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Author's note:

This is jsut a filler chapter really, I need to start things moving again. But I do have plans. I am organised for once. This is porbably the chapter that took the longest to write. And it's not even awesome by any standard. This note is now just a pointless rant. Nothing sweet happens in this chapter. That was a horrible spoiler, but like I said; this is just a filler a.k.a. nothing happens.

Stef’s POV

“Stef?” Somebody shook my shoulders and I wished that they hadn’t. My head was spinning and everything was blurry. My teeth felt like they had carpet on them and I could hear my heart beating. “Stef?” Again somebody was calling me. I could vaguely make out three people, the person to the left was holding my shoulders. Could they not just let me sleep? And get me some panadol or something like that?

“Stef. Come on, get her to the bathroom before she’s sick everywhere.” A familiar voice decided. Then slowly but surely, two of the three people stood me up then helped me to the bathroom.

I tried to shake my head and stop myself. “I don’t need to go. I’ll be fine. Please just let me get some sleep.” I slurred. Ok, so maybe I was a bit drunk, but nothing major.

“Stef?” The two people tugged at my arms probably toward a bathroom while I tried to pul the other way.

“No. I just want to sleep.” I whined.

“Fine. On one condition.” Somebody, I’m pretty sure it was Sarah, suggested.

I stopped walking and nodded. “What is it?”

“If you can tell me how many drinks you had last night, you can go and get some sleep.” I was about to tell her that I’d only had two, which didn’t sound quite right, but she cut me off. “I know that you’ve got a hangover and you don’t want to argue with me, but otherwise you’re going to brush your teeth. You got that?”

In all honesty, I would have liked to have clean teeth at the moment, but even thinking about it made my head hurt.

Cassie’s POV

Sarah took the bandages off this morning, and showed me that it was just a tiny little cut where the glass had pretty much just brushed against my leg. It wasn’t deep and it didn’t hurt, except when she cleaned it up, it stung then. Afterwards, she suggested that we go and help Stef up.

“Where is she?” I asked puzzled. Where could she possibly be other than her room?

“Out here.” Sarah was already at the door by the time I was standing. We went down stairs and there was Stef, flat out on the floor. Unconscious or asleep, I couldn’t decide.

So then after we’d got Stef to the bathroom and she’d cleaned herself up a bit, we went to see who else was still hanging around our place. Several people were. The stereo had been broken at about three am when everyone decided that they wanted to play tennis inside which everyone could have just as if not more easily played outside. But no. Of course not. They had to play inside and break the stereo.

We cleared everyone out and then looked at the mess. Not particularly my cup of tea (A/N: Ha, get it, we’re in London? No? Ok.) with the whole cleaning idea. I glanced at Sarah who was evaluating the situation. I had only taken about two steps back before she stopped me.

“Cassie? Where do you think you’re going?” She said, more or less that meant that I was going to have to stay and help.

Just as we started, and I was praying for a miracle that we could have stopped now, Niall came into the living room from the loft room. “Morning. I have some news.” He giggled. Yes, giggled.

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