Night in, Morning out

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Cassie’s POV

It was Friday night before I knew it. We were going over to the guys place to chill for a while, then we were going straight from their place to the airport in the limo. We kindly asked Maryanne to drop us off at their place as she wasn’t going to England with us because of work, but was going to meet us there in a month.

As Sarah put the last suitcase into the car and climbed into the backseat next to me, she looked tired. I guess she might still be upset about the whole Niall thing. But she’d seemed bubbly about it the first day. I think it had something to do with Josh.

But we were going to England! Oh my gosh! London! With the guys! And my best friends! And we were going to a concert. We would probably get to sit backstage and see their dressing rooms and meet the crew. OMG it was like I was about to meet them all over again.


I was in tears as we were let backstage. There they were, totally casual about it all. And here I was laughing and giggling like a total fangirl, crying tears of joy. At first they looked at me like I was an idiot, honestly I’m not surprised considering how I looked. But then they all sort looked at me with cheesy grins. I felt myself blushing and I looked down at me  feet then over at Stef. She stood there just smiling and looking pretty decent.

As we hugged each of them and got a few photos with them it felt so amazing. I got them to sign all my cd’s and whatever else I could find. I remember putting my bag down so that the photo looked acceptable.

As we left I looked back over at Stef and she looked at me evilly. What had she done?

Well, here I was, sitting in Maryanne’s car as she was driving us to their place so that we could catch a plane with them tomorrow to England. I knew where I’d left my bag that night and I now knew what Stef had done too. She was pretty much the reason we were going to their place right now. I’ll thank her later. And Louis for calling. She’d left her number in Louis’ jacket pocket.

When we got there, we packed our bags into the limo so that we could leave early in the morning hopefully avoiding as much publicity as possible. We went inside after saying goodbye to Maryanne and found them all in the garage practicing.

They started singing C’mon C’mon for us. We all started dancing. It was so cute, then they went straight into Moments. It wasn’t really wasn’t a dancing song so we sat on the stools up the front. I saw the two of them both lip singing along. I smiled. It was a sad song, but it had meaning, and was good. It ended and they approached us.

“You ready for England?” Zayn asked and greeted me with a hug.

“Is England ready for us?” I replied with a smile. He rolled his eyes and we all went into the living area. As we all sat down first thing I realised was that Sarah and Josh weren’t there. “So what time do we have to get up?” I asked looking around at the exhausted looking guys.

“We have to leave here for Melbourne airport at midnight, fly two hours to Queensland. Then we’re in Queensland for two hours then a thirteen hour flight to Manchester from there.” Liam explained.

“So is there any point in sleeping if we can sleep on the plane?” Stef asked.

“Not really. I’m gonna sleep on the plane.” Niall claimed.

Stef’s POV

Sarah came back in with Josh trailing behind her. I looked at her expectantly and she just shrugged. This whole ordeal was getting very complicated.

We ordered pizza and decided to watch a movie. Sarah was going to watch this time. We decided to watch Jaws, being the classic and good movie it was. Seating plan was as follows; On the middle couch; Louis, me, Harry and Niall. On the couch to my right; Josh, Cassie, Zayn and Liam. And Sarah sat on the armchair which was to the left of our couch, knees up to her chin.

About half way through the movie, I glanced back over at the other couch. Cassie and Zayn were making out. Lovely. Not. Liam looked like he was about asleep and Josh was staring blankly at the screen. I looked to my left and saw Sarah transfixed by this movie.

It finished late and I could tell that I was probably not going to make it to the airport without falling asleep at least once. “What’s the time?” Sarah asked, yawning.

“Nearly eleven. Is everybody packed and ready?” Louis asked us all. I nodded and stood up stretching.

“What time are we leaving?” I asked.

“About half an hour. Anybody want something to drink before we go?” I asked strolling over to the bar. “You girls are old enough to drink right?”

“I am not going to drink before I get on a plane.” Cassie finalised.

“What about you, Stef?” He asked me.

“Count me out.”


“Non-alcoholic.” She called.

“Fair enough. Boys?” He asked.

“Yeah sure, passionfruit cruiser.” Zayn called.

“Isn’t that vodka?” Sarah asked.

“For someone who doesn’t drink you’re pretty smart on the subject.” Zayn smirked as Louis handed him his drink. “And how can you have never had a drink?”

She shrugged. “Why would I ever want to drink?”

“Fair point. Oh well.” Zayn shrugged and took a swig of his drink.

That half hour went out the window and before we knew it, we were all piling into the limo. I was in next to Louis and Niall, next to Niall was Sarah and then Harry, Josh, Liam, Cass and Zayn.

When we arrived at the airport, the chauffeur got out our bags and wished us well while we were away. I pulled my suitcase along and followed the others into the airport. Sarah lead the way through the bag check and sign in and then finally we sat down in the terminal. Our flight was at four am, it was quarter past three. Not to bad.

I saw some girls in one of the other flight seating areas and saw that they were both looking over at our small cluster of people. More specifically, the guys. They kept giggling and pointing. Finally they both got up and came over to us.

“Umm, could you please sign my top?” The blond haired girl nervously asked. All the guys nodded and the girls gave them a permanent marker to sign both their tops.

“And could we get a photo with you, too, please?” The brunette asked. The guys stood up and the brunette got out her phone. “Mind taking the picture?” She asked me. I threw her a dirty look. I’d seen how she’d looked at Louis. But honestly, who wouldn’t look at him like that. My look seemed to scare her and she asked Sarah instead. Sarah, of course obliged and took several photos until the girls finally decided to go back and sit down again.

“Why are you so nice?” I whispered to her.

“Why are you so not?” She whispered back.

“Because they were getting all fangirly and I didn’t like it.” I hissed back.

“Somebody’s jealous.” Sarah rolled her eyes and looked out the window.

“I am not jealous ok?” I grabbed her shoulder and turned her back to me. “He’s my boyfriend aren’t I allowed to be a little protective?”

She gave me the look and I frowned. “A little protective Stef? He’s an international pop star, what do you expect? Plus the media doesn’t know that Louis’ not single yet. And you were jealous. I can see it.” Sarah said matter-of-factly.

I rolled my eyes at her and folded my arms. She was right and I really didn’t have a come back argument at that time of the morning.

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