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As soon as I slump my body on my couch, I took my phone from my pocket and called my sister Leigh-anne to come to my unit as soon as she's done with her work. I needed someone to talk too and through all these years my sister is a big help to me. I look around my flat, I'm imagining seeing Louis and Amelia running around here, I smiled at the thought though I will buy a big house for them with a big entertainment for my twins

My Twins

I sigh as I check my phone if Leigh-anne already replied but she didn't though I smiled when I saw my picture together with the twins, I used it as my wallpaper on my phone

'What a smart and lovable kids' I whispered, I remembered the picture I kept, I stand up and went inside my bedroom, open the closet and took the small box inside. I went towards my bed and sits on the top as I start to open it. My eyes immediately landed on our Picture, yes me and Perrie's picture

'You are lucky to have them. I think Louis and Amelia will be ours but you already said that they we're gone the last day I saw you' I turn the picture around and look at the words written on it

My One True Love

And I remembered the day we took this photo of ours


"But why?" Jade asked Perrie that day, they were sitting under a tree inside the campus, it was their lunch break that time

"I want to have a picture with you. Time can pass by and make things disappear but the memory of you and me in a picture won't fade away.." Perrie answered as she entwined her fingers with Jade

"But I'm not going anywhere without you.."

"I'm not saying you'll leave me or I'll leave you, silly.." Perrie answered and she smiled. Jade cupped her face and look straight into her eyes to show her that she's serious about their relationship

"No matter what happened, whatever trials we'll face in the future, even if someone tries to break us apart, always remember that I will never leave your side. I don't care if I'm up against the whole world, it won't matter to me as long as I have you. " Jade said, Perrie give her a small smile and kiss the top of her nose

"I want to have a memory with you that will last for eternity and maybe I can show it to our future kids.." Perrie answered

"Future kids? I like that.."

"Yeah, me too.." They both smiled sweetly at each other, Jade stares at her lips for a while, she lean a little closer while Perrie closes her eyes, their lips we're about to meet when they heard a voice

"Are we going to take this picture or not? Come on you lovey dovey, Jake is waiting for me at the canteen.." she said, she's been standing there for at least 15 minutes and heard their conversation the couple laughs at her

"You are so impatient Jesy!" Jade said

"No I'm not! Now make some poses so I can take your picture.." Jesy said


Jade went back to reality when she heard a knock on her door; she jumps a little and saw her sister smiling at her

"Sorry to startle you.." Leigh-anne said

"It's okay.." Jade answered, she puts the picture in the box and placed it on her table for a while

"Sorry I didn't hear you buzzing.." she said as she looks at her

"No worries, I was buzzing for 5 minutes but I assumed you're inside the bathroom so I used my keys to get in.."

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