Chapter 45

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Eragon's (POV)

   Small fragments of the Shade's memories continued to flash through me. The storm of gloomy events and feelings were overwhelming and made it impossible to think. I sank into the maelstrom without knowing who or what I was. I was too weak to try and free myself from the strange creature that clouded my mind. Violent and cruel images from the Shade's past flashed behind my eyelids until I screamed in agony over the bloody visions.
   Towering before him was the pile of corpses... innocent that had been slaughtered by the command of the Shade. He saw even more bodies - whole villages of them - that had gotten their life taken away by the enchanter's hand or word. There was no way to escape the bloodbath around him. I flickered like a candlelight, unable to resist the wave if evil. I begged and pleaded for someone to let me out of the nightmare, but there was no one there to show me the way. If I only could remember what I was supposed to be: boy or man, villain or hero, Shade or Rider. Everything was mixed together in a meaningless mania. I was completely lost in the turbid mass.
Suddenly a wave of my own memories broke through the gloomy cloud that the Shade's malicious mind had left behind. Everything that had happened since I found Saphira's egg was showed for me in a weak vision. My successes and failures got the same space. I had lost a lot that was dear to me, but fate had also given me rare and valuable gifts: for the first time I was simply proud of who I was. Like an answer to my temporary confidence, the Shade's suffocating darkness assaulted me again. My identity faded away into nothing when the insecurity and fear devoured my senses. Who was I, who thought that I could challenge Alagaësia's most powerful and survive?
   I fought against the Shade's sinister thoughts, weakly at the beginning but then stronger. I whispered words from the Ancient Language and realized that it gave me strength enough to fight against the shadow that clouded my mind. Even if my defense had deadly shortcomings, I slowly but surely started to gather my shattered mind in a little shining shell around the core. Outside of my mind, I was vaguely aware of a pain so big that it threatened to end my life, but something or someone seemed to keep it in check.
   I was too weak to take complete control of my mind, but I was clear enough to go through everything that had happened since Carvahall. Where would I go now... and who would show me the way? Without Brom, I had no one to guide and teach me. 
   Come to me.
   I pulled away at the feeling of someone else's mind - so extensive and powerful so it felt like a mountain was towering up before me. It belonged to the one who kept the pain away, I realized. Music flowed through this mind, just like Arya's: deep, amber and golden harmonies that vibrated of grand melancholy.
   I finally dared to ask:
'Who... who are you?'

Someone who wants to help. With a light hit of an unspoken thought, the Shade's influence was swept away like an old spider web. Free from the bothersome weight I let my mind spread out until I hit a wall that I couldn't go through.
I have protected you as good as I could, but you're so far away that I cannot do any more than to keep the pain away from your mind.
Again: 'Who are you that are doing this?'
There was a muffled rumbling.
I am Osthato Chetowä, The Mourning Sage. And Togira Ikonoka, The Cripple Who Is Whole. Come to me along with your friend, Eragon, for I have the answer to all of your questions. You are not safe until you find me.

'But how can I find you when I don't know where you are?' I asked in despair.

Trust in Arya and go with her to Ellesméra - where I am. I have waited many seasons, so do not take too long, otherwise, it might be too late. You are more powerful than you understand, Eragon. Think about what you have done, and be happy, for you have freed the country from a terrible evil. No one can re-do your feat. Many are in your debt.
   The stranger was right: I had accomplished something that was worth honor and recognition. I was not just a pawn in the power game, no matter what tests I would face in the future. I had made it further and was something else, something bigger. I had become what Ajihad had wanted me to be: an authority independent of all leaders.
   When I came to that conclusion I felt rejected. You will learn, The Mourning Sage said and came closer. A vision from him to me: an explosion of colors that blossomed in my mind and into a white dressed figure leaning forward that stood on a cliff and bathed in the sunlight. It is time for you to rest now, Eragon. Do not speak to anyone except for your friend about me when you wake up, the figure said friendly with the face hidden by a shining light of silver. Remember that you must go to the elves with your friend. Now sleep... He raised his hand in a blessing and I was filled with peace. My last thought was that Brom would have been proud of me.


   Arya, Murtagh and I stepped into the small room when Angela opened the door while Saphira stuck her head in. Eragon's face cracked up into a smile as he looked towards Saphira. He looked at her for a while, then looked towards us as all of us had bandages. Arya had one on her arm, Murtagh on his head, and I around my hand and up my wrist. Murtagh had a huge smile on his face. "It's about time you woke up. We've been sitting in the hall for hours." "What... what happened?" Eragon asked. Arya looked sad. But Murtagh cheered: "We won! It was unbelievable! When the Shade's spirits, or whatever it was, flew through Farthen Dûr, the urgals stopped fighting and watched as they disappeared instead. It was like the spell over them broke then, because suddenly the clans turned against one another and started to fight. Their whole army was dissolved in a couple of minutes. We then drove them on the run!" "Are they all dead?" Eragon asked. Murtagh shook his head. "No, a lot of them escaped down into the tunnels. The Varden and the dwarves are doing their best at tracking them, but it will take a while. I was helping them, until a urgal hit me in the head and they sent me back here." "Are they not going to lock you up again?" "There's no one who really cares about that right now", he said with a shrug of his shoulders. "The Varden and the dwarves suffered bug losses, and the survivig are just trying to recover after the battle. But at least you have a reason to be happy. You're a hero! Everyone is talking about how you slayed Durza. We would have lost if it wasn't for you." Eragon looked away and suddenly seemed uncomfortable. "Where were the Twins? They weren't where they were supposed to be - I couldn't reach them. I needed their help. Murtagh shrugged his shoulders. "I heard that they bravely fought against a group of urgals who made their way into Tronjehim somewhere else. They probably didn't have time to talk to you." I knew what Eragon was probably thinking. Something about that didn't seem right, but what?

   Eragon quickly started to pull off the blankets from his chest.l and turned around to feel his back. Angela gripped his wrist with her smaller hand. There was some kind of panick rising in Eragon's eyes as Angela looked at him worridely. "Eragon... you have to understand that I don't have the same abilities as you or Arya. I use herbs and potions. There are limits for what I can do, especially wich such a big-" He pulled his hand away and reached for his back. Saphira had told me what happened when he battled Durza. The cut from his blade had left a scar from his right shoulder blade to his left hip. "You have payed a huge prize for your deed, Eragon Shadeslayer", Arya said with pity. Murtagh let out a dry laugh. "Yes. Now you're just like me." Eragon looked terrified as he closed his eyes. It was not fair that he got such an injury after what he had done, but then again, when is life ever fair?
   He opened his eyes once again, now shining with determination.

^Hello guys!! So, what did you think of the last chapter now that you've read it? I know it took a really long while to finish this book, but thank you for still staying with it! Will you be excited for what's comming now that this book's finished? What did you think of this book now when it's over? See you guys next time!!^

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