Best Night Ever

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Okay like what I've said on my last update, this is the first time I'll write a mature scene (which is I don't know if I write it correctly) but anyway I hope you guys will like this update... Enjoy

Warning: contains mature content

Jesy saw Leigh-anne and Jade are still busy placing the things they need the car. She saw Louise and Amelia on her way out that they are putting their favorite foods inside a bag while talking to each other, she left her blonde sister in her room knowing that she annoyed her by saying Mrs. Perrie Edwards-Thirlwall.

"SO, have you told her about it?" she said once Leigh-anne looks at her way "Nope, I'm waiting for you."

"But why? You're her sister, you should be the one saying it to her." Jade on the other hand heard the two and walk towards them "What's going on?" she asked.

"Well, Leigh-anne has something important to tell you though we're still not sure about it but maybe you can give us an explanation on why are you married?" Leigh-anne slaps Jesy's shoulder and rolled her eyes "I thought I'll be the one who will tell it to her."

"Then why the hell did you wait for me before telling her?" Jesy asked "She needs to know woman!"

"Wait a minute... wait a minute... Did you just say I'm married?! To whom??" Jesy and Leigh-anne looks at each other, the latter was about to give an answer to her sister when they hear Perrie's voice "We're done. Did you need anything else inside? I already lock the door."

The three saw The Edwards family carrying their bags, Louise and Amelia has a big smile on their faces "I got my keys..." Jesy answered "Oh wait... Did you bring that lingerie's I put in your bag?" she asked again.

Leigh-anne giggle while Jade's face flustered by the thought of Perrie wearing those kinds of clothes "I left it." The blonde simply said.

"Aww what a kill joy..." she then looks at Jade "Sorry Jadey, I tried my best but that stubborn sister of mine won't listen to me." Perrie ignores her and places their bag on the back of the car while Leigh-anne is helping her.

"So everything okay?" Leigh-anne asked "Yes Aunt Leigh-anne, will you and Aunt Jesy join us for dinner later?" Louise asked.

"As much as we wanted too but your mothers will be busy eating each other so probably not tonight sweetheart." Jade groans while Perrie gives her a deadly glare "Go inside the car, now." The latter said.

Jesy winks at Leigh-anne as they watch the Edwards-Thirlwall family get inside the car "Oh by the way guys, make sure those rug rats are already asleep before you do— "Jesy didn't finish talking when Perrie rolled the window up "Goodbye!" she said and Jade turn the ignition on and speed off.

Leigh-anne is still laughing at Jesy when she hears her phone rings, she saw Jamie's name on the screen "It's Jamie." She said to Jesy, she answers the call and put it in speaker mode, they didn't know that a man is listening and watching their every moves.

"Hey Jamie, what's up?!" Leigh-anne answered "Hi, uh are Perrie and Jade still with you?"

"They already left with the kids, why? Is there a problem?" Jesy asked "No, not at all. I just want to tell you guys that the marriage contract is legit and the signatures are not forge or anything."

The two squeals and jumping up and down "Now Luke will definitely back off and let our Perrie and Jade make their family complete."

"I hope so too Leigh-anne, I know Perrie still has a feeling for Jade but while Luke is there, she will still say no to her."

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