Woken up

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Cassie’s POV

“Wake up.” Somebody shook my shoulder, I just rolled over. “Wakey wakey.” This time they pulled the quilt off me. “Time to get up.” I pulled the quilt back up over me. “Get up!” This time they person hit my in the head with a pillow.

“Fuck! It’s too early. Go away!” I screamed sitting up.

“You’re worse than me. By the way, it’s past eleven. You’ve missed like half the day already.” It was Harry.

“”What how did I manage to sleep that late?” I shrieked, falling out of bed, rushing out of the room into the kitchen.

“Because, along with you, Sarah and Stef also went to the beach last night.” Harry explained following my out.

“Actually it was this morning.” I commented. “Where is everybody?”

“Gone down to the beach for a swim. And that’s where I’m going now. Oh, Stef and Sarah are still asleep by the way. See ya.” And Harry left, throwing a towel over his shoulder.

I thought about what I should do first; eat, or wake up to the other two? Well, I went into Stef’s room and started to slowly pull the blanket off of her. She didn’t notice until It was completely off her arm. “What?” She mumbled.

“Get up.” I said, continuing to pull the blanket off.

“Go away.” She groaned, pulling the blanket back up.

“No.” I yanked it down.

“Yes.” She pulled it back up.





“If you get up now, we can go and wake Sarah up.” I tempted. Stef had to stop and think about this.


We both rushed to Sarah’s door. It was closed. I knew it didn’t squeak so I just opened it. She lay there, face hidden behind her mess of hair. “How are we gonna wake her up?” I whispered.

“I have an idea, it’s funny, but mean.” Stef replied. I shut the door so that we could just talk.

“What is it?”

“Tip some cold water on her?” Stef suggested. I thought about it.

“Ok. Let’s do it.” So we went and got a bucket out of the cupboard, filled it with water and tip-toed back into her room.

Stef’s POV

“Sarah.” I whispered. Her shoulder shifted and then we tipped it.

“Ah! Shit! Fuck!” She screamed, throwing off the quilt, pushing past us into the shower. She locked the door so we couldn’t get in. “You guys are gonna regret that!” She yelled.

“Whatever. We’re gonna go have breakfast. You want something?” Cass asked.

“Toast. Just buttered, please.” She replied.

“You know that she’ll get us back soon.” I said as I got the bread out of the freezer.

“What’s the worst she could do?” Cassie laughed.

“Hello? She could be plotting her revenge right now. She could be thinking of anything. And she’s smart.” I stated.

“Yeah, well, she’s also the youngest out of us three, so...” Cassie tried to reason.

“That’s really not a decent argument when we’re talking about Sarah.” I explained.

Cassie dropped the bread in the toaster. “But it is because she’s the youngest.”

“Also the smartest.” I backhanded.

Sarah’s POV

The scary thing about that was that I was having a nightmare about the beach, and drowning. So when they tipped the water on me, I thought I was drowning. Under a big wave, struggling against the current, in the middle of nowhere.

So I jumped up and rushed into the shower room and locked the door. After they left my make me breakfast, I dried myself off with a spare towel and changed into my bikini.

I ate breakfast in silence and then went down to the beach. I was secretly plotting revenge the whole time. My surf board was gone when I went looking for it, so I only assumed that they had taken it down to the beach with them.

When I arrived, I saw Harry attempting to get up on the board, again. He was frantically waving his arms around like a maniac. I laughed as I walked down the board walk onto the sand. When he saw me, his grin dimmed.

“Where were you last night then?” He asked coming over to me.

“I was at the beach. With the other’s.” I said gesturing to the board walk. Right at that moment, the other two walked over. Fancy that!

“You sound completely convincing.” He replied sarcastically.

“Well, I’m sorry but it’s true. Ask him if you don’t believe me.” I said pointing to Josh.

“Oh that’s no use. He was the one who told us that you were at the beach. If anything, you snuck out and robbed the church.” He whispered to me. I slapped him playfully on the arm.

“We did nothing of the sort.” I protested, walking over to the other’s and putting my stuff down before laying on my towel. My tan really hadn’t improved any, but I tried anyway. I was never getting a fake tan, ever. I would look so orange and then it would be awkward...I’d look like a dorito! Wouldn’t that be attractive?

“So, what’s your plan of revenge?” Cassie asked, sitting down on the edge of my towel.

“Why should I tell you?” I asked, looking down at her.

“Because that way, we’ll be prepared with our kung fu skills for it.” She replied. I rolled my eyes and reassumed my place, lounging in the sun.

“Sarah. You know how to play cricket?” Josh called.

“Yeah. But I don’t want to, I’m tired.” I replied, rolling over, so I could tan my back and closing my eyes.

“That’s not a good excuse.” Josh shouted right in my ear, causing me to jump.

“Josh. You gave me a heart attack. That’s the second one today.” I screamed, standing up this time. I knew that my height was no match to his, but it was worth a shot. I strode confidently up to him and waited for his reply.

“Oh. I’m sorry. I thought you were up for a game.” He shot back at me.

I was about to say something, when something occurred to me, why do this? What was the point? To see who was right? And then what would that prove?

“No.” I replied politely. “Sorry. I have a headache. I’m going for a run.” And I turned and ran down the beach. I was in a crap mood.

Cassie’s POV

I wasn’t in much of a mood for cricket either, so I grabbed the board and headed down to the water.

Once out there on the water, I saw my chance and took it. I was actually up on the wave, then I fell off, face first into the sand. I stacked.

“Did anybody see that?” I called, bringing the board back onto the shore.

“See what?” Sarah W. asked.

I groaned and pulled the board back up to my towel. I collapsed down onto my towel and lay there. My face hurt.

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