More than you'll ever know

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As the stars starts to shine up in the sky, this night should be one of the memorable moments for the ex-couple Perrie and Jade. The latter is planning to propose to the blonde but it all went down the hill. In the silence of the night, all you could hear are the sounds of people crying and a car speeding off at the scene.

Jamie is holding both Louise and Amelia who are crying and shouting their mother's name, Jesy, Leigh-anne and Jayson are already checking her condition.

"No, no, no." Leigh-anne said as she saw lots of blood on her hair "C-call an ambulance!" she yelled but neither Jesy and Jayson are moving.

"Call a fucking ambulance Jesy!!" she yelled once more and pushes the green eyed girl. Jayson on the other hand look at the other girl moving at the back of Leigh-anne.

"I uh... I got her." Jayson said "Go check on her." He added and motion for her to look at the back, Leigh-anne immediately went to her side and help her sit up.

"Are you okay?" she asked, the girl wince in pain but nods her head "Y-yeah, I-I'm fine." The girl then hears Louise and Amelia crying then look at them.

"Where's— "she didn't finish her sentence when she saw Jesy running back towards them "I a-already called an ambulance." She said with tears in her eyes and look at the girl on the road.

Jade then look at her sister "Please don't tell me— "she cuts her off by crying and hugging her, she broke the hug and even though her body is aching from the fall, she crawls towards Jayson and Jesy crying while looking at Perrie. The brunette gasps as she saw blood on her head, cuts on her face and most especially on the right side of her body.

"P-Perrie." She said, she pushes Jayson away and hold her hand "No..." the blonde girl isn't moving.

"W-we should bring her to the hospital." She said and tries to move Perrie but Jesy and Leigh-anne stops her "We have to wait for the ambulance. W-we can't just move her." Jesy answered.

"But... she can't... she's not..." she felt Leigh-anne's hand on her shoulder and squeezing it gently, like giving her assurance that Perrie is going to be okay. After a few minutes, the ambulance came and check on the blonde girl. Jade doesn't want to be far from her but they need to do their job.

The brunette is in between Jesy and Leigh-anne, the three girls are still crying. Jayson on the other hand go to help Jamie handle the kids who wants to be on the side of the blonde. They watch the paramedics do their work but still hoping that Perrie will be fine even though they are hearing that she's unresponsive, losing a lot blood, not breathing and weak pulse.

"We need to get her to the hospital." One of the paramedic said, they watch them set a stretcher ready then count 1 to 3 to transfer the blonde onto it. The girls run towards the ambulance as well as Jayson and Jamie with the kids.

"I want to be with her." Jade said to one of the paramedics "Sorry Miss but— "

"Please... I want to be with her." The guy looks back and forth to her and to other one inside, he nods and help Jade get up the ambulance. The brunette looks at her sister and friends "Everything will be fine." Leigh-anne as Jesy pulls her towards the car but Jamie run towards Jade and look at her for a while.

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