Chapter 13 (pt2)

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Jeod came out soon after he left. We went through Teirm until we came to the castle. Me and Eragon walked behind them and held on to the horses. Jeod made a gesture with his hand towards the building and then started to speak. "Teirms ruler Risthart has ordered that everyone who owns a trading company must have their headquarters in his castle. Even if most of us do our work somewhere else, we still have to rent a place there. It's stupid, but we still do it to keep him calm. There's no chance to be eavesdropped on in there; the walls are thick."
We walked through the main gates and when we got to a door Jeod pointed at some circles made out of iron and told us to the the horses there and then we went inside. 'It wasn't enough that I am cold most of the times, now it's freezing in here too!' Jeod took a torch from the wall and led us through the hall until we came to a wooden door. When we got inside there were a shelf full of books which I got an interest to. It's fantastic to read books, to be in an another place and someone else's life, even if they don't really exist you will still be sad if they die. Jeod put his torch against the fireplace and the fire started. "You owe me an explanation, old man", Jeod said. Brom started to smile and then talk. "Who are you calling old? Last time I saw you there were no grey in your hair. Now it seems like your while hair is about to fall off." "Yourself is looking exactly like you did twenty years ago. Time seems to want you as an old crusty man, so that you can force your wisdom on new generations. That's enough! Time to tell. You've always been good at that", Jeod said eagerly. I saw Eragon pay more attention now, probably to know more about Brom. I didn't really care, I've always been a listener and always stayed in the back. Brom sat himself down in a chair and took out a pipe which I had almost forgotten he had. "Do you remember what we did in Gil'ead?" "Yes, of course", Jeod said. "It's not something you can forget easily." "No, that you don't", Brom said. "I couldn't find you again when we came... apart. In the middle of everything I stumbled in in a small room. There wasn't anything special there, just some boxes, but I looked through it anyways, out of curiosity. In that moment the luck smile towards me, because I found what we were looking for." Jeod looked like he could hump out of his chair in sueprisement. "I couldn't wait for you, when I had it in my hands. I could've been spotted any moment, and then all would've been lost. I disguised my self as good as I could, left the city and fled to..." I saw Brom looking at Eragon for a moment before he continued to speak; "fled to our friends. They put it in a vault where it would be safe. Then they made me promise that I would take care of whoever would be the receiver. I had to disappear until my service was needed. No one got to know that I was alive - not even you - No matter how much pained me. So I travelled north and hid myself in Carvahall." I saw Eragon tighten his jaw for some unknown reason to me. "So then our... friend have known you were alive all this time?", Jeod said. "Yes." Jeod let out a sigh at Broms answer, but I couldn't blame him. "I guess the lie was necessary, but I wish that you would've told me. Doesn't Carvahall lie further north, on the other side of The Spine?" Brom nodded to Jeod's question. Jeod took a close look at Eragon this time. "Then I guess you are fulfilling your duty."
Brom shook his head. "No, it's not that easy. A while ago it got stolen, at least that's my guess, because I haven't heard from our friends: I suspect that something happened to their messenger. So I decided to get to know as much as possible. Eragon happened to take the same way. We have taken company for a while." Jeod looked surprised for some reason. "But if you didn't get a message, how do you know that it is -" "Eragon's uncle got brutally murdered my the ra'zacs", Brom cut him off. "They almost ended him when they burned down his home. He deserves his revenge, but they disappeared without a trace and now we are in need of your help to find them." Jeod blinked a few times as to see if he heard right, and then he answered. "I understand... But why have you come here? I don't know where the ra'zac can be holding, and the ones who does probably won't tell you." I saw Brom stand up from his chair and pull out the ra'zacs bottle out of his coat and threw it to Jeod. "It contains seithroil - the unhealthy kind. It belonged to the ra'zac. They dropped it along the road, and we happened to find it. To track the oil transportation in the Empire we need to look at Teirms shipping registers. It should lead us to the ra'zacs nest." Jeod stayed quiet for a moment and then he pointed at the books in his shelf. "You see them? All of them are registers over my company. One company. Your project can take months. But there's an even worse problem. The register you are after is in this castle, but it's only Ristharts trade administrator, Brand, that looks through them regularly. Me and other merchants are forbidden to have them. They are afraid that we would cheat with the numbers and trick the Empire on their precious taxes." "I can handle that when the day comes", Brom said. "But we need to rest for a few days before we can start." Jeod smiled. "It seems like it is my turn to help you. My house is yours. Do you have an another name while you are here?" "Yes", Brom answered. "I am Neal, the boy is Evan and the girl is Marina." "Eragon", Jeod said while looking at him. "Your name is unique. Only a few have been named after the first Rider. In my whole life I have only read about three people with that name." I saw at the look on Eragon's face that he was surprised by Jeod. I was a little surprised as well.
   Suddenly Brom looked at both me and Eragon. "Could you two take a look at the horses and see if everything is as it  should? I'm not sure that I tied Snowfire properly. Eragon pulled himself out of the chair  and when I was out of the room before him he slammed the door when he came out. When we got outside neither of the horses had moved at all. I saw Eragon lean against the wall while looking really mad and scratched Snowfire in the neck. I saw him sit up suddenly at my place on Cadoc's back. I saw him close his eyes for a moment before opening them and saying a spell; "Thverr stenr un eka hórna!" Go through the stone and let me hear. He was trying to eavesdropp on them.
   I saw him sink back against the wall and then he jumped a little. I saw Eragon look around but when he saw whatever he was looking for wasn't there he smiled widely and shut his eyes.

