Chapter 14

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   The next morning I saw Jeod and Brom go to the castle. They told me that me and Eragon could do whatever we wanted as long as we didn't do any trouble. Jeod had let me borrow Domia abr Wyrda to read but I had to be really careful. I had read through a little in it about the war between the elves and the dragons. I heard a door open and Eragon's voice. I closed the book and put it back in the shelf and then ran over to Eragon who was by the door. "Where are you going?" Eragon made a dramatic move so it looked like he passed out. "I was going to discover the dangerous world called Angela's shop. Do you want to come with me?" I laughed at him and then nodded. On our way out of the house we had fun with making other noises and poses so we laughed. When we got to Angela's shop Eragon tried to look through the window but he said that it was full of plants so he couldn't see through. We walked in and when we closed the door we couldn't see anything. I guess that Eragon had reached out to me to know where I was, but I was suddenly slapped in the face and stumbled back a little. "(Y/N)? (Y/N)! (Y/N) are you alright?" He whisper-yelled. "Except that I got hit in the face I'm pretty well, how are you?" "I hit you in the face?! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I tried to reach for your shoulder and I didn't wantto hityouinthefaceand -" "Eragon quit rambling, I'm fine." I heard Eragon let out a revealed sigh.
After a while we got used to the terrible light in the room and we stepped forward to the counter. A shelf behind the counter was filled with boxes of all sizes. I saw Eragon hold up his little finger to compare it with one of the smallest boxes. I let out a laugh and he smiled back at me when he (what probably was his plan) made me laugh at him. At the top of the shelf there was an empty space between two boxes. I looked at it for a while and then I saw Eragon look at it too. Suddenly two red eyes appeared in the space which made me and Eragon jump back a little. A big vat jumped down on the counter and I hid myself behind Eragon. Why did it have to be a cat? All of them hate me! It had a slim body and way too bug paws to be a normal and healthy cat. At the tip of it's ears there were tussles of black hair. I saw that long theeths bade it's way over it's jaw and I hid myself even more behind Eragon. What if it would attack me? What if I died before any of us could react?! I saw Eragon concentrating, probably to talk to it with his mind. Suddenly a voice came into my mind and I recognized that it was neither Eragon's nor Vladmir's.
'You don't need to do that.' I saw Eragon look around, probably for someone who talked. Didn't he understand that it was the cat? I saw the cat lick it'spaw without any care in the world. After a little while I saw Eragon reach forward towards a stick behind the counter.
'That would be a stupid decision.' I saw Eragon take the stick in his hand. He suddenly was on the floor and he looked like he was in pain. I crouched and reached my hand forward to touch him.
'I wouldn't do that of I were you, if you don't want to become like that too.' Suddenly Eragon started to take deep breaths as he layed on his back but then the cat jumped down to the floor. I got surprised by it's movements so I landed on my bum on the floor.
'Not so smart for being a Dragonrider. The other one had at least some sense to listen to my warning.'

'But you're just a cat!', Eragon answered back with his mind. The cat meowed and then jumped on to Eragon's chest. Eragon tried to sit up but it growled and I jumped a little backwards.
'Do I look like a normal cat to you?'


'Then why do you mistake me for one?' I saw Eragon opening his mouth to say something but the cat digged it's claws into his chest.
'You have obviously not been raised right. Allow me to correct your mistake: I am a werecat. There isn't many left of us, but I guess even a farmer boy like you have heard of us.'

'I didn't think you existed', Eragon said.

"Just because you be never seen one doesn't mean they don't exist Eragon."

'It's obvious that that Rider is smarter than you. Think and being doesn't necessary have to be the same. I didn't know that you two existed until you two stumbled in here and ruined my nap. It still doesn't mean you were unreal until you woke me up.' Eragon just opened and closed his mouth a few times, probably because he didn't know what to answer.
'I apologise that we disturbed you.'

'It was time to get up anyways', and with that he jumped back into the counter and started to lick his paw. I may not like cats, but I liked this one.
'I would drop that stick if I were you. Otherwise you'll get a new shock in a few seconds.' As Eragon was quickly putting it away where he took it from in a hurry to not get a shock again, I started to speak to the werecat.
'What is it?'

'A completely normal thing by humanhands, unlike me.'

'And what is it used for?'

'Didn't you two just discover that?' I chuckled a little at his words. He suddenly jumped back to where he first was, got in a (probably) comfortable position and then he started to purr.
'I suppose so. And may I ask for your name?' The werecat opened one of his eyes and looked directly at me.
'I am known by many names. If it's my true one you're looking for, you'll have to look somewhere else.' Eragon gave out a sigh and then turned around to leave.
'But you Rider can call me Solembum.' I smiled at him as I finally got to know his name.
'Thank you Solembum. My name is    (Y/N).'

'(Y/N). I'll remember that when you make it into history.' Me and Eragon then walked towards the door, but it flew open. Angela came in carrying a bag full of plants. She looked at Solembum and then raised her eyebrows. "He states that you two talked to him." "Can you talk to him as well?", Eragon asked her. "Of course I can, but that doesn't mean he always answers. I let out a small laugh at her words as she put down the bag of plants on the counter and then went behind it and looked at us. "He likes the two of you, well, mostly you", she said and nodded towards me. I was surprised at her words. Usually people didn't like me at all. They thought that I'm weird. "Well I can't really blame him for it. You're interesting, not like one in the crowd. You stick out. It's unusual that he likes strangers. Mostly Solembum doesn't even show himself to costumers. He states that the two of you seems promising, if you get a few years." "Thank you", Eragon answers. "To come from him it's a compliment. You two are the third and fourth visitors that has been able to talk to him. The first one was a woman, many years ago, the second one was a blind better  and now the two of you comes. But I don't have my shop just to make small talk. Can I help you with anything? Or did you just come to take a look?" "We just came to take a look", I answered as Eragon was too focused on Solembum. "And we probably don't need any herbs", Eragon said after me. "I can do more than that", Angela said and smirked. "Rich fools pays me to make love potions and similar things. I don't state that they work, but they always come back for some reason." Maybe they took it themselves and fell in love with Angela? Haha, what an amusing thought. "But I don't think that any of you need one of those. Do you want me to tell your future? I can do that as well." Eragon laughed a little at her offer. "No, I'm afraid that my future is pretty unpredictable. Anyways, I don't have any money." Angela looked over to Solembum and then back to us. "I think..." She did a gesture towards the crystal ball on the counter. "This is just for the sake of looking - it doesn't make any difference. I have however... Wait here, I'm back in a minute." She left to a room further back in the shop. "Eragon, I think I should leave." He gave me first a confused look but then a worried one when I saw that I was uncomfortable. "Why?" "I don't really want to know my destiny and if you decide to know yours you could always tell me later if you want me to know." Eragon gave me an encouraging smile and then I turned around and left. When I came outside I took a deep breath and then sat myself down on the stairs of Angela's shop.

^Hey guys!! I'm am back once again. How are you today? Is anyone doing something fun on their summer break? How did you like this part? See you guys next time!!^

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