Chapter 13 (pt1)

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   We found it pretty easy to find Angela's shop. The sweet looking woman who was short with curly hair sat by the door with a frog in her hand and wrote with the other one. She had to be Angela, so I started go look at the houses. "Which one do you think it is? Eragon asked. Brom looked puzzled and couldn't really decide which one it was, so he asked Angela. "Could you tell us in which house Jeod lives in?" She didn't even look at us, but still answered. "I could." And she kept on writing. I let out a small laugh at her answer which she smiled at. "Would you like to do it?" "Yes." She started to write even faster than before. Brom and Eragon waited but didn't say anything, they probably waited for her to say anything but she didn't. She looked up and saw us waiting but then started to speak. "Of course I'm going to tell you! You just need to ask for it. The first question was if I could tell You, and the second one if I  wanted to tell you. But you never actually asked me the right on question." I smiled at the way she saw the world, if you didn't do it right on, how would you get somewhere? "Well then, which house does Jeod live in?", was my question to her. "And why do you have a frog in your hand?", Brom said afterwards. "Finally we're getting somewhere" she smiled. "Jeods  house is the one to the right. And about the frog, it's actually a toad. I am trying to prove that toads doesn't exist - there are only frogs." "How can toads not exist if you're holding one in your hand right now?", Eragon cut her off. "In which case, what's the good in proving that toads doesn't exist?" Angela shook her head really fast. "No, No, you don't get it at all. If I prove that toads doesn't exist, then this is a frog and it was never a toad. Then the there is no toad in front of you." She lifted up her pointer finger while talking. "And if I can prove that there are only frogs, well then toads can do no harm - like making your theeths fall off and warts to grow, or poison people and take their lifes. And witches can't use their evil spells  because there are of course no toads to get anywhere." Brom nodded in understatement and then spoke. "I understand", he said. "It sounds interesting, and I would really like to hear more, but now we have to meet Jeod." "Of course", was her answer before she started writing again.
   As soon as we got a bit away from Angela Eragon said: "She's crazy!" I laughed at his outburst because what was different between the two of his right there was that I understood Angela and I really liked her. "It's possible", Brom said, "but you can never really know. She may discover something good, so hold back with the criticism. Who knows, toads are maybe just frogs!" Eragon glared at him before answering. "And my shoes are made of gold", which I laughed at and I'm pretty sure that I saw Eragon's lips twitch upwards by the edges.
   We made it to Jeod's house and Brom knocked on the door. Nothing. "Maybe it's the wrong house. Let's try the other one", Eragon said. I gave him a glare while Brom knocked even harder on the door. When no one answered once again I saw Eragon turn around and I reached my arm out to stop him. I could hear someone running inside and suddenly the door slammed open. A young woman that looked awful, like she hasn't been outside for days, stood by the door. "Yes, what do you want?", she said annoyed. We hadn't even done anything and she's mad at us? "Does Jeod live here?" Brom asked nicely. I myself would've not been as call as him. "Yes, he's my husband. Is he awaiting you?" She didn't even move to be nice and let us in, which made me even more annoyed with her. Eragon poked my arm as  we stood behind Brom. He smirked ad me when I slapped his hand away, glad at my even more annoyed reaction. "No, but we have to talk to him", was Broms answer. "He is really busy." "We have travelled very far. It is very important to meet him." Her face hardened and it looks like she couldn't have any other expression on her face. "He's busy." I saw that Brom started to get annoyed with her too but he answered as calm as ever. "Could you give him a message, due to him being so unmeetable?" Her face was still annoyed but she nodded. "Tell him that a friend from Gil'ead waits outside." The woman looks suspiciously towards us and them said "Perfect". She closed the door and I could hear her walk away. "That wants well behaved", Eragon said. "Keep your opinions to yourself", Brom snapped at him which made me jump a little. "And don't say anything, neither of you. Let me handle the talk." Brom put his arms over his chest while Eragon and I gave each other a confused look.
   Out of nowhere the door flew open and a man stood there. His clothes just reeked of expensiveness and his head had grey hair and short eyebrows. (Is it only me that imagines him as Littlefinger from GoT?😂) He also had a scar in his face across the side of his forehead. His eyes got wider when he saw us. It looked like he couldn't get air as he just opened and clothes his mouth a few times. "Brom...?", he asked a little unsure. I saw Brom put his finger against his mouth in a silencing gesture. And then he took a hold on Jeod's arm. "Jeod, it's wonderful to see you! I'm glad that your memory doesn't fail you, but don't use that name. It would be unpleasant if anybody knew that I'm here." Jeod looked around, probably for possible threats but of course there were none. "I thought you were dead", he whispered. "What happened? Why haven't you contacted me until now?" "Everything will get it's explenation. Is there anywhere where we can talk without getting disturbed?" Jeod hesitated for a moment which made me frown. Jeod's gaze moved between the three of us and he had a face with no expression. And then he spoke: "We can't do it here, but if you could wait a moment I can take you somewhere we can talk." "Good", Brom said. Jeod just nodded and then disappeared behind the door.

^Hello guys!! I know that this is a pretty short chapter, but it is only part one of it since I realised that the chapter in the book was really long. Sorry for not updating in a few days but I hope that you had other good fanfics to read. And do you guys like that I have dragons as pictures at the top? See you guys next time!!^

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