Things get a little clear now

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Sunday morning

Jayson and Jesy spend the night with their little sister and her twins, they both said to her that they want to spend a little more time with them which their little sister bought but the real thing is, they will go to the Sanders-Pinnock enterprise this morning

"What time you will be back?" their little sister asked

"Around 2 I suppose.." Jesy answered

"Don't worry, we will take good care of your little twins.."

"I know but don't buy them some junk foods okay?"

"We are in charge of them for today so we will decide if we will buy them a lot of junk foods or not"

"Jesy.." the three of them laughs then they saw the two twins done already

"You guys listen to your Aunt and Uncle okay, no yelling and shouting.."

"Yes mom.." Louis answered

"Amelia, try not to annoy your brother and learn to obey him.."

"Mom! He's 10 minutes older than me, he's not suppose to act like he's 10 years older than me!" then Louis kicks her

"Okay, okay before this little rug rats kill each other, i better take them to the car.." Jayson said and pulled the two before Amelia kick Louis's butt

"We'll take care of them and you relax and rest here okay.." Jesy said to her sister

"Yeah I will, thanks.."

"No worries, we'll go now.." she and her sister walk towards the door, they both saw Louis and Amelia sitting at the back

"Bye Mom! Love you!" Amelia said while waving

"See yah later mom!" Louis said and they drove off

After 3 hours of driving

Jay and Jesy already had a plan on what they will do when they see Leigh-anne, though this is the first time they will see her after 10 years

"Do you think she will recognize us?" Jesy asked Jayson

"Yeah I think so! You are still fat after 10 years.." He answered then Jesy hit his head, she then look at the twins sleeping at the back

"Will she recognize them?" She asked him again, Jay looks at the rear view mirror for a while then to the road

"I don't know but who knows. Louis got her eyes while Amelia got our little sister's eyes.."

"Yeah, I agreed even their mannerism.."

"Haha! It's weird how that happened but hey they are lucky.."

"They are and I hope these two will help their mom finding the right one for her.."

"They already did that's why we are heading to Sanders-Pinnock Enterprises."

"But how will she explains it to them?"

"I don't think she needs to explain, these two little evil twins already knows the truth.."

"You think so?" Jay nodded his head and he saw a tall building with the name Sanders-Pinnock Enterprise

"Here we are, try to wake up those two.." he said, Jay finds a place where they can park their car

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