Chapter 10

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   When I woke up I saw Eragon stretching and making a face. I understood that it was due to all of the bluemarks that we have gotten when we trained sword fighting. I looked over and saw Brom carrying Saphira's saddle towards her and then started with the breakfast. "You two, listen up," both me and Eragon turned our heads towards Brom "I think that it would be best that one of you flies on your dragons at a time and the other one stays on Cadoc's back here on the ground with me." "But if today I am going to get up there and fly, what will (Y/N) do down here with you?" "The one of you that is down here with me can train in magic and in the ancient language." I walked over to Cadoc and put in his saddle while Eragon and Brom talked about how to ride on a dragon. After a while they flew up in the air and I was stuck down here training magic. I must say that I may be bad in magic, but Brom said that he's surprised that I have learned the words in the ancient language with such ease. And to my surprise, I had actually gotten better at lifting the rock without noticing after all of this training.
'Vladmir, how are they doing up there?'

'See for yourself.'  He showed me what they were doing a little below him and it looks like Eragon is ready to throw up his breakfast. Saphira made a roll and his muscles tightened around her to keep him steady. I was sure that he was going to throw up right then and there, but he didn't but it still made a laugh slip out of my mouth. I saw how Saphira turned her head to look at Eragon and then they started to fly higher, until they made a stop towards the ground and it was then that I could see them with my own eyes. A little blue dot falling towards the ground, like a little piece of the sky.
   Me and Brom had been riding and training the whole day and I had of course talked with Vladmir as well. It was now afternoon and we had now stopped by the river when Brom noticed that the traces of the Ra'zac had disappeared. At our discovery, me and Brom suggested to each otger that Eragon should come down. Brom tried to contact him with his mind and after a while he opened his eyes and cursed. "That little brat and his overgrown lizard is shutting me out!"
   Saphira and Eragon finally made their way down to us where we stood by the river and Brom started to scold Eragon. We made our way to the mud where the traces stopped. "Tell me what you see." Eragon fell on his knee and watched the mud closely. It was traces everywhere but it was four deep scratches in the mud. "I have no idea what it could-" Eragon looked to Saphira and he realised what I did earlier, they flew away. "It's crazy but the only thing that I can come to think of is that the ra'zac flew away on dragons." I let out a snort at it because why would dragons ever consider the thought at carrying them? "No, the didn't fly away on dragons. A dragon would never lower itself to such a level that it would carry a ra'zac but I have heard stories about them moving from place to place incredibly fast, but this is the first time I am actually getting proof of it." Eragon looked defeated at Broms words. "So there us no way for us to follow them?" "I think that we should consider it while eating lunch. I saw Eragon looking at the landscape while we ate and I was close to asking him what he was thinking about, but I decided against it.
   After dinner, Brom stood up and started to speak. "I have gone through every possible way and tricks that I can imagine in my mind and I still haven't found a way for us to found the ra'zac." I saw Eragon sinking back towards Saphira in defeat. "Saphira could always show up in a city. The ra'zac would come there like flies to sugar. But that would mean gigantic risks. The ra'zac would bring soldiers and the king might get to interested that he will come there himself, which would end up in a certain death for both you and me, and putting (Y/N) and Vladmir in way too much danger." Eragon looked up to Brom, and then to me. "So what will we do now?" "Well, it is up for you to decided since it's you crusade." Eragon looked mad and then walked away from all of us. I looked as he stopped further away and then stopping to pick something up. He turned it upside down so whatever was inside came onto his finger. He let out a yelp while jumping and then dragging his finger on the ground, which resulted in me laughing really loudly and for Vladmir to wake up from his rest. He ran back to me and Brom and showed him the bottle. "Look what I found." I saw Brom take the bottle away from him and then inspecting it. I took the cap of and turning the bottle a little so that the thing that was apparently a liquid fell onto the cap. Eragon looked scared and then warned him. "Watch out, it corrodes-" "The skin, I know", Broms answer made me grin since Eragon looked dumbfounded. "And I guess that you went and poured it all over your hand. Just your finger? Oh Well, you were at least smart enough to not drink it. It would've just been a puddle left of you." "But, what is it?" "It's oil from the petals of a Seithr plant, that grows on a little island in the cold seas in the north. In its natural state the oil is used to preserve pearls in - it makes them shining and strong. But if you say some special words over the oil, together with a sacrifice, it gets the ability to corrode all kinds of meat. It doesn't make it that special - there are types that can corrode muscles and bones - if it wouldn't be that it doesn't hurt anything else. You could dip anything into it and pick it up without a scratch, as long as it hasn't been a part of a human or animal. This makes the oil a favourite weapon to use in torture and assassination. The way it can be used for is only limited by your fantasy. The damage it makes are hard to heal from. It is rare and expensive, especially in this condition." It made me think about how many lives that had been lost to the ra'zac and other people that got their hands on this liquid. I thought about all the possibilities to why they would have left it here and since I didn't come up with a good answer I asked Brom."But Brom, why would they leave it then if it's worth so much?" "I believe they dropped it when they flew away." "But if so why wouldn't they come back and get it? It's not like the king would get happy about it." Brom chuckled at my answer to it and then started to speak himself. "No, he won't but he would be even more unhappy if he waits for news about Eragon. The truth is that if they have made their way to him already he defenetley already knows your name Eragon. And that means we have to get more careful when we go to cities. They will have posters and people will look for you over the whole Imperium." Eragon started to speak after a moment of silence. "How rare is this oil?" "The normal oil is actually used by juwelers, but only those who can afford it." My nose scrunched up in dislike. Why does it have to be such a difference between people just because of their money? If they have so much, why can't they do everything in their power to make those who have it miserable have it better? "So there are people who use it?" "Maybe one, two at the top." I thought about it and if they are from an island shouldn't they be moved by boat? I was quick to answer Brom about it. "But if they are moved by boat, shouldn't the cities by the coast have shipping registers?" Eragon first looked confused and then started to smile in realisation while Brom shone up immediately. "Of course they do. If we could get our hands on those, then we could know who deliver the oil south and then where it goes from there." "And the registers about the imperial imports can inform us where the ra'zac lives!", Eragon beamed at me as I stood myself on my feet. "(Y/N) you're a genius!", Brom said at me, which made me smile. "How I wish that I had thought of that years ago! It would have helped me saving a lot of headaches. The coast is full of big and small cities where ships can stay. Due to most of the trade is being controlled from Teirm I guess that is the first and best place to start with." Eragon put his arm around me in a half-hug from the side and when I didn't move he moved my arm and put it around his back so that we hugged each other. I didn't know why but it felt really awkward for me to be like this, so close to him. I felt my face heat up because of the gesture. I heard a laugh in my head and I understood that it was Vladmir.
'Is someone fancying our friend Eragon here?'

