Chapter 19

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   Our lunch was spent in a small town. I couldn't remember it's name since it was too complicated and I had  really bad memory. We could see the lake since the town was next to it. The way that the sun was making a yellow, shining line on the lake was stunning. Since there was someone that knew about Eragon and Saphira we always listened for any rumours about them, but there were none. As we have travelled these two days on a road without a break, it hurt to sit down. It almost seemed that after these days that the Leona Lake would never end.
   The sad part was that due to all the travellers and merchandisers, the dragons needed to fly far away and then catch up to us on the nights. For days and days we just continued south. We met a few travellers that said Dras-Leona was just a days march away. I was up a few hours before dawn the next day. Me and Vladmir took a little flight high in the clouds, only surrounded by the dark sky, fluffy but watery clouds and the twinkling stars. It was freezing this high, but it felt amazing to look down on the world. I had once gone to a library in a town where they had books about dragons. In a castle far far away someone had written down that there was dragon skull there. The biggest skull that they had was big enough to ride in with a horse into is fangs, but not get out. Sadly, someone burned the library down and the books were probably ruined or hidden. I wished that I could read them again one day. When we finally landed on the ground, we did it a bit away from our camp so we wouldn't wake up the others, and then we walked to the camp.
   It took a few hours before Eragon woke up. I had spent these hours trying to fix my right boot without throwing it into the lake by anger. When I was done with sewing one of the holes, I always found a new one, so it ended with me sitting there until it was time to go. When we got so close that we could actually see the city, it was a disappointment to how it was built. I had gotten so used to Teirm's organised houses and streets that the sight of Dras-Leona's mess almost made me dizzy. In the distance I could see a mountain a bit away from Dras-Leona. "That", Brom said from his place on the back of Snowfire, "is Helgrind. It is the reason that the city was built in the first place. People are fascinated by it, even if it is unhealthy and a malicious abomination." He made a gesture towards the buildings inside the wall. "We should first make our way to the center of the city." While we rode very slowly, Eragon looked to somewhere by Dras-Leona. "Who are they worshiping?" Eragon asked. I looked to the direction his head was turned towards and saw a huge cathedral that looked like Helgrind inside Dras-Leona. I saw Brom making a face filled with disgust. "They are sending their prayers to Helgrind. They are doing a cruel religion. They drink human blood and offer meat. Their priests are often missing limbs because they think that the more tendons and bones you sacrifice, the smaller becomes your bond to the world of the mortal. The spend a big amount of time discussing which one of Helgrind's three peaks  are the highest and most important, and wether how the fourth and lowest should be prayed to as well." I felt chills go up my spine. How could you sacrifice your own limbs for such a thing? And drink human blood? This all makes me want to throw up. "How terrible", was Eragon's answer. "Yes", Brom said, " but don't say it to the preying ones. You can quickly loose a hand as 'penance'."
   When we got to the gates of Dras-Leona, we had to jump off the horses and walk in the mass of people. I held on to Eragon's arm since I didn't want to get lost in a place like this. I hated to be around people that I didn't know, especially in a huge place like this. Luckily we made our way inside without any problems. I looked around at the architecture of the city. All of the houses were tall but small and the ones that were closest to the wall would've probably fell down if it wasn't for the support of it. Most of the houses even leaned over a little over the small streets and I hot worried if the could fall down on us if we walked there. They hid the sky so that it was almost darkness everywhere. How could people live like this? I got claustrophobia by walking here, but living? Never. All of the houses were also built up by the same brown wood, which didn't make the city lighter, that's for sure. The smell of the city made me gag and the streets were all dirty. People were out on the streets. They looked terrible. It's sickening how the ones who live here can treat people like they're not even worth anything. "I do not want to stay here", Eragon said. "Do not worry, it will get better the further we go", was Broms answer. "First we need to find an inn and lay out a plan.  Dras-Leona can be dangerous even for the careful one. I don't want to stay on the streets longer than necessary." We walked through Dras-Leona, away from the worst area and got to the wealthier one. We got to an inn where it didn't look like the place would fall apart. There was one bed in the room and a small, barely standing table beside it. I saw Eragon looking at the bed in disgust. "I'm sleeping on the floor. There are probably enough fleas in that to eat me alive." I laughed at him and then even more because he just stared at the bed and looked terrified of it. "I will never get close to that bed. I'd rather sleep out in the hall than in that abomination called bed." Brom laughed at the two of us before speaking himself. "Well, I don't want to hive them a meal less", he said and put his bags on the bed. Me and Eragon sat ourselves on the floor. "So, what happens now?" Eragon asked. "Now it's time to get something to eat and drink. Then we sleep. We can start looking for the ra'zacs tomorrow. But make sure that whatever you do, don't make a mistake. We have to disappear immediately if we get recognised." After the food, we went back to our room and then went to go to sleep.
'Good night Vladmir, we will talk more tomorrow. I love you.'

'Good night Human. I love you too.'

^Hello guys!! Sorry for taking a while with this part even if it was pretty short. I hope that you liked this part! See you guys next time!!^

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