Eragon POV

   "I never thought that you would become a merchant", Brom said. "Not after all time you spent by your books. Or the way that you found the entrance! What made you devote yourself to trading instead to keep on as learned?" "After Gil'ead I didn't want to sit in a dark room to read old scrolls. I decided to help Ajihad as good as I could, even if I'm not a warrior. You may remember that my father was a merchant as well. He helped me getting started. Most of the time my trading is just a cover to smuggle goods to Surda." "But I do think that it's been going bad lately", Brom said. "Yes, in the last time none of my ships have been coming through and Tronjheims storehouse is becoming more empty. Somehow the Empire -at least I think it's them - have figured out which of us who's been shipping to Tronjheim. But I am still not convinced that it's the Empire who's behind this. I haven't seen any soldiers. It's unbelievable. Maybe Galbatorix have hired mercenaries to harass us." "I heard that you lost a ship recently." "The last one I owned", Jeod answered. "Every man on board was brave and loyal. I probably won't get to see them ever again... The only thing I can do now is send my caravans to Surda or Gil'ead, even if I know that they won't make it, no matter how many guards I hire, or hire someone else's ship to transport the goods. But after this no one wants to have them." "How many merchants have you gotten help from?" Brom asked. "Oh, there are many along the coast. All of them have been gotten the same problems. I know what you're thinking: I have myself been thinking about it day and night, but I can't imagine how a traitor with so much knowledge and power. We are all in danger if someone like that exists. You should return to Tronjheim." "And take Eragon there?" Brom cut him off. "They would tear him in shreads. Right now there is no place worse for him. Maybe in a few months, or even better a year. Can you imagine how the dwarves would react? Everyone will try to affect him, particularly Islanzadi. He and Saphira aren't safe in Tronjheim until I at least clear them through tuatha du orothrim." Dwarves!, I thought excitedly. Where lies this Tronjheim? And why did he tell about Saphira to Jeod? He shouldn't have dome that without asking me! "Now while we're talking about them, what is it with this (Y/N)? Does she know about Saphira? And why is she travelling with you? So he hasn't told him about (Y/N) and Vladmir? I wonder why... "She's just one that happened to come with us on our journey. I don't think she has any specific reason to come with us, maybe she's writing a book?" My eyes opened in surprise and let out a loud breath. I saw (Y/N) looking at me from her spot on Cadoc's back. She gave me questioning look before speaking. "What did they say?" I looked at her and it was like the air in my lungs had been forced out. I took a deep breath before speaking. "He lied. Brom lied about you."

^Hello guys!! Do you think that as a cliffhanger? Why do you think that Brom would lie about Vladmir's existence and (Y/N)'s real reason to be there? And are you getting excited every time that you see that my story has been updated or dont you really care about ut? See you guys next time!!^

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