Chapter 17

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Two days. For two days me and Vladmir had been here watching an unconscious Eragon. We stayed here so nothing happened while Brom and Saphira was away hunting down the urgals that Eragon had stupidly left alive. The worst thing was that me and Vladmir had just taken a look around all of a sudden, and when we came back Eragon was gone! Was he taken or did he walk away? I got calm when Vladmir told me that he could smell Eragon and it was only him. I decided to stay here and wait for him. To get something to do while he was away, I decided to try and get away some dried mud on Vladmir's scales. The only problem is that dried mud is really sharp, which I've learned from earlier experiences which led to a scar on my right arm.
   Our time alone soon came to an end as Saphira and Brom came back. When she took ground, Eragon came out running from the woods. "What happened?", he screamed as he looked at Brom. "What happened?", Brom spat at him. "I tried to clean up after you!" He swinged the sword in the air so blood flew a little everywhere. "Do you understand what your little trick did? Do you?" "It stopped the urgals to get you", Eragon said but I could see that he looked a little ashamed. "Yes", Brom growled, "but the magic almost killed you. You have been sleeping for two days now. It was twelve urgals. Twelve! But that didn't stop you from trying to throw them all the way to Teirm, did it? Send a rock through the head on every one of them would've been smart. But oh no, you have to smack them unconscious so they can then escape. I've been spending the latest two days to track them down. Even if I got help by Saphira three of them managed to escape!" "I didn't want to kill them", Eragon answered. Is he really that stupid? "That wasn't a problem in Yazuac." "I didn't have a choice then, I didn't have any control over my magic powers. This time it just seemed... excessive." "Excessive!", Brom spat at him. "It's not excessive if they hardly would've showed you the same mercy. And why, oh why, did you have to show yourself to them?" "You said that they had seen Saphira's footprints. It didn't matter if they saw me", Eragon said trying to defend himself. Brom stabbed the sword into the mud on the ground and then started to speak angrily again. "I said the had probably seen her footprints. We don't know for sure. The maybe just hunted two wanderers at random. But why would they think that now? Because you know what, you landed right in front of them! And because you spared their lives, they can crawl around in rural areas and spread all kinds of fantastic fairy tales! It may be even getting known the the Empire!" He lifted his arms into the air to show a point. "You don't even deserve to be called Rider after this, brat."
'That was highly unimportant to keep them alive.'

'Well it seems like he doesn't have a brain when it's needed.' I saw Eragon walk towards Brom where he sat by the fire. "Would it help if I said I was sorry?" Brom sighed at his words. "No, it wouldn't. Your feelings can't change what happened." He put his finger to Eragon's chest and then started speaking again. "You made some really bad decisions that can have dangerous consequences. That you almost died isn't the smallest of them. Died, Eragon! From now on you have to think. There is a reason we're born with a brain in our heads and not a rock." Eragon just nodded and looked defeated. "But it isn't as bad as you think: the urgals already knew about me. They had orders to capture me." I didn't see Brom's reaction where I sat behind them with Vladmir, but I guessed it wasn't as Eragon had hoped it would be. To me it sounded pretty bad. What if they knew about Vladmir too? "No, it isn't as bad as I thought. It's worse! Saphira told me that you had spoken with the urgals, but she didn't tell me anything about this." Eragon stumbled over his words multiple times as he explained what had happened at the encounter whit the urgals. "So they have some kind of leader now?", Brom asked. Eragon just nodded as an answer. "And you have just defied his will, insulted him and then attacked his men?" Brom shoke his head. "I thought that it couldn't get worse. Your insolence would have passed unnoticed if the urgals had died, but now it can't go unnoticed. Congratulations, you have just made yourself the enemy of one of the most powerful beings in Alagaësia." I heard Eragon huff and then he spoke. "Sure, I made a mistake", he said sullenly. "Yes, you did", Brom answered him. "But it worries me who this leader might be." It took a while before any of us spoke. "So, what are we going to do now?", was my question. "It will take at least two weeks for Eragon's arm to heal. It would be well enough time to bang some sense into him. I guess it's partly my fault. I have taught you how to do things, not if you should do them. It needed judgement, something that you obviously lack. All the magic in Alagaësia can't help you if you don't know when to use it." "But we are still on our way to Dras-Leona?, Eragon asked. I heard Brom let out a sigh at his words. "Sure, we can keep on looking for the ra'zacs, but it won't do any good, even if we find them, until you're restored." He then stood up and started to take of Saphira's saddle. "Are you good enough to sit behind (Y/N) on Cadoc?", he asked Eragon. Eragon nodded and then started to speak. "I think so." "Good, then we can lay some landscape behind us before the sun sets." "Where is Cadoc and Snowfire?", Eragon asked us. Brom pointed to where we had put the horses when we first arrived two days ago. "A bit over there. I tied them where it was grass." We collected everything and then made our way to the horses.
'Do you think that we can fly together tomorrow?'

'It depends if Eragon can ride Cadoc on his own. I want to make sure that he is fine, and if he is then we can ride together all day if you want to.'

'Some day I will put you on my back and never let you down from it. Promise to never leave me.'

'I promise. And you won't leave me?'

'I promise.' As we rode, I felt Eragon stiffen his arm that was around me every time we rode over a bump or hole in the road. I wondered why he didn't say that we stopped, but I didn't say anything. As we rode Brom started to ask us and teach us. Eragon answered wrong most of the time and I felt sorry for the pain he was in. "It's always a start", Brom said when we stopped for the night and I saw Eragon hang his head. Is it wrong that I wish that this trip for Eragon to kill the ra'zacs wouldn't end? What if he and Saphira didn't want to stay with us and maybe went to join the Varden? I'd rather not have anyone know about Vladmir and me. I don't even want to be in war, and joining Varden? Maybe I could stay with Brom and keep on training? But he would certainly go with Eragon to the Varden since he was ordered to, but Vladmir and me? No one knew about us except Eragon, Saphira and Brom. Maybe there was an another teacher somewhere out there that we could learn from? Maybe we could go to Du Weldenvarden and stay there? Maybe the elves could teach us a lot of useful things? They are masters in magic and the ancient language after all. We will see what happens when the time comes.

^Hello guys!! Here is the new chapter! Even if it is a little shorter than the normal ones that I do. How did you like this part? What do you think will happen in (Y/N) and Vladmir's future? Will they go to the Varden or will they stay away? See you guys next time!!^

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