'I am not fancying him!'

'And I am a pirate living my life on an deserted island with all my gold drinking all day.'

'Alright alright, really funny big guy.'

'I'm just speaking my mind over here.', and with those words he withdrew from my mind. Brom continued to talk about Teirm. "As far as I know my old friend Jeod still lives there. We haven't met in many years, but he may be willing to help us. And after all he is a salesman, so maybe he has access to the registers." "But how do we get to Teirm?" "We must travel southwest until we reach a mountain pass in The Spine. And on the other side we can continue upwards towards Teirm along the coast." It was first now that Eragon took his arm away and walked over to Saphira  and started to scratch her scales and she let out a humming in liking. "Can we get to the pass within a week?" Brom showed a confident smile while answering. "With ease. If we turn off to the right from Ninor we will probably see the mountains by tomorrow." I saw Eragon sit up on the back of Saphira and he gave me a look that he wanted me and Vladmir to come with him, so I sat up on Vladmir's saddle without hesitation. We took off into the sky and after a little while I felt an another mind touch mine and I understood that it was probably Eragon.
'Not to be offensive or anything, but your dragon looks like a flying rock.'

'I take it offensively. Not all dragons can look like Saphira does.'

'Don't blame it one me that I look so much better than you Vladmir.'

'I think that you look pretty good yourself Vladmir. And in which case, with you we don't have to try and convince a stubborn dragon to get a little dirty for her own safety.'

'Is it my fault that I don't want my scales to get dirty?'

'Well, it kind of is when you put it out like that.'

'There are no other ways to put it Eragon!'

'Oh, by the way (Y/N)"


'Is it okay for you if I ride on Cadoc tomorrow and you fly on Vladmir?'

'I don't see why not.'

'I have an idea.'

'What is it now Vladmir?'

'I think that you two should sometimes train in riding the other ones dragon so that if we ever split up with the other one you know how to manoeuvre with that  dragon.'

'I'm liking the idea, what about you Saphira?'

'I guess it is acceptable...'

'What, don't you like (Y/N)?'

'Of course I do, who wouldn't? I just mean that you and I have barely spent time together and now we're already splitting up.'

'But what if it would save all of our life's someday?'

'Fine fine, now let's fly!'

   Both me and Eragon trained with swords again that night and by the looks of it Eragon still isn't used to the weight of his sword. I thought about what we discussed up in the air before the actual flight started and I liked the idea of it. After dinner, I put my sleeping bag under Vladmir's open wing so that I could crawl down there in a bubble of warmth that he creates. We talked for a little while but I got sleepy and he just kept on talking to not make me feel alone until I was asleep.

^Hi guys!! I'm back with an another part of the story today again! I think that I will try and update every day or every other day now since I have barely anything to do during summer break except reading books XD. Do you few people that are still reading this wanting me to keep update, and how do you like the story so far? See you next time!^

A Second Rider? (Eragon X Reader) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now