them to not make them that dangerous and Brom made sure that I could use it later on too for our training. It was obvious that Eragon had a harder time with using the sword but he continued anyways. And after him it was my turn to train but Brom and I started of with swords immediately. When we both were beaten red and blue we sat down to the simple dinner that Eragon had prepared while we were training and then I went over to sit by Vladmir that layed on the ground.
'What are you thinking about?' His gaze turned away from the millions of twinkling stars in the sky and then to me.
'I am wondering how life would be if we had lived a centurie earlier, before Galbatorix time.'

'By now we would probably be training by the help of superior Riders and dragons.'

'Could you ever imagine this, me growing as big as a hill?'

'Never! I would look like an ant compared to you! Think about it: the ant-sized Rider and her gigantic dragon!' He let out a low humming that was his laugh but sounded like he was coughing and I chuckled beside him.
'Good night Human'

'Good night Vladmir.'

^Hey guys!! I am back with an another update. How are you guys? And do you like the story so far? See you next time!^

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