Chapter 16

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After a good night of sleep me and Eragon carries the horse saddles from the stable and packed everything. Jeod and Brom said goodbye while Helen stood by the door and watched. "I will miss you, old man", Jeod said. "And I you", Brom said back. He then bowed with his head and turned towards Helen. "Thank you for your hospitality; it has been very pleasant." She became red in the face and I almost laughed because it looked like she would explode at any moment and start screaming at Brom. He then continued without caring about her reaction."You have a good husband, take care of him. Few men are as determined and bold as him. But not even he can go through hard times without support from those he love." He now bowed to her. "Just an offer, my fair lady." She glared at Brom even worse now and then slam the door. Jeod gave out a sigh and looked tired. Both me and Eragon thanked Jeod for the help and then we sat up on Cadoc. When we got to the south gate of Teirm the guards let us through without any problem. When we rode under the gate I saw Solembum laying in the shadows. When we got away from the city Eragon started to speak with Brom. "What is werecats?", he asked. Brom seemed surprised at the question. "Why this sudden curiosity?" "I heard someone mentioning them in Teirm. But they can't be real, can they?" I almost laughed at his acting of playing dumb. "They are very real. Under the Riders gloss days they were valued as high as the dragons. Kings and elves had them as pets - But the werecats could come and go as they liked. It is very little that is known about them. I'm afraid that their kind has been very rare lately." "Could they use magic?", I asked. Brom apparently found it funny that all three of us were now in this conversation, because he chuckled. "No one knows for sure, but they could absolutely do unusual things. They seemed to know what would happen and always succeeded with being a part of it somehow one way or another." I thought about what to say after that. "Oh, what is Helgrind?" "The two of you will get to see that when we get to Dras-Leona."
After that I could hear something from the sky. Brom and Eragon looked up and I shortly after them. I could see two dark spots in the sky and the dragons broke through the sky. Eragon threw Cadoc's reins to me as he talked. "See you at lunch." "Have fun", Brom answered. I could hear Vladmir complain about not me coming with to Saphira in the back of my head. The soon flew up into the sky and me and Brom continued the traveling on the ground. "Brom", I asked, "I have been wondering this for a while now, but does male dragons grow faster than female?" Brom seemed surprised at the question I suddenly asked. "I have never heard that they do so no, they can't." "Then why is Vladmir bigger than Saphira if they were born at about the same time?" "As well as it is from person to person, dragons look, talk and grow not the same as one another. But I must say that I have never heard of a dragon with the colour that Vladmir has."  "Can dragons change it's colour?" "No, that seems very impossible."
   After dinner Eragon and I decided to switch so that I was riding on  Vladmir while he was riding on Cadoc. I put on the saddle on Vladmir since I didn't really want to ride without it. We took of into the air and soared through the sky. Saphira was a bit away but we could still we each other.
'Oh how I've missed this Human.'

'Me too. I just can't understand how you can feel so free all of the time. You could go anywhere you want!'

'Well yes, but that freedom is pretty limited as it is now.'

'Just wait until everything is over and then you can speak.'
   We finally landed in the woods when it was time for dinner. Eragon went out to look for water while we sat by the fire as Brom cooked. Saphira filled in on what we had missed; the conversation between Eragon and Brom. I just hope that he hasn't told the Varden about me and Vladmir. "Brom, have you told the Varden about Vladmir and me?" He let out a heavy sigh while to looked at the fire. "No, I have not. Like I said, the two of you are the second - and maybe better - plan. I would rather not have anyone know about your existence. Except if you would get an another teacher or someone else that you could trust it with, otherwise I want you to keep yourselves a secret, alright?" I nodded at it and I could feel that Vladmir agreed as well. Suddenly both Saphira and Vladmir literary jumped up and towards us. I fell to the ground and I could feel that Vladmir grabbed me with his front feet. His wings became a cocoon around us and his face was above it.
'Vladmir? What are you doing?'

'Keeping you safe.'

'Why? There's no one here!'

'Saphira told me to do it.' I heard someone stumble to our camp, probably Eragon. I heard a loud thud. "Stop, it's me!", I heard Eragon scream. " It took a few seconds before he started speaking again. "Oops?", he sounded mad. Did Saphira do something? "You almost killed me! Where is Brom and (Y/N)?" After that I heard Brom talking from the direction that Saphira was. "I am right here", Brom hissed at him. "Tell your crazy dragon to let me go, she isn't listening to me." "Let him go!" Eragon said madly. "Didn't you tell him?" When Vladmir knew that he could let go he opened his wings and let me out. "I found footprints of a urgal. A new one." I saw Broms fave harden at his words. "Make the horses ready. We're leaving." I went to go to the horses but Eragon didn't move at all. "Eragon, what's wrong with your arm?", I asked as I looked at it. "I broke my wrist", was his answer. I heard Brom swear. I sat up first on Cadoc while Brom led him to Eragon. "We have to steady the arm as soon as possible. Try to not move it until then." Eragon sat up behind me so that I could sit in the front. Brom then started to speak to Saphira and Vladmir. "I think it's best if you fly closely to us Saphira, it's pretty dark anyways. Vladmir you can be higher up but be ready to come to (Y/N) if anything happens."
   We rode in a almost dangerous speed. We had rode half a mile until Brom stopped. "Listen", he said. We heard the sound of a hunting horn in the distance. "They must have found our camp", Brom said, "and probably the traces of Saphira and maybe even Vladmir too. Now they're going to hunt us. It does not lie in their nature to let their prey go." There were two more horns that were heard. And this time they were closer. "Our only chance is to escape", Brom said. He looked up to the sky, probably calling on the dragons. "The two of you, get of of Cadoc and go with you dragons. It's safer for you there", Brom ordered. "But what about you?" Eragon said. "I will make it. Go now!" We jumped up to our dragons and flew into the sky. While I saw Saphira stopped to fly upwards when she was a bit over Brom, Vladmir continued to fly up.
'Vladmir, shouldn't you stay close to Brom?'

'My priority is to keep you safe. I'd rather see the world die than let anything happen to you.'

'But what if they need our help?!'

'You are my priority.'

'You stupid lizard! What if they die and you just stayed up here?!'

'If they need our help they will call out to us but until then I will not get close to the ground until it's safe.' He didn't say anything after that and cut me of so I couldn't talk to him. I saw Saphira land in the woods but Vladmir kept on flying. It wasn't until Brom said that we needed to come down since Eragon was hurt. What have you done now Eragon?

^Hey guys!! I am back and publishing in the morning (according to my time) for once!! Do you think it was stupid of Brom to not tell about Vladmir and (Y/N) to the Varden? See you guys next time!!^

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