Where to next?

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Stef’s POV

“I am dying to know what Sarah and Louis are both in on. I’m sure it has something to do with my birthday, but then there are too many possibilities to go along with that idea that it is a birthday surprise. And how long can it stay a secret? I know Cassie’s just as desperate to find out as I am, and Wardy’s just...she might know, but I doubt it.” I thought all this as Sarah and I made lunch, even though we’d just eaten, but for everyone else included.

Just after lunch, Niall, Wardy and another familiar face arrived back here. “Amelia, long time no see.” I greeted her as she followed the other two through the door.

She rolled her eyes. “I heard you were had just moved over here, plus, you didn’t clarify when you were leaving Australia so there was no going away party I’m guessing? Or a welcome home party?” She asked.

“There was a welcome home party, we all got a bit drunk, you know, the typical this-and-that. What about you? Last I heard, you were on a cruise around Europe.” I replied, remembering her extravagant plans she’d told us about just before she left for her trip, it was about six months ago.

She nodded and sat down at the kitchen bench. “That ended well over a month ago, and I fell in love with Paris so much, so I’m renting an apartment there, then I heard you were here, so I hopped on the train and what do you know? Here I am.” She explained.

“Did you meet anybody?” Wardy asked eagerly.

Amelia blushed. “Well...”

“Oh my gosh! You so met someone. Tell me everything!” Wardy and Sarah both immediately sat at Amelia’s feet, awaiting information.

“It’s not like that. There was one guy on the cruise and afterwards he offered to take me on a date, one problem...I’m still with Craig.” She explained. You could pretty much see Wardy and Sarah sinking in their seats.

“Seriously?” They asked in sync.

“You couldn’t have gone out on a date? One date?” Wardy asked, practically begged.

Amelia shrugged. “But what about the rest of you? Maryanne’s out at a job interview, she was actually the one who told me you guys were here in London, and she told me the address, so that’s why you found me where I was. And didn’t I hear that Izzy was going back to Australia because she’s been accepted at Monash uni and given a position at one of the dance schools or something?” 

“Wait what?” It was Cass who’d spoken up this time.

“Yeah, it was on Facebook or something. Wasn’t it?” Amelia tried to clarify.

Sarah was shaking her head. “You must be mistaken. She’s out at a job interview as well. Izzy would have told us. I’m sure of it.”

Amelia held her hands up innocently. “That’s what it said on Facebook.”

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