Chapter 28

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   I heard small metal objects against each other. I opened my eyes and saw that I layed on a table. I tried to sit up and I felt pain shoot up from my side and up the rest of my body. I let out a grunt and suddenly someone stood up beside me. "Oh no no, don't sit up just yet", he said in a low raspy voice, almost in a whisper. (I thought of the voice like David from The Last of Us😂😅) I felt that my head was still pounding. "I wouldn't recommend you to sit up for a while. You got a really bad wound out there. I've spent the last couple of hours trying to fix you up." I looked down and saw that I had bandages on. I touched my side that had been stabbed and jumped a little at the huge amount of pain. "I wouldn't recommend you to do that either." Suddenly the smell of blood hit me and I realised that It was bleeding through the bandages. "It was hard to even try and make you not bleed out, but it's your body's choice if it'll stop completely." I tried to sit up once again but this time I as pushed back. "Now I need you to relax so that you can leave." And with that, I felt the world grow more and more distant until it was gone.

   I heard mumbling. I don't know for how long I was out, but I felt as terrible as I did when I was awake last time. As I got more awake I could hear the voices more clearly, even if they were very far away. "Did you kill him?" "Murtagh? Is it you?" The voices started to move after a moment. I tried to sit up but the pain was too much. "Er...a...gon?" I finally let out in a small mumble. I let out a cough, which made my side hurt really bad. I realised that they were probably too far away to even hear me. Was I going to be stuck here forever?

Eragon (POV)

   "Murtagh? Is it you?" I asked the man in front of me. "Yes", he answered while lifting up his beard to show that it wasn't stuck to his face. "I didn't want to get recognised. Did you kill him?" "No, he's just sleeping. How did you get inside?" "I don't have the time to explain. We need to find (Y/N) and go up to the next floor before anyone finds us. We get one chance in a few minutes to escape. We can't miss it." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Didn't you hear what he said?" I asked while pointing towards the soldier. "There's an elf in the prison. I have seen her! We need to save her. I need your help." "An elf!", Murtagh said angrily as he started to walk. "This is a mistake. We should find
(Y/N) and escape while we still have the chance." He stopped in front of the cell that the soldier had told us about and took out the keys. "I took it from one of the guards", he explained. I took the keys and unlocked the door. I threw them back to Murtagh as I went inside. "I'm going to look for (Y/N). Don't go anywhere." I didn't listen but only nodded as I looked to the elf in front of me.
   Her face turned towards me as I stepped in. Her eyes were a deep green, almost black and slanted cat-like eyes. We looked at each other for a while until she fell back unconscious. I hurried to catch her just in time before she hit the floor. She weighed very little to my surprise. She smelled of forest. I heard Murtagh step into the cell. "She's beautiful!" "But hurt." "We'll take care of her later. Do you think that you can carry her?" I just shoke my head as an answer. "Then I'll carry her as well." I saw that he already had (Y/N) over one of his shoulder and then he put the elf on the other one. "Let's get going now!" He gave me a dagger and hurried out to the corridor. We continued forward to the stairs. I started to speak as we went upstairs: "How are we supposed to escape from here without getting noticed?" "We're not", Murtagh answered.
   We continued up the steps as I listened for soldiers, and feared what would happen if we met the Shadow. As we got to the top of the stairs we got into a room full of tables. Murtagh put the elf on one if the tables and       (Y/N) beside her. "Can you tell Saphira something?" he asked. "Yes." "Tell her to wait for five more minutes."
   There was sounds of shouts far away. The soldiers marched outside of the door. "I don't think we have that much time, whatever you're planning on doing." "Just tell her and stay out of sight", Murtagh answered shortly before running off. As I told Saphira I could hear soldiers coming up the stairs. I hurried to pull both the elf and (Y/N) under the table while crawling under it as well. I pulled out the dagger and hoped that they wouldn't find me.

   I woke up in the air. I thought at first that I was dreaming, but soon realised that I was very wrong as I saw Saphira's scales in front of my face. My side still burned and it was probably bleeding as well. I tried to sit up more straight and I felt something behind me. I looked over and saw that it was an elf. An elf! She was truly beautiful, even if I could only see her face as we sat on Saphira. I let out a grunt as I looked over to the side and saw that the ground was far below us.

'It is great to see you awake (Y/N)! I started to get really worried.'

'Where are we?'

'We are already outside of Gil'ead since both you and Eragon got captured.'

'How long have I been unconscious?'

'I don't know. You were not awake by the time Murtagh found you in the cell yesterday and this is the first time you're awake since then.'

'Where is Eragon and Murtagh? And where is Vladmir?'

'Eragon and Murtagh are riding on the horses on the ground and Vladmir is above us trying to stay out of sight.'

'How did we get out?'

'Me and Murtagh rescued you after a few days. It was really hard to not make Vladmir come with us. He was already about to jump in when the urgals came and by the time you had gotten captured I had to hold him down so he wouldn't go after you.'

'Alright. When do you think that we'll land?'

'Probably by dusk. We have soldiers coming after us from the city. Until then, you should get some rest and heal your wound. It has bothered me for some time now and it didn't seem to get better.'

'Thank you, Saphira.'

^Hey guys!! I made an another update! How are you guys? I hope that you liked this chapter, and you got Eragon's POV as well! Are you guys excited for the later chapters?? What do you think will happen now when they have Arya? See you guys next time!!^

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