Small World

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Is my day seems to get worst or not?

I asked myself while I look at Jesy who's looking at me and the twins who are still sleeping on my lap

"What's the meaning of this?" she asked though I know she's shock, she tried to calm her voice down and not yell at me

That's new!

"Uhm Jes let me explain please.." I said to her

"Okay but not here, I'll carry Amelia while you take Louis.." she said

"But why not the other way around?"

"Louis's too heavy for me, now come on before someone can see us!" I saw her carry Amelia slowly so she won't wake her up, I did the same thing with Louis and followed her

"Where are we going?" I asked her

"Oh yeah, I don't know.. Got any idea?" she asked me

I look around; I don't want to check-in in a hotel with Jesy, I know she will yell at me

"My place is a few minutes' drive from here.." I told her

"Good idea! Now hurry!"

We walk as fast as we can though people keep looking at us because Jesy almost run and panicking like someone is chasing her

"Can you please stop running?" I asked her

"We have 4 cousins working here at the mall and they know these two evil twins who won't listen to a thing we said to them!!" she answered

"Oh, if that's case, we need to run!" I told her

It took 20 minutes until we reach the parking lot, I was about to ask Jesy some questions but she stops me and told me to drive. After 15 minutes, we arrived at my condo unit then I opened the door

"Let's put them in the guest room so they won't hear us talking.." I told Jesy, we placed them on the bed carefully so they won't wake up then Jesy pulls me hard

"Now explain!!!" she yelled

"Hey! Don't yell at me!" I told her

"Why did you kidnap them?"

"Kidnap? What do you mean by that?!"

"Then why are you with them?"

"I told you to let me explain!"

"Oh yeah, shoot!"

"My secretary saw them in our building looking for Ja- Me.."

"And then?"

"She brought them to me though she didn't told the twins that I'm Ms. Thirlwall.."

"Good, Good, and then?"

"They were asking for Leigh-anne and told me they wanted to talk to her. Like what they said yesterday, they were looking for me to ask some questions.."

"What did they told you.."

I look at her and I think she knows the answer already

"Not good!! Not good!! Oh those evil twins!! I wonder how they got there!"

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