Chapter 30

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   There is only one word to describe the Hadarac Desert; dry. All of us were sunburnt when we stopped by the cliffs by dusk.
   Murtagh made a fire to cook food. "How far do you think that we rode?" Eragon asked. "I don't know!", Murtagh snapped. I furrowed my eyebrows. Sure it wasn't the most pleasant place to be in, but he should still not take his bad mood out on the rest of us. Murtagh looked at the food and cursed. "We don't have enough water. And the horses needs to drink." Eragon just stared and then talked. "Get the horses." While I went to get the horses, Saphira digged a hole with her claws in the sand. Eragon closed his eyes and then let the water flow with his magic. Murtagh re-filled our water and then he backed away to let the horses drink. I looked at them as they drank, and they drank a lot. When I saw that Eragon was struggling to hold the water up I wanted to help, but I knew that I couldn't do it without letting Murtagh know.    
   The next day that we woke up, it was freezing in the desert. When I let out a breath I could see it as a small cloud in the air. Murtagh hadn't gotten in a better mood over the night, and neither had Eragon. During the breakfast Eragon started to speak. "Do you think that we'll get out from the desert soon?" Murtagh gave him a death glare. "We're just crossing a small part of it, so I can't imagine that it would take us more than two or three days." "But think about how far we've travelled." "Sure, maybe it'll go faster then! The only thing I care about is to get away from Hadarac as soon as possible. What we are doing is hard enough without having the need to pick sand out of the eyes all the time." It went quiet after that. We decided that it would be better if I continued to ride on Saphira. 

   We kept on travelling. We finally took a break in the middle of the day, but we left very soon. From the air, we saw hills. They became whiter the higher you looked, and bluer the lower down you looked.
'(Y/N), can you see that?' , Eragon asked.
'You mean the mountains? Of course I can see them!'
'We're probably by the edge of the desert by now! We'll soon get to the Beor Mountains and the Varden!'

'Well, Eragon, about the Varden. We didn't really-'

'Wait, I have to talk to Murtagh now, but keep that in mind and we'll talk later!' I felt a wave of sadness and disappointment. Would we have to tell them when we actually got there?

'What is it Saphira?'

'What were you going to tell Eragon?'

'Oh, nothing important for now.'

'I can feel that something is really troubling you. You and Vladmir. Please tell me.'

'I don't really know. I-'

'I think that we should tell her.'

'But are you sure Vladmir? What if-'

'I am sure.'

'Alright then.'

'Will you tell me now?'

'I guess that we are.' I felt Vladmir's feelings of relief.
'We are not coming with you to the Varden.'

'What?! Why would you leave after all of this? Where are you even going?'

'We don't know where we're going yet, but we are sure about not coming with you to the Varden.'

'But why?!'

'We don't want to fight in the war, and that is what would await us if we came with you to the Varden.'

'But you can still be in the Varden without fighting!'

'Do you truly believe that? If two Riders and dragons came to them, do you truly believe that they would actually just let us be there and not want or force us to fight?'

'It is still not a good decision! Where would you actually go?!'

'We could possibly stay here.'

'And starve to death?! Is that what you think is the best decision?!'

'It may not be, but no matter on what side we would be we would be forced to fight!'

'You two are impossible! I will not discuss this whit you anymore.' I felt Saphira pull away from my mind.

'Do you still think this is the best decision?'

'Do you?'

'I am not doubting our decision now if that's what you're asking.'

'I know. I love you.'

'I love you too Human.'

   We finally left the desert. It took the rest of the day to get out of it, but we did. We put up a camp by a river, and we all were happy for finally leaving the desert. We ate, and then tried to sleep.
'How do you think that Eragon will react when we tell him?'

'Probably worse than Saphira.'

'Well, should we stay? What if they would need us?'

'They are fully capable of taking care if themselves (Y/N). You should focus on what you want sometime too.'

'So we're really doing this?'

'Yes we are.'

^Hello guys!! Here's the other update! I can't believe this is chapter 30! I remember the day when I published chapter one! How are you guys? How do you like the story so far? What do you think will happen next?! See you guys next time!!^

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