Feelings (Part 1)

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I'm worried about our mother jumping out into the ocean; I saw a terrified look on her face when we call her. I don't think she has any idea or knows what fell into the water. She's not a good swimmer and has a phobia; I think Amelia already said that.

"Where's mom?" Amelia asked me while we're looking down at the water, it's clear but we can't see her and the water is deep "I'm worried Amelia, go grab some lifesavers." I answered.

I didn't hear any protest coming from her because we're both worried about our mom being in the ocean. I look to my left and I saw a ladder, I quickly run towards it but I can't get it down. I look for any button to push or if it's tied in a rope but nothing!

"Here's the lifesavers!" Amelia said, she throws it at the water as we saw our mom emerge from the water "Where the fuck are you?!?!" she yelled again, I was about to say something to her when she submerge looking for her.

"I think you should go and get Jade. We need her here fast!" I told Amelia "Why don't you go look for her and I'll stay here." There she goes again, being lazy though I know she doesn't want to leave mom there knowing it's her fault.

And well you read it right, Jade's in the bathroom and she's not the one who fell in the water, it was something else. Those things that fell into the water are some of Uncle Jay's fishing rods. We're playing and pushing each other when all of a sudden Amelia pushes me too hard so I need to hold on to something but I didn't.

So yeah I feel and bump those fishing rods resting on the side of the yacht, though not all of them but Uncle Jayson will be mad at us that's for sure. I left Amelia for a while and look for Jade but to my surprise I saw her walking towards us. She smiles when she sees us but I think she notice the worried look on my handsome face.

"Is everything okay Louise?" she asked, I open my mouth as Amelia starts to speak "Louise!! Hurry up and go look for her!! Mom might be drowning!!" I shook my head and look at Jade who has a shock written on her face.

"What does she mean that your mom might be drowning?!" she asked.


Okay, okay, relax Jade.

I didn't wait for the twins to explain me what happened. All Amelia told me was that their mother jump into the ocean to rescue me.

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