Chapter 39 (pt3)

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   The hallways had become more like low tunnels as we continued to walk. All of the lanterns on the walls were now red instead of blue as the ones earlier. "So that you won't be blinded when you enter or leave a tunnel", Orik explained as we went inside an empty room with a door at the far end. Orik pointed towards it. "That door leads to the pools, where there is soap and brushes."

   We went up the stairs back to Tronjheim again once both of us were done with washing ourselves. When we arrived Eragon looked towards the top of the mountain looking lost in his thougts, but he was probably calling on Saphira. When she came flying down Eragon asked: "How can you communicate with the people at the top of Tronjheim?" Orik chuckled at his question. "We solved that problem a long time ago. You didn't notice, but behind the arches on every floor there is one long unbroken spiral of stairs along the center chamber of Tronjheim. The stairs go all the way from the dragons nest on top of Isidar Mithrim. We call it Vol Turin, the Stairs without an end. It takes too long time to run up and down on it if there is there is a threat and it is too troublesome for everyday uses. Instead we use flashing lanterns to send messages. There is another way too, but it is rarely used. When Vol Turin was being built, they also chopped out a smooth sanded chute beside the stairs. The chute works as a big cradle track, as tall as a mountain." The corner of Eragon's lips twisted upwards and we looked at each other. "Is it dangerous?" "Don't even think about trying it. It was built for dwarves, it is too small for humans. And if you fall out of it, you're gonna be flying towards the stairs and the arches, possibly even towards empty space." Saphira suddenly landed a little bit away from us. Almost immediately there were dwarves and humans flooding out from Tronjheim and gathering around her. "It's probably for the better if you leave", Orik said as he pushed us towards Saphira. "We will meet up by this gate tomorrow morning. I will wait for you." "How will we know when it's morning?" Eragon asked. "I'll let someone wake you up. Now go!" We pushed through the crowd towards Saphira and Eragon jumped up on her back. He reached out his hand for me to grab, which I took and pulled myself up on Saphira behind Eragon. Before she could lift into the air I saw a hand grab for Eragon's foot. He tried to pull away but he clearly couldn't. "What do you want?" he asked her, clearly sounding scared. The woman turned on her arm so that a piece of cloth fell away from something that she held in her arm. It was a baby. She started to speak in a hoarse and desperate voice. "The child has no parents - there is no one but me that can take care of her, and I am weak. Bless her with your power Argetlam. Bless her so that she will get luck!" Eragon looked over towards Orik with a helpless look in his eyes, but the dwarf just settled with watching what happened. The crowd of people went completely quiet as the waited for Eragon to do something. The woman kept on drilling her gaze unto his very being. "Bless her, Argetlam, bless her", she insisted.
   Eragon probably hadn't blessed someone... but I mean, neither had I. It wasn't something that was taken lightly in Alagaësia. I gave him a reassuring push in his back. "Bless her, Argetlam, bless her." He waited for a moment before he reached down and pulled off his right glove. He put his palm on the baby's forehead and started to speak. "Atra gülai un ilian tauthr ono un atra ono waíse skölir frá rauthr." Eragon suddenly leaned back again, obviously exhausted. He slowly pulled on his glove again and said to the woman: "That is all I can do for her. If any words have the power to resist a tragedy, it's these." "Thank you, Argetlam", she whispered and bowed lightly. She started to cover up the baby again, but Saphira let out a breath and turned around until hear head was above the baby's. The woman held her breath. Saphira lowered the tip of her nose along the child's forehead.
   The crowd let out a gasp in unison, which might I add made them sound like they had trained for this moment for years, since where Saphira had touched the baby there was now a shiny spot that looked like me and Eragon's gedwëy ignasia. The woman stared at Saphira in wonder without saying a word. Saphira immediately took off upwards and almost made the crowd below us fall, and I almost fell off of her back before I slapped my arms around Eragon's hips. Even if it had gone pretty well I had this feeling inside of me that made me feel worried. But for what?

^Hello guys!! How are you? First update of 2018! Did you like this chapter? What do you think will happen now? How's this year been so far? See you guys next time!!^

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