Chapter 12

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   Teirm didn't look like much from the outside. It was just a huge wall with a tower sticking out from it. Even if the wall was pretty big I couldn't even see any houses from it. The mist had been so thick on the ground so Vladmir and Saphira spotted Teirm before any of us. As we rode along the road to the wall Eragon started to speak. "How big is this place?" Brom of course answered as usual. "Bigger than any city that you two has ever seen." The guards looked way more tense and their spears blocked our way. "And what's your names?" one of them asked, probably bored out of his mind. Well I would probably be that too if I had to stand at the same boring wall and ask for people's names all day. "My name is Neal", Brom said hoearse voice. He was sank down more on one side and he looked like a happy idiot. 'More like he had eaten the wrong mushroom', I thought to myself. "And who's the other two?" the guard asked. "Well, I was about to get to that. These are kind of my nice and nephew Marina and Evan. They are my sister's children and not..." I almost let out a laugh at what he was going to say before the guard nodded. "Sure, sure. And what are you doing here?" "He's here to see a friend", Eragon filled in an put on a heavy accent which almost made me fall of the horse and I could barely hold in the laughter. "I'm with 'im to make sure he ain't loosin' his way, if you get what I mean. He ain't young like before, got a little too much sun when he was younger. A nip of brain chills, you get it?" Brom nodded his head and made a crooked smile. "Good. You can pass" the guard waved with his hand and lifted his spear. "Just make sure he doesn't make any trouble." "Oh no, he won't" Eragon promised. He made Cadoc move forward and we rode into Teirm. Brom sat up straight as soon as we got away from the guards. "A nip of brain chills huh?" I let out a laugh at it which Eragon smiled in triumph to. "You can't get all of the fun to yourself", Eragon teased. Brom cleared his throat and hummed lowly. I saw that the houses were pretty small and very depressed-looking. They only had really small windows which barely let in any sunlight. When I saw that Eragon looked more towards the roofs I lifted my head and did the same. The ones closest to the wall had only one floor while the further back I looked, the houses only grew in height. The ones closest to the castle where the highest but not as much as the castle itself. "They're ready for war here", Eragon said. Brom nodded at his comment. "Teirm history is full of attacks from pirates, urgals and other enemies. It has since long been a centre for trade. It always appears conflicts when richness in such a mass is at one place. The people here have been forced to go extreme to avoid attacks. They even get soldiers from Galbatorix to defend the city with." "But why is some of the houses higher than the other ones in the city?" I said. "Look at the castle", Brom answered and pointed. "Nothing covers its view over Teirm. If you break through the wall there will be archers on every roof in the city. And because the houses in the front, closest to the wall,  is lower it means that the archers further back can shoot over their heads without a risk to hit their allies. If the enemy would take the houses at the front, it would be pretty easy to shoot them." "I have never seen such a well organised city before", Eragon said in wonder. "Sure, but Teirm needed to almost get burned to the ground in a pirate attack first" Brom remarked. People have us glances here and there as we rode along the street but no one gave us more attention than that. I saw Eragon go into his mind and we both looked at a man with a sword by his side. Both me and Eragon looked on the street and I heard him mumble his thoughts out loud under his breath, which I found cute. He mumbled something about no kids playing on the streets and people had a hard face on and other stuff that I couldn't catch due to all of the people on the street.

