Jade and Perrie's Version (What really happened?)

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As the four girls watch the video on the monitor in front of them, Perrie take a glance at Jade and give her a smile 'Sorry about this, you know Jesy's mind sometimes overreacts and thinks things in a weird way"she said to her

'No worries Perrie, It's my fault anyway.'Jesy looks at the two "Will you two shut up for a while, I'm trying to watch here"Perrie raised an eyebrow at her while Jade giggle. They both look at the monitor and they both let out a sigh as the captured scenes unfolds in front of the four girls


The Scene after the door closed

The two girls tried to open the door from the inside but it's no use. They even bang the door with anything hard they can find but it seems like Amelia and Louis doesn't hear them

"I'm so sorry Perrie.." Jade said while Perrie is still banging on the door "It's okay, I know you're afraid of bugs and insects whether it is crawling or not"

"Not just me, you need to include yourself" Perrie rolled her eyes and stops banging the door "It's no use. Even if they will hear me, the lock is too high for them"

"They can't use a chair?"

"It's high enough for them to reach. I don't even use a high stool in this house"

"So you mean we're trap here with that flying bug and it can attack us anytime soon?" Perrie senses a hint of panic on Jade's voice "Relax, it's just a bug. If ever that thing landed on your skin. I will smack it with anything"

Jade smiled and nods her head, there's a little light coming from the window but it's a bit high for it to reach the ground, the girls eyes already adjusted to the dark

"Instead of waiting for my kids to realize that we're taking too long to find those dice, I think I can climb up and squeeze my body through that window" Perrie said, Jade looks at the window, it's not that big nor too small "Let me do it, I have a small body that can easily squeeze through"

"So you're telling me I'm fat?"Perrie place both of her arms on her chest "Oh no, no, no. You have a prefect, sexy body Pez. It's just that this is my fault so let me make it up to you"

"I told you its fine Jade. Now all I want you to do is to support me on my way up. I don't want to fall and break something"

"Okay but be careful." Perrie smiles at her and took some wooden boxes and step onto it. She then climbs the table and look at the shelves on the wall

'I don't know if it can support my weight but we need to get out of here' she whispered to herself, she then look at Jade and told her to support her. She step on the first shelf and heard a creak sound

"Step onto the box and push me up okay?" Perrie said to Jade without bothering to look at her "Okay Perrie but are you sure about this?" She's worried when she heard the 'creak'sound after Perrie step on the wooden shelf

"Yeah just give me a push" Jade saw Perrie took another step then another two more, she decided to kneel on the table in case Perrie might need her help. As for Perrie, she tries to reach the window but it's still high for her reach

"I need to climb a little more" she told Jade "Ah it's too high Perrie, even if you make it. How are you gonna get down?" Perrie stops for a while and looks at Jade "I'll think about that later."

She makes another step but somewhat her left foot get tangle into something "My foot is stuck" she told Jade "What? Why? Do you need my help?"

"I think I step onto something, I can't figure out what is it" Perrie keeps on pulling her left foot and not noticing Jade starting to climb the shelves too "God damn it!" she said again

"Wait let me help you, I'm coming." That's when Perrie realizes that Jade is almost half-way through her "Jade stop! The shelves might break if you added your—" but it's too late, the shelves breaks and Jade together with Perrie falls on the ground


Jesy looks at Jade and shook her head "What are you trying to do? To be a superhero?" Jade kicks her chair as Leigh-anne giggle

"You may have a small body Jade but it becomes brittle over the years. Have you lost your mind?" Jesy said again "Oh shut up and let's finish the video!" Jade answered


As dust fills the little room, Jade coughs as she checks on Perrie lying next to her

"Perrie? Are you okay? Perrie?" Jade asked as she shakes the blue eyed girl's body. Perrie then nods and starts to cough too "I'm okay Jade, how about you?"

"I'm fine just a little woozy that's all." Perrie moves and she's about to stand up when she falls back down "My foot, it hurts Jade" she said as she tries and looks at it. Jade immediately check on her foot and place it on her lap when Perrie speaks

"Be careful, I think I broke my ankle" Jade inspects Perrie's left foot and looks at her with a worried face "Yeah you did"Jade said

"How bad is it?" the brown eyed girl carefully moves her feet to see the damage on it "I don't think you broke it, does it hurt when I move it like this?" Perrie shook her head

"Just a bit."

"It's not that swollen so I think massage will help reduce the swelling"

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, trust me. I keep on breaking my ankle for the past few years so I know what I'm doing" Jade gives Perrie a reassuring smile "I don't know Jade.." Perrie said

(The Part where Jesy and Leigh-anne are already standing on the other side of the door)

"Come on babe, let me do it"But Perrie is having second thoughts "N-no Jade, It hurts"

"I'll be gentle babe, promise" Perrie sighs, she's not in the mood to argue with her and besides they are trap inside, might as well do something to reduce the swelling "O-okay. Where can I lie down?" she asked

Jade look around for a while and found a perfect spot for her. She points a finger at the table "Here, oh wait let me carry you." Jade answered and without waiting for Perrie's answer, she carry her in a bridal style way.

Perrie watches as Jade positions herself on the edge of the table where her feet are and starts to pull her pyjamas down, she stops Jade and the latter looks at her "Why are you removing my pyjamas?" Perrie asked

Jade smiled at her and say "So I can see it clearly. It's dark in here and the light coming from the window won't even help me to see"

"But it's g-going to be—"

"Don't worry, you won't feel cold once we started"

"Okay.." Jade motion for Perrie to lift her legs with her help so and lay down the pyjamas she's wearing so she won't feel cold

"So you're ready?"

'Yes but please be careful Jade'

"I will don't worry" Jade starts to massage Perrie's foot, slowly but surely when she pinch a little harder which cause the girl lying down to immediately sits on the table

"Fuck Jade! It hurts so much!" Perrie whines "I'm so sorry Perrie, ah here let me do it again"Perrie nods her head as the other girl starts to move her hands again and this time Perrie relax with every stroke of Jade's hand on her foot.

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