That someone

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Hi! Okay I know I've been neglecting my stories for quite some time now but I'll make a note of it that I'm going to update once in every two weeks... Hope you girls will understand... well here you go...

The sun rises as it rays touches the sand on the beach, Amelia who is looking for her brother found Louise sitting on the sand and staring at the sea. When she woke up, she didn't find him on the bed, the little boy's routine every morning is to sit and read books.

Sometimes, he'll sit next to the window and stare outside for a while. The little girl walks towards her brother and sit beside him. She doesn't need to ask if he's okay because missing his daily routine for the past 8 years makes her think that something is bothering her twin brother.

"Hey little brother, what's up?" Louise look at his twin sister and give her a small smile and that concludes Amelia's thinking "You okay?"

"Yes, just thinking." He answered and sigh a little bit "Care to tell me?" but her twin brother shakes his head.

"Come on, whatever is bothering you, you do know that you can tell it to me."

"I know but I'm not bothered by anything." Amelia lean a little closer to her brother, she wants to look straight into his eyes, Louise has this habit of always telling the truth and most of the times she's the one who always tells lies to their mother.

Louise then looks at her twin sister but immediately look away "Spill it." Amelia said.

The little boy let out a deep sigh, look at his sister first then to the river "I'm just... I'm just thinking what will happen to us after this vacation is over."

"Are you sure that's what you're thinking?" and Louise nods his head "I don't want this to end, Amelia. I want our family to be complete." The little girls there's more to that but she didn't push her brother to tell it to her.

She looks at the river too, yeah, they are just 8 years old, but they completely understand what's going on. Then tension they are seeing from their mothers, the real reason why Perrie doesn't want them to get involve with Jade and a lot of things.

"Our family will be complete, I know, and I believe in that." She answered her brother "How can you be so sure?"

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