Dollar signs in my eyes

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Cassie’s POV

England! London! Accents! Cute British guys! What more could I ask for? Oh wait. “Where are we staying?” I ask.

“Well, once we get back to England, we have one concert in Manchester then it’s home to London. So we thought you three might like to come to one of our concerts, and you know, hang out for a while.” Niall suggested.

“That’s a great idea.” Stef squealed. Sarah smiled glumly.

“I’m going to have a shower. Stef, can I borrow your make up, so that I can look decent?” Sarah asked groggily.

“Sure, it’s up-wait, no. It’s to difficult to explain, I’ll just get it.” And Stef came back momentarily with a considerable sized make up bag. “Here you go.” She handed it to Sarah, and Sarah went down the hall to the bathroom.

Josh came out immediately after Sarah had shut the bathroom door. “Morning.” He said looking down at the bench.

“Good news, all these girls are coming to England with us.” Louis grinned.

“Yippee.” Josh said, his voice laced with sarcasm.

“Oh come on mate, please be happy for us all.” Harry nagged.

“Be happy? Be happy?” He looked up at all of us, his voice raising. “I was happy. But that idiot over there,” He pointed down the hall to the bathroom Sarah was in. “That idiot over there-” He didn’t get another word in. I slapped him straight across the face.

“Shut up. She trusted you.” I said simply, partly because I knew Sarah wouldn’t have wanted me to yell at him no matter how much she hated him, and partly because it was to early in the morning to be yelling.

He looked at me, and for a second I thought he was going to slap me back, but he didn’t. I looked closer. His eyes were slightly red. He’d been crying too. We’d been staring at each other for a while now, as I heard the shower turn off. His eyebrow twitched and he looked back down at his half eaten cereal. He couldn’t meet my eyes. He knew I knew that he’d been crying.

“So...England anybody?” Zayn asked as he came back out.

“We’re all going.” I smiled and hugged him.

“That’s great babe.” He hugged me back.

We all sat around the kitchen doing this and that for a while. Then Sarah came out of the bathroom. Her face looked normal. Sure her cheeks were a little bit more puffy than usual, but the colour was alright. “Do I look ok?” She asked, meeting everyone in the room’s eyes, except Josh’s. We all nodded and she sighed a breath of relief. “Well,” She began as she seated herself down at the bench. “I was thinking, that today, I’m going shopping. I don’t care who else comes or not, but I’m going.” She beamed. Less than half an hour ago she looked a train wreck.

“I’ll leave you to it then.” I said. I knew that Stef wouldn’t want to go and she didn’t have to say anything about it to know that she wasn’t.

“Anybody want anything while I’m gone? I’ll only be gone a few hours. Oh and Stef can I borrow your car?” She asked sweetly.

“No need. We’ll get the limo to drop you off.” Niall suggested.

“Can I?” Sarah’s eyes lit up as he nodded. “Yay!” She started doing her happy dance and then she stopped. “Sorry about that.” She smoothed down her skirt and left.

Sarah’s POV

Limo ride! Yay! As the limo was sitting only right outside their place I assumed it was theirs. I knocked on the front window and the driver opened it. “Shopping center?” I asked.

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