Chapter 5

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(Time skip a few days)
Eragon 3rd POV

   Eragon saw himself once again in the recovery room of his village. He didn't want to feel the pain again. He didn't want to feel the pain of his uncle's death again. The pain that he had felt then was enough then. He didn't need it now. He had found an another rider that probably would be able to feel his pain if he wanted to share it, but he didn't. The only one that he wanted to know how he felt was Saphira.
   He opened the door to the room that Garrow was laying in. Once again his skin didn't look alive. He could once again hear the sad small talk between the villagers that had known him for a long time. They once again turned to him and gave him apologises, once again tried to comfort him. He didn't want it. He'd rather have Garrow alive at this moment than comforting words from people that he knew didn't really care all that much.
   He once again turned around and left the room. He couldn't bare to feel all of this once again. He had suppressed  all of the awful pain that Garrows death had caused him. He didn't want to think about it again. He had tried to suppress it with revenge. Revenge against the monsters that killed his uncle and destroyed his home. He tried not to blame himself, but deep down he knew that he did. If he hadn't found Saphiras egg in the forest, if he hadn't picked it up, if he just hadn't brought it home and made people talk about it. If he hadn't done all that his uncle would probably still be alive.
   His painful dream soon turned into a nightmare. He was in the middle of a forest and everywhere he looked in the darkness, he only saw the outlines of the Ra'zac. He didn't want to see them again. Not until he had a sword or an arrow going in to their chests and out trhough their backs. He wanted to get revenge so bad at them for destroying everything he grew up with and killing his uncle. The Ra'zac came closer to Eragon. He tried to draw his sword, but was frozen into place. The Ra'zac came closer and closer, and the more Eragon tried to move, the more frozen on spot he seemed to become. Eragon opened his mouth and tried to scream for help, but out came nothing. By now the Ra'zac were so close to him that he could hear their breaths behind him. He could feel the air they breathed out on his neck. He couldn't breathe. It felt as if something was pushing against his chest and he was starting to get panick. Was this the end? Killed by the Ra'zac right on spot? Eragon heard them draw their weapons. He started to breath quickly in and out. What was this feeling? He didn't want to die, not like this. He wanted to at least die old with Saphira at his side.
    Eragon felt one of their blades go through his back and rib cage. He saw the bloody sword coming out through his chest. He screamed because it felt as someone was stabbing him. He felt everything. His inside burned where the sword was. He screamed even more when an another sword went through his right side and out through the left one. He felt as passing out, but he couldn't. Why did this had to happen to him? He tried to get revenge for his dead uncle, but died instead?
   He let out a inhuman sounding scream when he felt one of their arrows go through his right eye. "STOP!", he screamed, but nothing happend. He saw one of them coming going to him. The Ra'zac was standing right in front of him with sword in hand. It lifted it up almost above it's head so it would strike Eragon right through the chest. "NO PLEASE DON'T!" Pleading for it to stop didn't work. The Ra'zac lowed it's blade in a quick speed to stab him fast and hard. "DON'T! PLEASE NO, DON'T!" He felt the stab. It hurt way more than the other ones. He screamed at the top of his lungs.

   Eragon woke up with a scream. (Y/N), Vladmir and Brom shot up and grabbed their weapons. When they saw that it was nothing around the looked at him. "What happend?", Brom asked. "Nothing. I'm sorry for waking you up." (Y/N) gave him a worried look, like she knew that he was lying, but she didn't say anything.
'Small one?' He felt calmer hearing Saphiras voice.
'Yes, Saphira?'

'You are not fine'

'I am fine, I promise'

'Eragon, since we have that kind of bond we share dreams. I could see through your eyes what you saw, feel in your body what you felt.' He felt bad for trying to lie to her. No matter how hard he tried, she would still see through his lies.
'I don't usually have nightmares, especially not dreams like those.' He finally felt himself being drowned in sweat and starting to shake. He didn't know what kind of nightmare that was, but he never wanted to experience something like that again.

^Hey guys! Here is the next chapter for you! I just wanted to say that I really enjoy writing this story, and is really glad that you like it. I am sorry if this chapter made you feel disgusted but I came up with the idea of this chapter yesterday and it seemed like I couldn't stop writing it and since I haven't updated in a while, instead of rewriting the chapter I put a warning for it in the part before this. I hope that you guys keep on reading it and enjoying the story! See you next time!!^

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