I Care

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Me and my brother woke up earlier than we should. Though we know we'll stay here longer, we don't want to waste time by sleeping and waking up late. We knock at the door of our mother's room, there's no response so we tried it again.

"Maybe she's still sleeping." Louise said to me so I shrug my shoulders at him "Let's cook breakfast and for Jade's help" he added.

"Hmm that's a good idea; maybe mom will like a breakfast in bed made by her love." Louise rolled his eyes at me

"I'll go wake her up" and proceeded to the kitchen. You know, boys don't like romantic stuff so yeah. I followed him but I saw my twin brother standing and looking at something.

"What are you doing there? I thought you're going to wake her up?" I asked him "Y-yeah but look." He answered and points his finger on the sofa. There we saw our mom and Jade hugging each other while sleeping.

I motion for him to follow me by tapping his shoulder and we make sure that we won't make any sound that could lead in waking them up. I cross my arms on me chest while Louise just stand beside me.

"I've never seen my sleeping peacefully like this." I said to him "Yeah, me too." We stared at them for a little while when Louise pokes me on my shoulder.


"Err, why aren't they wearing any clothes?" that's when I realized what he said, I look at our mom's and he was right, well they are not naked but almost. I quickly cover Louise's eyes and try to wake up our mother.

"Mom! Mom wake up!" I called her; I saw her move a little so I tried again "MOM! WAKE UP!" she slowly opens her eyes and look at us.

"Why are you yelling Amelia? For goodness sake!" she asked still not aware of their position and their almost naked bodies "I'm not yelling, I'm just trying to wake you up before you embarrass yourself in front of me and my brother." I answered.

"What do you mean?" I use my lips to point out at something because both of my hands are covering my brother's eyes. My mother furrows her eyebrows at me then widens her eyes when she saw Jade's sleeping beside her.

Actually, Jade is on the edge of the sofa, mom's arms are the ones supporting her so she won't fall on the floor.

"Why are sleeping with her?" I innocently asked, Oh I love being me! Then I saw her push Jade who fell down on the floor and hit her head on the table "What the fuck?!" Jade blurted out loud as she scratches the part of her head. She looks up to our mother who gives her a deadly glare.

"What did I do?" Jade asked "Oh nothing, we just caught you sleeping with our mother and almost naked." I answered, in an instant, she looks up to me then to Louise and back to me mother who is blushing and covering herself with a comforter.

"Do you mind sharing that blanket, Pez?" Jade asked her, she almost jump and hide her body under the comforter. I remove my hands on me brother's eyes and we both look at them "Care to explain?" I asked them both.

"There's nothing to explain here." As always my mother being herself answered "And you don't have the right to question us, we're adults and I'M YOUR MOTHER." She added.

"Oh well, okay but whatever we saw is enough evidence that you guys are doing something behind our back."

"You don't want that sweetie?" Jade asked me and she earned a slap on her shoulder "No, I mean that's fine with us. Like what she said, you're adults. You can do what you want but please next time, try to get dress after you know."

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