Holding On

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Jesy and Leigh-anne arrived at the hospital together with Jayson and Jamie and the twins. The oldest girl doesn't want to bring Louise and Amelia there but Jamie said they won't stop crying and keep on asking about their mother, so with a heavy heart, they waited for the four to arrive before going inside.

They went straight to the emergency room knowing the paramedics brought Perrie there, they were about to enter when Leigh-anne saw Jade assisted by a nurse and giving her some water. They all run towards her but Jade only look up as tears continues to fall from her eyes.

The nurses give them a small smile and motion for Jesy, Leigh-anne and Jayson to follow her to the corner "Are you related to her?" she asked "Yes, I'm Leigh-anne, her sister and these are our close friends." She answered.

"Your sister is in shock." The nurse started explaining "It took us more than twenty minutes to calm her down." She added.

"Why? What happened to my sister?" Jesy asked "Ms. Perrie Edwards?"

The nurse looks at Jade first then to the little boy and girl sitting on the other girl's lap, she smiles a little when she looks at Amelia and came to know that they are the blonde's daughter "Well, she's still in surgery but..." she stops and carefully watch the three people looking at her "Her heart stopped beating the moment paramedics arrived here."

Jesy gasps and starts to cry, for Leigh-anne, she's scared that Jade will lose Perrie. That can't happen because she knows how devastated her sister had been for the past 7 years. She holds Jesy's hand and squeeze it "Do you have any update about her condition now?"

"She's still in surgery." The nurse replied short "You could wait at the lobby and I can assure you that they will do everything to save her." She excused herself from the group and return to the nurse's station. The three goes back where Jade, Jamie and the twins are sitting. Leigh-anne sits beside her sister while Jesy sits beside Jamie who is looking at her.

She didn't wait for the green eyed girl to say something because by she looks at the twins and her says that her friend is not yet out of danger "Aunt Jesy, I want to see Mommy." Amelia said and stands in front of her crying "Amelia..."

"I want to see her please; promise I'll be good." Their hearts shatters and having a hard time how to explain to them what happened to their mother, Jade bit her lower lip knowing this is her fault. She stands up and kneel in front of the little girl.

"Amelia..." she said but before she can speak again, Louise stands in front of her blocking Amelia from her sight "Stay away... this is all your fault." The little boy said but trying his best to keep his tears at bay.

"Louise..." Jayson said and tries to pull away the boy but he stood there looking at Jade "You're not our mother and we don't want to see you ever again." Louise then turn around, pulls her sister towards Jamie and hug her while they both cry. Jesy and Leigh-anne look at each other, the latter then nods her head as Jesy goes to the twins and told them that they will go to the lobby.

"T-this is all my fault." Jade said as she looks down on the floor "Please Jade, don't blame yourself." Jamie said

"Perrie's in danger... If I just let her explain, this won't happen." She answered and look at the three "But no, my pride won't let me... I'm the one who left her... I'm the one who is afraid to have future with her because... because I thought, I won't be able to give the life she wanted."

Jayson help her to stand up and let her sit in between the two girls "Now... he's taking her away from me..." she then looks to Leigh-anne, Jamie and lastly to Jayson "I don't know what will I do if I lose her again..."

"You won't okay? Like what the nurse said, they are doing their best to save her and I know they will." Jayson answered "For now, all we do is wait and pray... not to lose hope." Jade nods her head weakly as Leigh-anne pulls her into a hug.

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