   I disappeared into my mind and thought about Vladmir. How could I be this lucky to be a Rider and have my closest friend to be a dragon? No- scratch that. He's my family, without a doubt. I didn't come out from my mind until Eragon jumped off Cadoc that was now tied by some inn. I jumped off and followed them in. The place wasn't really that filled. There were a few people sitting in the corner, but instead of laughing and having fun they were all gloomy in their corner. I put notice to the fire and saw that there was barely anything burning there. The man behind the counter were polishing a glass but I noticed that it was broken so I laughed at it. In my mind of course. Brom leaned against the counter and started to ask his question. "Do you know where we can find a man named Jeod?" I looked towards Eragon and saw him fiddle with the end of his bow. It annoys me with the small movement in the corner of my eye, so I slapped his hand lightly such made him look up at me and when he saw my facial expression he smiled and then we focused on Broms conversation. The man behind the counter answered so loudly that I jumped a little such made Eragon chuckle beside me. "No, why would I know something like that? Do you think that I keep check on every person in this hopeless place?" I saw Brom grabbing the purse that he had and pulled up some coins. "Would this help to clear your mind?" The man put away the glass as soon as he saw the coins and I snorted at his greed. "Maybe", he answered and then lowered his voice, "but it needs to be a lot to fix up my memory." Me and Eragon gave each other a glance about it that said "really?". I saw Brom darken but he still pulled out some coins on the counter. I saw the the guy looking unsure for a moment and I was really close to just slap him because of his selfish greed."Fine", he said and stretched his hand out for the coins. But before he could reach them a man from one of the tables: "What do you think that you're doing, Gareth? Anyone on the street can tell them where Jeod lives. What are you even doing?" Fast as lighting, Brom took all the money and put it back in the purse. Gareth gave the man a death glare such me and Eragon smiled towards each other at. He then returned to cleaning his glass. Brom turned towards the kind stranger and said: "Thanks. The name's Neal. This is Evan and Marina. The man lifted his cup towards us. "Martin, and you have Gareth you have already met." Martin nodded towards some empty chairs. "It's just to sit down. You're not bothering me. I saw Eragon turn his chair so that the back towards the wall and his front towards the door, which I found amusing. I saw Martin raise his eyebrow towards him but if he wanted to say something, he didn't.
"You just helped me save some crowns", Brom said. "My deepest pleasure. But you have to understand Gareth - the business hasn't been really good lately." Martin reached his arm up to scratch his chin. "Jeod lives on the west side of the city, besides Angela the herbalist. Are you going to do business with him?" "In a way", Brom answered. "Well, he probably won't be interested in buying anything; he just lost a new ship, just a few days ago." Brom became really interested in that new. "What happened? It wasn't urgals now, was it?" "No", Martin answered. "They're not here in the area anymore. It's almost a whole year ago since they were last seen. They seem to have made a move towards the south and west. But that's not the problem. Well, we do business through sea, as you probably know already." He drank a little from the cup in his hand. "Well, since some months back there has been someone attacking our ships. It's not normal with piracy, because it's just ships with a special load from special merchants that gets attacked. Jeod happens to be one of them. It has gone so far that no captain takes in goods from those merchants, which makes it harder for everyone around here. Especially since some of the are the biggest shipping merchants in the Empire. Now the have to move their goods over land instead, which has pressed the costs far over the limit, and their caravans don't always make it either." Brom thought about what Martin just said with a distant look on his face. "Have you any idea who could be behind this? There must be witnesses", Brom said. He looked defeated when Martin shook his head. "No one has survived. Ships leave, but then they disappear and is never seen again." He leaned forward and started to speak again. "The sailors states that it's witchcraft." With a wink and a nod he leaned back again. Brom seemed amused by his words. Why would someone with that much power to make ships disappear not do something really bad? Or really good if that was it? "And what do you think?" Martin shrugged his shoulders at Broms question. "No idea. And I probably won't get to know either, if I don't have the bad luck to be on one of those ships." "Are you a sailor?" Eragon asked. "No", Martin snorted. "Do I look like one? The captain's rent me to defend their ships against pirates. And lately they've been lazy I guess. It's no matter what a good job." "But dangerous", Brom answered. Martin emptied his beer whit a shrug.
   We took farewell and made our way to the west side side of the city, Teirm's more fancier area. The houses were so much bigger and cleaner than the rest of the city. The people on the street wore so overly fancy clothes that I wanted to puke. I saw that Eragon felt a little uncomfortable of it so I put my hand on his shoulder in a reassuring gesture as we continued forward.

^Hey guys!! Sorry for the late update but I was actually outside most of the day XD. Thank you for returning to read the new chapter! And does anyone here read the Percy Jackson series? Well, See you guys next time!!^

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